40 research outputs found

    Participacija i profesionalizam u radu na javnim politikama: pitanja za zemlje u tranziciji

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    The emergence of ā€˜policy analysisā€™ as a skilled occupation in the governmental process raised questions about the significance of this work for democratic control in government, and the relationship between the discourses of elected leadership, expert policy analysis, and public norms and understandings, in the construction of policy. The questions are even more acute in the ā€˜transitional politiesā€™ of Eastern Europe, where the norms of democratic accountability are less well established, but the rules of the game are ā€˜under reconstructionā€™. This paper reviews the way the themes of professionalism and participation relate to policy work in transitional polities, the tensions that policy workers face, and the way that the diverse discourses available are mobilized in the discursive construction of policy and policy work.Pojava analize javnih politika kao kvalificiranog zanimanja u procesu vladanja otvorila je pitanja o važnosti te vrste posla za demokratsku kontrolu vlasti, te o odnosu između diskursa izabranih vođa, profesionalnih analitičara politika i javnih normi i razumijevanja u konstrukciji javnih politika. Ta su pitanja joÅ” istaknutija u ā€˜tranzicijskim političkim sustavimaā€™ Istočne Europe, gdje su norme demokratske odgovornosti manje uspostavljene, a pravila igre su u izgradnji. Ovaj rad razmatra u kojem su odnosu teme profesionalizma i participacije s radom na javnim politikama u zemljama u tranziciji, zatim napetosti s kojima se suočavaju oni koji rade na javnih politikama, te na koji se način različiti dostupni diskursi mobiliziraju u diskurzivnoj konstrukciji javnih politika i rada na javnim politikama

    Challenge and Development: The Emerging Understanding of Policy Work

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    Two themes have traversed the academic and practitioner literatures on policy and policy analysis: the search for a sophisticated technology of choice in the paradigm of instrumental rationality, and a ā€˜puzzlingā€™ about the relationship of this technology to practice. A great deal of conceptual development has emerged from the tension between these two themes. There has been a re-thinking of the nature of the actors in the policy process, of the significance of the organizational forms within which they are located, and of the way in which they engage with policy problems. There has been an increasing realization that while concepts of hierarchical authority and instrumental rationality are very significant in the policy process, they are inadequate as descriptions of that process, and that attention has to be given to the place of interpretation in the construction of policy. In this context, there has been a focus on the agency of the participants, and the way that policy activity has become a form of specialized and interactive practice, going well beyond classical formulations of ā€˜policy analysisā€™. This paper reviews the way in which this conceptual development has enabled a more complex and more informative analysis of the policy process, and the place of ā€˜policy analysisā€™ as part of this process

    Policy and Governing: Basic Approaches

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    Pojam policy srediÅ”nji je pojam u praksi, jednako kao i u analizi javnog upravljanja, no rijetko kad je predmet velike teorijske pozornosti. On čini dio pretpostavljenoga svijeta stvari u kojem se neupitno pretpostavlja da je javno upravljanje koherentan, hijerarhijski i instrumentaliziran proces, a da je policy oblik izbora na temelju vlasti. Takvo predstavljanje upravljanja predmet je empirijskih i teorijskih kritika u kojima se vladavina u mnogo većoj mjeri prikazuje kao oblik strukturirane interakcije. No te kritike ne uspijevaju potkopati snagu dominantnoga prikaza policyja kao izbora na temelju vlasti. Stoga je srediÅ”nje pitanje analize i prakse javnih politika pitanje odnosa tih dvaju suprotstavljenih prikaza. Za policy se tvrdi da kao polje proučavanja pripada političkoj znanosti, no u njegovu proučavanju ona se nadmeće s ekonomijom. Različiti dijelovi ekonomije i političke znanosti mobiliziraju se u analizi politika, pri čemu svaka od tih znanosti daje specifi čan doprinos oblikovanju analize procesa policyja. Instrumentalizirano oblikovanje policyja i njegove evaluacije dominantan su oblik glavnoga tijeka američkoga pristupa literaturi o policyju, no taj se pristup dovodi u pitanje sve većim usmjeravanjem pozornosti na specifičnosti organizacije i na tumačenje značenja pojma policy. Objedinjavanje takvih različitih pristupa u jedan zajednički pristup osnažuje analizu politika, no istodobno zahtijeva preispitivanje pretpostavki o mjestu javnih politika u procesu upravljanja.The concept of policy is a central element in both the practice and the analysis of governing, but it is rarely subject to much theoretical scrutiny. It forms part of an assumptive world in which it is taken for granted that governing is a coherent, hierarchical and instrumental process, and that policy is a pattern of authorised choice. This presentation of governing is subject to both empirical and theoretical critiques, which present government rather in terms of structured interaction. But these critiques do not appear to undermine the force of the dominant presentation of policy as authorised choice, and the central question for both the analysis and the practice of policy is the relationship between these confl icting presentations. Policy has been claimed as a fi eld of study for political science, but this has been contested by economics, and various elements of both economics and political science are mobilised in the analysis of policy, each contributing to a particular framing of the policy process. Instrumental framings of policy and its evaluation have dominated the American mainstream in the policy literature, but have been challenged by an increasing focus on organization and interpretation. Drawing these strands together in an institutional framework strengthens the analysis, but calls for a reconsideration of assumptions about the place of policy in the process of governing


