20 research outputs found

    Il territorio raccontato: la valorizzazione dei ‘luoghi’ di Ignazio Silone come elemento propulsivo di circuiti geoturistici autosostenibili

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    Literary routes inspired by landscapes can become key elements for a self-sustainable development, they illuminating the collective memory, encouraging grassroots processes of self-organisation, and highlighting the relationships between the growth of place consciousness and the enhancement of local patrimonial resources. A significant experience is “Sentiero Silone”, an excursionist itinerary created in the Sirente-Velino Park in 2015, which links the places described by Ignazio Silone and identified through oral interviews with local communities. Silone’s writings give the elements of landscape with symbolic connotations and social meanings, allowing for a dynamic approach to the economic and social-cultural reality of the past; they integrate written sources, archaeological evidences and environmental indicators outlining the various landscapes in their historical depth. and allowing visitors to build a tangible sensorial experience in situ following the author’s life and his novels’ plots. In the Park sustainable tourism and a holistic reading of territories are expressed in various thematic itineraries with the possibility of intersections, to offer a global overview of how an environment can turn into a territory. Literary representation is one of the guidelines to review and interpret landscapes, in order to define the relationships between the past and the present and to propose future scenarios apt to integrate research, innovation and sustainability

    Ecomusei e geoturismo nell’Abruzzo montano: dalle esperienze locali a una progettazione allargata

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    Abruzzo is marked by a great geodiversity, a high percentage of mountain areas and a rich fauna and flora, features which led to the establishment of numerous natural parks and reserves throughout the region. Ecomuseums live in close symbiosis with these areas, and ease the fruition of such complex institutions. An example is the Majella National Park, which includes the Ecomuseum of the Western Majella and the Ecomuseum at the Paleolithic site of the Giumentina Valley: the former a district with its own specificities, the latter with a main thematic, ethno-graphic and historical-archaeological focus. This structure promotes a global approach to territories, a variety of educational offers, opening a wide space to research, and a variety of high-quality geo-tourism proposals. Sustainable tourism and a holistic reading of territories are expressed in various thematic projects aimed at protecting biodiversity, restoring and enhancing disused buildings, defining thematic itineraries suitable for a multi-level fruition. Integrated into national and European networks, natural parks and ecomuseums work in partnership with institutions and foundations on a regular base; this entrepreneurship, though, often sided by self-organised bottom-up processes, does not exclude but rather encourages participation in the local communities which, cooperating with institution and regaining a place consciousness, can play a proactive role in self-sustainable development.Il territorio abruzzese si caratterizza per una notevole geodiversità, l’alta percentuale di spazi montani e un ricco patrimonio faunistico e vegetale: fattori che hanno determinato l’istituzione di numerosi parchi e riserve naturali. Gli ecomusei vivono in stretta simbiosi con queste aree e rendono meglio fruibili istituzioni di per sé complesse. Esemplificativo è il caso del Parco nazionale della Majella, che comprende l’Ecomuseo della Maiella occidentale e l’Ecomuseo della Valle Giumentina o del Paleolitico: il primo un distretto con sue proprie specificità, il secondo di carattere tematico, etnografico e storico-archeologico. Questa articolazione promuove l’approccio globale al territorio, la varietà delle proposte formative, l’ampio spazio alla ricerca, la varietà e qualità dell’offerta geoturistica. Turismo sostenibile e lettura olistica del territorio si esplicano in numerosi progetti, volti a preservare la biodiversità, recuperare e valorizzare strutture dismesse, costruire itinerari tematici adatti a una fruizione multilivello. Parchi naturali ed ecomusei abruzzesi, inseriti in reti nazionali ed europee, stipulano convenzioni con Enti e fondazioni; ma questa imprenditorialità si accompagna a processi di auto-organizzazione ‘dal basso’ e non esclude, anzi favorisce, la partecipazione delle comunità che vivono il territorio e che, cooperando con le istituzioni e riappropriandosi di una coscienza di luogo, svolgono un ruolo propulsivo per uno sviluppo autosostenibile

    Tra archeologia della complessitĂ  e archeologia dei paesaggi

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    An historic landscape is a systemic construction in progress, created by various elements such as infrastructures (roads, fluvial network), settlements, fortifications, production sites, ideological and cultural places. In order to investigate it, we must adopt a diachronic, complex and relational approach. Written sources, archaeological evidences and environmental indicators contribute towards outlining the various landscapes in their qualifying aspects and in their historical depth. In the last ten years we have efficiently carried out some research projects applying innovative methodologies and techniques, like the airborne laser scanning (LiDAR). GIS and WebGIS platforms allow for the control of the diachronic and synchronic relations between the different objects and favour a continuous increase in knowledge; they also allow for a multiple-perspective analysis and for a dynamic approach to the economic and social-cultural reality of the past. This holistic approach to the territory also promotes the variety of educational offers and the high-quality of geo-touristic proposals through thematic itineraries and summer schools. Sustainability and holistic reading are expressed in projects aimed at recovering the autochthonous genetic agricultural resources, at restoring disused structures, at enhancing traditional know-hows and ancient crafts. These initiatives involve local communities and encourage them to discover their own heritage and to play a crucial role in self-sustainable development

