16 research outputs found

    A Terahertz VRT spectrometer employing quantum cascade lasers

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    Insight into the extraction mechanism of polymeric ionic liquid sorbent coatings in solid-phase microextraction

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    An investigation into the mechanism of extraction for polymeric ionic liquid (PIL)-based solid phase microextraction sorbent coatings is described. Four PIL-based coatings, namely, a poly(1-4-vinylbenzyl)-3-hexadecylimidazolium bisKtrifluoromethyl)sulfonyl] imide (poly([VBHDIM][NTf2])) PIL produced through 2,2'-azo-bis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) initiated free-radical polymerization, a UV-initiated poly(1-vinyl-3-hexylimidazolium) chloride (poly([VHIM][Cl]))PIL, and two crosslinked PILs containing the same IL monomers copolymerized with dicationic IL crosslinkers, were investigated. Calibration curves of 1-octanol were plotted in the presence of naphthalene, a model interfering compound, to observe changes in the linear range, sensitivity, and amount of analytes extracted. Results were compared with a polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) coating and a polyacrylate (PA) coating which are known to extract analytes primarily through adsorption and partitioning mechanisms, respectively. All PIL-based coatings extracted analytes via a non-competitive partitioning mechanism regardless of the extent of crosslinking. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1298146151Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program in the Division of ChemistrySeparation and Purification Processes Program in the Chemical, Environmental, Bioengineering, and Transport Systems Division from the National Science Foundation [CHE-0748612]Separation and Purification Processes Program in the Chemical, Environmental, Bioengineering, and Transport Systems Division from the National Science Foundation [CHE-0748612