32 research outputs found

    Elucidating the Role of Injury-Induced Electric Fields (EFs) in Regulating the Astrocytic Response to Injury in the Mammalian Central Nervous System

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    Injury to the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) induces astrocytes to change their morphology, to increase their rate of proliferation, and to display directional migration to the injury site, all to facilitate repair. These astrocytic responses to injury occur in a clear temporal sequence and, by their intensity and duration, can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on the repair of damaged CNS tissue. Studies on highly regenerative tissues in non-mammalian vertebrates have demonstrated that the intensity of direct-current extracellular electric fields (EFs) at the injury site, which are 50–100 fold greater than in uninjured tissue, represent a potent signal to drive tissue repair. In contrast, a 10-fold EF increase has been measured in many injured mammalian tissues where limited regeneration occurs. As the astrocytic response to CNS injury is crucial to the reparative outcome, we exposed purified rat cortical astrocytes to EF intensities associated with intact and injured mammalian tissues, as well as to those EF intensities measured in regenerating non-mammalian vertebrate tissues, to determine whether EFs may contribute to the astrocytic injury response. Astrocytes exposed to EF intensities associated with uninjured tissue showed little change in their cellular behavior. However, astrocytes exposed to EF intensities associated with injured tissue showed a dramatic increase in migration and proliferation. At EF intensities associated with regenerating non-mammalian vertebrate tissues, these cellular responses were even more robust and included morphological changes consistent with a regenerative phenotype. These findings suggest that endogenous EFs may be a crucial signal for regulating the astrocytic response to injury and that their manipulation may be a novel target for facilitating CNS repair

    Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study

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    Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article

    Endogenous bioelectric fields: a putative regulator of wound repair and regeneration in the central nervous system

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    Studies on a variety of highly regenerative tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS) in non-mammalian vertebrates, have consistently demonstrated that tissue damage induces the formation of an ionic current at the site of injury. These injury currents generate electric fields (EF) that are 100-fold increased in intensity over that measured for uninjured tissue. In vitro and in vivo experiments have convincingly demonstrated that these electric fields (by their orientation, intensity and duration) can drive the migration, proliferation and differentiation of a host of cell types. These cellular behaviors are all necessary to facilitate regeneration as blocking these EFs at the site of injury inhibits tissue repair while enhancing their intensity promotes repair. Consequently, injury-induced currents, and the EFs they produce, represent a potent and crucial signal to drive tissue regeneration and repair. In this review, we will discuss how injury currents are generated, how cells detect these currents and what cellular responses they can induce. Additionally, we will describe the growing evidence suggesting that EFs play a key role in regulating the cellular response to injury and may be a therapeutic target for inducing regeneration in the mammalian CNS

    Paths of astrocyte migration over the first 6 hours of EF exposure.

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    <p>These graphs demonstrate the different effect that each EF strength has on directional migration. Each line represents the path of migration of an individual cell, with the starting point normalized to the origin (center) of the graph (0, 0). The cathode (+) is at the top of the graph and the anode (-) is at the bottom of the graph. 30 cells from each EF strength were randomly selected to be included in this plot (including more than 30 cells makes it difficult to discern individual tracks). Cell migration paths were only plotted for cells that remained in the field of view throughout the first 6-hours of the experiment. X- and Y-axis units for the graph are in micrometers.</p

    Electric field exposure affects astrocyte migration speed.

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    <p>(A) Astrocyte migration speed is plotted over time, with mean speed measured every 15 minutes for 12 hours. (B) Effects of EF exposure on speed were assessed at each time point and 3 representative time points are shown corresponding to the start of the experiment (0 hours), and 30 minutes and 4 hours after EF onset. Mean speed was compared between EF strengths at each time point with a one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey-HSD post hoc comparison. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM. #<i>p</i> = 0.0509; *<i>p</i> < 0.05; **<i>p</i> < 0.01; ***<i>p</i> < 0.001.</p

    Electric field chamber.

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    <p>(A) An illustration of the electric field chamber, showing how it is connected to the circuit that creates the EF. The power supply drives a redox reaction at each of the electrodes, converting the electrical current into an ionic current through the electric field chamber with cations moving towards the cathode (negatively-charged electrode) and anions moving towards the anode (positively-charged electrode). (B) Enlarged view of the EF chamber, illustrating how specific EF are calculated and applied. EF magnitude is calculated with the formula <i>E = ρI/A</i>. Varying the cross-sectional area of the EF chamber (using coverslips of different thicknesses (h) and changing the distance between them (w)) and the magnitude of the applied currents creates different EF strengths.</p

    EFs induce directional migration.

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    <p>Astrocytes preferentially migrate towards the anode of an applied EF of 40 or 400 mV/mm. The direction of migration was measured for each cell every 15 minutes over 12 hours relative to the anode (A) and cathode (C) of the applied EF and plotted, with each dot representing the direction of migration of a single cell at each time point. The x-axis is double-plotted for each EF strength to help visualize the directionality. The random direction of cell movement in 0 and 4 mV/mm is visually displayed by the even distribution of data points along the x-axis. Directional migration towards the anode emerges in cells exposed to 40 mV/mm after 1.5 hours. 400 mV/mm induces anodally-directed migration after 30 minutes, which is more concentrated (greater concentration parameter, Îș) towards the anode than it is for cells exposed to 40 mV/mm as visually indicated by the stronger clustering of cell directions towards the anode. If the polarity of the 400 mV/mm EF is reversed after 6 hours (panel labeled 400(R) mV/mm, time when current was reversed is indicated with the dashed line), cells reorient to the new EF vector over the following 2 hours.</p

    Flow chart outlining study methodology.

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    <p>Astrocytes were exposed to 0, 4, 40, or 400 mV/mm. The time points used for each behavioral endpoint are indicated. The number of cultures exposed to each EF intensity at each time point is indicated for each behavioral endpoint.</p