    Paesaggi storici agro-silvo-pastorali nell’Abruzzo interno: dall’analisi multidisciplinare al recupero delle identità culturali locali / Historical agricultural, forest and pastoral landscapes in the inner Abruzzo: from a multidisciplinary analysis to the recovery of local identities

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    Il contributo illustra i primi risultati di una ricerca avviata nel massiccio della Majella, finalizzata a identificare paesaggi agro-silvo-pastorali fossili e a chiarire le relazioni tra la pastorizia e le altre forme dell’economia montana locale (agricoltura stagionale, sfruttamento delle risorse boschive, cava e lavorazione della pietra etc.). Fonti scritte, reperti archeologici e indicatori materiali (l’articolazione dei tratturi e dei sentieri minori, le grotte e i ripari sottoroccia, i complessi agro-pastorali, le scritte dei pastori) contribuiscono a delineare il paesaggio pastorale nei suoi elementi qualificanti e nel suo spessore storico, dalla preistoria all’età moderna. Nelle regioni appenniniche il pastoralismo è una complessa strategia produttiva che si esplica principalmente secondo due distinte modalità: transumanza a lungo raggio e spostamenti stagionali da monte a valle e viceversa (“monticazione”). La pastorizia per la fertilità del terreno e per la posizione riparata, o in campi aperti. Queste attività hanno lasciato tracce che possono essere identifi cate usando la remote sensing analysis e adottando un approccio etnoarcheologico. La ricerca, oltre ad affrontare questioni metodologiche, si propone di definire il concetto di marginalità generalmente attribuito alla montagna. I condizionamenti ambientali hanno determinato forme di adattamento che si sono tradotte in positive integrazioni economiche per lo sviluppo del territorio.The paper presents the first results of a study initiated in the Majella massif which aims to identify fossil agro-forestry-pastoral landscapes and to clarify the relationship between grazing and the other forms of the local mountain economy (subsistence farming, exploitation of wooden resources, quarrying and stone working etc). Written sources, archaeological evidences and material indicators (the articulation of sheep tracks and minor paths, caves and rock shelters, agro-pastoral complexes, the writings of shepherds) contribute towards outlining the pastoral landscape in its qualifying aspects and in its historical depth, from prehistory to the modern age. In the Apennines Mountains pastoral farming is a complex production strategy which is expressed in two different ways: long range transhumance and vertical shifts (“monticazione”). Pastoralism has been often paired with seasonal agricultural practices implemented in small areas, selected for their soil fertility and sheltered position, or in open fields. These activities left traces that may be identified using remote sensing analysis and applying an ethnoarchaeological approach. This piece of research, in addition to addressing methodological issues, aims to define the concept of marginality generally attributed to the mountain. Environmental conditioning has determined forms of adaptation which have given rise to economic integrations that have proved to be positive for the development of the territory

    Le identitĂ  di un territorio tormentato. Luoghi, itinerari, paesaggi della Marsica negli scritti di Ignazio Silone-The identities of the rough territory of Marsica. Places, itineraries, landscapes in Ignazio Silone's writings

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     Il territorio marsicano è al centro della produzione letteraria di Ignazio Silone che, in linea con la propria ideologia, riveste di connotati simbolici e di significati sociali gli elementi del paesaggio: la montagna conquistata a un'agricoltura di sussistenza, la piana creata in seguito al prosciugamento del lago del Fucino negli ultimi decenni dell'Ottocento e destinata a una fiorente attività agricola, i borghi cresciuti alle pendici dei monti e ai margini del lago scomparso, le città culturalmente lontane. Gli scritti di Silone possono diventare elementi chiave per lo sviluppo di un turismo sostenibile: nel 2015 è stato inaugurato un itinerario escursionistico, il Sentiero Silone, che unisce luoghi descritti da Silone e identificati sul territorio tramite interviste alle comunità locali e verifiche sul campo. Obiettivo del mio lavoro è analizzare il "territorio siloniano" nelle sue varie identità: la rappresentazione letteraria fungerà da linea guida per ripercorrere e interpretare i paesaggi adottando un approccio multidisciplinare, con la finalità di stabilire relazioni tra il passato e il presente e di prospettare future scenari che integrino ricerca, innovazione, sostenibilità.  The Marsica territory is at the centre of Ignazio Silone's writings. In line with his own ideology, Silone covers the elements of the landscapes he describes with symbolic connotations and social meanings: the mountain overtaken by a subsistence agriculture, the plain created by draining the Fucino Lake in the last decades of the nineteenth century and converted to a thriving agricultural activity, the villages grown up along the mountains’ edge and on the perimeter of the former lake, and the culturally distant towns. His writings can become key elements for a sustainable development of tourism: in 2015 an excursionist itinerary, called Sentiero Silone, was opened to link the places described by the writer and identified through oral interviews with local communities and field surveys. The purpose of my research is to analyze Silone's “places" and their various identities: the literary representation will be the guideline to review and interpret the landscapes, applying a multidisciplinary approach in order to define the relationships between the past and the present, and to propose future scenarios that integrate research, innovation, and sustainability.