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    Autor objaÅ”njava policy pristup vladavini i ističe kako ā€˜policyā€™ označava samo jedan od mnogobrojnih načina razumijevanja vladavine. Karakteristično za policy je razumijevanje vladavine kao svjesnog upravljanja zajedničkim problemima. Međutim, i unutar policy perspektive autor razlikuje tri tumačenja policyja: tumačenja kroz autoritativne odluke, strukturiranu interakciju i druÅ”tvenu konstrukciju. Na kraju zaključuje kako se sva tri tumačenja kreativno nadopunjuju pri razumijevanju vladavinskog procesa.The author explains the policy account of government and points out that policy is only one of the many possible accounts of the process of government. The policy perspective is characterised by an understanding of government as a more or less conscious attempt to manage collective problems. Still, even inside the policy camp, there are three different accounts of policy: authoritative choice, structured interaction and social construction. The author concludes that the three accounts are complementary and useful for understanding the process of government

    Javne politike i policy analiza:modeli, kultura i praksa

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    Usmjerenost na policy kao ključni pojam u analizi učinaka vlade ima svoje izvoriÅ”te u anglosaksonskim sustavima predstavničke vlasti. Neke od ključnih kulturoloÅ”kih normi tog oblika vlasti, koje uključuju suprotstavljenost pozicija, hijerarhiju i izbor, temelj su znatnogbroja radova o javnim politikama, koje se obično određuju kao proces izbora legitimnih i odgovornih dužnosnika vlasti. Postoji, međutim, i diskurs koji je tome suprotstavljen, kojim se naglaÅ”avaju ograničenja vlasti zasnovane na hijerarhiji, a na policy se prije svega gleda kao na strukturiranu interakciju. Ta dva suprotstavljena stava u međusobnu su odnosu i ne može ih se razmatrati posve odvojeno. Može se, međutim, reći da s obzirom na odnos dvaju pristupa postoje značajne razlike između anglosaksonskih sustava i sustava koji postoje u ostalim zemljama zapadne Europe. Time se ujedno postavlja i pitanje o značenju policyja i javnih politika u ostalim političkim sustavima, primjerice u jugoistočnoj Aziji ili u bivÅ”im socijalističkim zemljama istočne Europe

    Bridging rhetoric and practice: new perspectives on barriers to gendered change

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    Contains fulltext : 167537.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)This article presents a new methodology, Gender Knowledge Contestation Analysis, and uses it to examine the processes under way when transformative gender equality policies, such as gender mainstreaming are implemented. Drawing on data gathered in the European Commission, the findings show the processes linking high-level rhetorical policy statements, strategic policies, and daily working practices. This analysis enables exploration of the mechanisms through which indifference to and nonawareness of gendered policy problems are collectively constituted and methods through which they can be challenged. Findings thus deepen our understanding of barriers to the implementation of gender mainstreaming and the steps required for its effective implementation.20 juli 201

    New Light on Katharine Susannah Prichard

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    Policy work as a reform project

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    One aspect of the modernization of liberal government in the late 20th century was an increased attention to policy, both as a concept for interrogating government, and as the basis for organizing work within government, leading to the development of ā€˜policy analysisā€™ as a decision tool. This paper reviews the development of specialised forms of ā€˜policy workā€™ in liberal western political systems in order to establish what can be learned by other sorts of polity, and in particular, the transitional states of Eastern Europe. It discusses the multiple and overlapping accounts of policy that are in use, and the implications that these have for the nature of policy work. It points out that policy work takes place in multiple locations where a diversity of rationales may apply, and discusses the implications of this analysis for the place of policy work in the modernization of government