8 research outputs found

    Explaining science: integrating science literacy into a research-based undergraduate program

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    Science literacy, which we define as the writing, reading and information research skills required to practice science, is a central component of the Integrated Science Program (iSci) at McMaster University. Concepts developed in the interactive, collaboratively-taught science literacy classes support the research projects that form the basis of learning in iSci. The aim of the science literacy component is to prepare the next generation of professional scientists to communicate not only within academia, but also to the wider community. In this presentation, we will describe the format of iSci and the role of science literacy within it. We shall then discuss the various activities and techniques used to introduce professional skills throughout the four-year program. iSci students gain experience in writing for audiences through two main conduits. One is a science blog: an on-going, individual, low-stakes writing practice activity. The other is a series of research project assessed deliverables: high-stakes, collaborative writing tasks. These take the form of oral presentations, posters, debates, abstracts, lab reports, and papers. Students are supported in developing writing skills (from research notes, through drafting, review, and editing) by feedback from instructors, dedicated TAs, and their peers. Information literacy skills, including source evaluation and information retrieval, are developed from the start of the Program. iSci has strong links to the University Library and students are introduced to primary literature early in the course. We report on results from the first two years of the science literacy initiative, and outline plans for further developments and evaluations

    Student Perceptions of Staged Transfer to Independent Research Skills During a Four-year Honours Science Undergraduate Program

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    We describe interim results of an ongoing longitudinal pedagogical study investigating the efficacy of the Honours Integrated Science Program (iSci). We describe the pedagogical methods we use to prompt research skill development in a model from instructor-dependence to independent original research. We also describe a tool we use to help students organise their group research during their first attempts. Finally, we discuss students’ perceptions of how well iSci develops their research skills. Our results show that students are attracted to the iSci program because of the opportunities for research-based learning and skills development. We also found that in-program students value research skill development as a tool for successful completion of their degree and for their future academic or career plans. We conclude that our study methods help identify areas where we can support our students by building their research confidence and, in particular, their time-management skills. Nous présentons une description des résultats intérimaires d’une étude pédagogique longitudinale qui vise à évaluer l’efficacité du programme spécialisé intégré de sciences (iSci). Nous faisons une description des méthodes pédagogiques que nous utilisons pour déclencher le développement des compétences en recherche au sein d’un modèle qui va de la recherche qui dépend de l’instructeur à la recherche indépendante originale. Nous décrivons également un outil que nous utilisons pour aider les étudiants à organiser leur recherche par groupe au cours de leurs premières tentatives. Pour finir, nous discutons les perceptions des étudiants sur la manière dont le programme iSci développe leurs compétences en recherche. Nos résultats indiquent que les étudiants sont attirés vers le programme iSci à cause des occasions d’apprentissage basé sur la recherche et de développement des compétences. Nous avons également remarqué que les étudiants inscrits au programme apprécient le développement de compétences en recherche en tant qu’outil qui leur servira à terminer leurs études et à obtenir leur diplôme, ou pour leurs projets de carrière, à l’avenir. En conclusion, nous déclarons que nos méthodes d’études aident à identifier les domaines où nous pouvons soutenir les étudiants en renforçant leur confiance en matière de recherche et, en particulier, leurs compétences en gestion du temps

    The Dilemma of Choosing a Reference Character for Measuring Sexual Size Dimorphism, Sexual Body Component Dimorphism, and Character Scaling: Cryptic Dimorphism and Allometry in the Scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis

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