    Community heritage and heritage community. Participatory models of cultural and natural heritage management in some inner areas of the Abruzzo region

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how research projects involving communities and stakeholders can achieve a deeper understanding of natural and cultural landscapes and provide key elements for self-sustainable territorial development. These strategies find a fertile field for action in the fragile areas, which require restoration works in order to be reconverted into resources, within the framework of a global territorial development plan. This paper focuses on some inner Abruzzo areas that are disadvantaged by marginalization and depopulation. The strong naturalistic imprint of the region has led to the establishment of many parks and ecomuseums; some of them are included within national and European networks and act in partnership with institutions and foundations on a regular basis. This entrepreneurship does not exclude, but rather encourages the contribution of local communities. Inhabitants and other stakeholders cooperate with institutions and play a proactive role in the enhancement of the territory and in the production of social wealth.Lo scopo di questo studio è analizzare come i progetti di ricerca che coinvolgono comunità e stakeholderspossano raggiungere una comprensione più profonda dei paesaggi naturali e culturali e possano fornire elementi chiave per lo sviluppo autosostenibile del territorio. Queste strategie trovano un fertile campo d’azione nelle aree fragili, che richiedono interventi di ripristino e valorizzazione delle risorse nell’ambito di un piano di sviluppo globale del territorio. L’articolo si focalizza su alcune aree dell’Abruzzo interno, penalizzate dalla marginalizzazione e dall’abbandono. La forte impronta naturalistica della regione ha determinato l’istituzione di numerosi parchi ed ecomusei, alcuni dei quali sono inseriti in networks nazionali ed europei e operano in partenariato con istituzioni e fondazioni. Questa imprenditorialità non esclude, anzi stimola, il contributo delle comunità locali che cooperano con le istituzioni e svolgono un ruolo propulsivo per la valorizzazione del territorio e per la produzione di ricchezza sociale.

    Spleen Stiffness

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    L'aerofotointerpretazione come strumento di lettura del paesaggio antico: possibilit\ue0 applicative in area alpina. L'esperienza delle Giudicarie

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    L'aerofotointerpretazione integrata con ricognizioni sul terreno, analisi stratigrafica delle architetture conservate in alzato consente un prima sintesi sull'evoluzione di un territorio alpino tra tarda antichit\ue0 e altomedioevo

    Testicular germ-cell tumours and penile squamous cell carcinoma: Appropriate management makes the difference

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    Germ-cell tumours (GCT) of the testis and penile squamous cell carcinoma (PeSCC) are a rare and a very rare uro-genital cancers, respectively. Both tumours are well defined entities in terms of management, where specific recommendations - in the form of continuously up-to-dated guide lines-are provided. Impact of these tumour is relevant. Testicular GCT affects young, healthy men at the beginning of their adult life. PeSCC affects older men, but a proportion of these patients are young and the personal consequences of the disease may be devastating. Deviation from recommended management may be a reason of a significant prognostic worsening, as proper treatment favourably impacts on these tumours, dramatically on GCT and significantly on PeSCC. RARECAREnet data may permit to analyse how survivals may vary according to geographical areas, histology and age, leading to assume that non-homogeneous health-care resources may impact the cure and definitive outcomes. In support of this hypothesis, some epidemiologic datasets and clinical findings would indicate that survival may improve when appropriate treatments are delivered, linked to a different accessibility to the best health institutions, as a consequence of geographical, cultural and economic barriers. Finally, strong clues based on epidemiological and clinical data support the hypothesis that treatment delivered at reference centres or under the aegis of a qualified multi-institutional network is associated with a better prognosis of patients with these malignancies. The ERN EURACAN represents the best current European effort to answer this clinical need