32,022 research outputs found

    Child Abuse Reporting: Rethinking Child Protection

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    The general public has been bewildered by the magnitude of sex abuse cases and the widespread failure by pillars of the community to notify appropriate authorities. The crime of sexually abusing children is punishable in all jurisdictions and this article examines the duty to report suspected cases by individuals in positions of trust over young people, such as in the church or university sports. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) defines child maltreatment as an act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caregiver that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, and establishes minimum federal standards. Each state has its own definitions of maltreatment and every state identifies persons who are required to report child abuse. As such, state law is highly variable in defining who has a mandatory duty to report, and clergy and other individuals in close supervision of children (e.g., athletic coaches, scout leaders, volunteers in religious programs, and university officials) may necessarily hold such duty. The article outlines why there are strong moral reasons the law should require all adults in close supervision of children to report any individual who they have good reason to believe has abused a child and moreover outlines how to ensure prompt reporting of abuse, while still ensuring that respected individuals are not falsely accused

    Dirty Recycling: Auto Salvage and Its Potential Impacts on Marginalized Populations

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    The salvage yard represents the final waypoint in the cradle-to-grave cycle of the automobile. Residual amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and acids used in automobiles can be extremely harmful to human health and the environment if not managed correctly. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which minority populations were exposed to the hazards of the auto salvage industry. Census data for population, income, race/ethnicity, sex, and age were organized using ArcGIS software. Population demographics were analyzed in the areas surrounding 98 auto salvage yards found in Philadelphia and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia County, the results showed that low-income minorities, females, and 65+ individuals are over represented groups near auto salvage yards. Conversely, Adams County showed few spatial relationships in demographic distribution. Our findings suggest that in urban counties, such as Philadelphia, depressed property values have resulted in a large percentage of below average income minorities inhabiting areas in close proximity to auto salvage yards. On the other hand, auto salvage yards in rural areas, such as Adams County, do not appear to have the same effect because population density and racial diversity are much lower

    Sensing of Fluctuating Nanoscale Magnetic Fields Using NV Centres in Diamond

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    New magnetometry techniques based on Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defects in diamond allow for the imaging of static (DC) and oscillatory (AC) nanoscopic magnetic systems. However, these techniques require accurate knowledge and control of the sample dynamics, and are thus limited in their ability to image fields arising from rapidly fluctuating (FC) environments. We show here that FC fields place restrictions on the DC field sensitivity of an NV qubit magnetometer, and that by probing the dephasing rate of the qubit in a magnetic FC environment, we are able to measure fluctuation rates and RMS field strengths that would be otherwise inaccessible with the use of DC and AC magnetometry techniques. FC sensitivities are shown to be comparable to those of AC fields, whilst requiring no additional experimental overheads or control over the sample.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Beyond capitalism and liberal democracy: on the relevance of GDH Cole’s sociological critique and alternative

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    This article argues for a return to the social thought of the often ignored early 20th-century English thinker GDH Cole. The authors contend that Cole combined a sociological critique of capitalism and liberal democracy with a well-developed alternative in his work on guild socialism bearing particular relevance to advanced capitalist societies. Both of these, with their focus on the limitations on ‘free communal service’ in associations and the inability of capitalism to yield emancipation in either production or consumption, are relevant to social theorists looking to understand, critique and contribute to the subversion of neoliberalism. Therefore, the authors suggest that Cole’s associational sociology, and the invitation it provides to think of formations beyond capitalism and liberal democracy, is a timely and valuable resource which should be returned to

    Radial Redshift Space Distortions

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    The radial component of the peculiar velocities of galaxies cause displacements in their positions in redshift space. We study the effect of the peculiar velocities on the linear redshift space two point correlation function. Our analysis takes into account the radial nature of the redshift space distortions and it highlights the limitations of the plane parallel approximation. We consider the problem of determining the value of \beta and the real space two point correlation function from the linear redshift space two point correlation function. The inversion method proposed here takes into account the radial nature of the redshift space distortions and can be applied to magnitude limited redshift surveys that have only partial sky coverage.Comment: 26 pages including 11 figures, to appear in Ap

    Soliton crystals in Kerr resonators

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    Strongly interacting solitons confined to an optical resonator would offer unique capabilities for experiments in communication, computation, and sensing with light. Here we report on the discovery of soliton crystals in monolithic Kerr microresonators-spontaneously and collectively ordered ensembles of co-propagating solitons whose interactions discretize their allowed temporal separations. We unambiguously identify and characterize soliton crystals through analysis of their 'fingerprint' optical spectra, which arise from spectral interference between the solitons. We identify a rich space of soliton crystals exhibiting crystallographic defects, and time-domain measurements directly confirm our inference of their crystal structure. The crystallization we observe is explained by long-range soliton interactions mediated by resonator mode degeneracies, and we probe the qualitative difference between soliton crystals and a soliton liquid that forms in the absence of these interactions. Our work explores the rich physics of monolithic Kerr resonators in a new regime of dense soliton occupation and offers a way to greatly increase the efficiency of Kerr combs; further, the extreme degeneracy of the configuration space of soliton crystals suggests an implementation for a robust on-chip optical buffer

    Self-referencing a continuous-wave laser with electro-optic modulation

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    We phase-coherently measure the frequency of continuous-wave (CW) laser light by use of optical-phase modulation and f-2f nonlinear interferometry. Periodic electro-optic modulation (EOM) transforms the CW laser into a continuous train of picosecond optical pulses. Subsequent nonlinear-fiber broadening of this EOM frequency comb produces a supercontinuum with 160 THz of bandwidth. A critical intermediate step is optical filtering of the EOM comb to reduce electronic-noise-induced decoherence of the supercontinuum. Applying f-2f self-referencing with the supercontinuum yields the carrier-envelope offset frequency of the EOM comb, which is precisely the difference of the CW laser frequency and an exact integer multiple of the EOM pulse repetition rate. Here we demonstrate absolute optical frequency metrology and synthesis applications of the self-referenced CW laser with <5E-14 fractional accuracy and stability.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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