19 research outputs found

    Production and Titering of Recombinant Adeno-associated Viral Vectors

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    In recent years recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) have become increasingly valuable for in vivo studies in animals, and are also currently being tested in human clinical trials. Wild-type AAV is a non-pathogenic member of the parvoviridae family and inherently replication-deficient. The broad transduction profile, low immune response as well as the strong and persistent transgene expression achieved with these vectors has made them a popular and versatile tool for in vitro and in vivo gene delivery. rAAVs can be easily and cheaply produced in the laboratory and, based on their favourable safety profile, are generally given a low safety classification. Here, we describe a method for the production and titering of chimeric rAAVs containing the capsid proteins of both AAV1 and AAV2. The use of these so-called chimeric vectors combines the benefits of both parental serotypes such as high titres stocks (AAV1) and purification by affinity chromatography (AAV2). These AAV serotypes are the best studied of all AAV serotypes, and individually have a broad infectivity pattern. The chimeric vectors described here should have the infectious properties of AAV1 and AAV2 and can thus be expected to infect a large range of tissues, including neurons, skeletal muscle, pancreas, kidney among others. The method described here uses heparin column purification, a method believed to give a higher viral titer and cleaner viral preparation than other purification methods, such as centrifugation through a caesium chloride gradient. Additionally, we describe how these vectors can be quickly and easily titered to give accurate reading of the number of infectious particles produced

    Parvalbumin-positive interneurons of the prefrontal cortex support working memory and cognitive flexibility

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    We were supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/H001123/1 (P.W.), the Medical Research Council grants G0601498 and G1100546/2 (P.W.), Tenovus Scotland Grant G09/17 (A.J.M.) and the University of Aberdeen (P.W.). We thank O. TĂŒscher for discussion, P. Teismann and the microscopy core facility at the University of Aberdeen for the use of microscopy equipment, L. Strachan, A. Plano, S. Deiana for help with behavioral testing.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Myelination of neuronal cell bodies when myelin supply exceeds axonal demand

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    The correct targeting of myelin is essential for nervous system formation and function. Oligodendrocytes in the CNS myelinate some axons, but not others, and do not myelinate structures including cell bodies and dendrites [1]. Recent studies indicate that extrinsic signals, such as neuronal activity [2, 3] and cell adhesion molecules [4], can bias myelination toward some axons and away from cell bodies and dendrites, indicating that, in vivo, neuronal and axonal cues regulate myelin targeting. In vitro, however, oligodendrocytes have an intrinsic propensity to myelinate [5-7] and can promiscuously wrap inert synthetic structures resembling neuronal processes [8, 9] or cell bodies [4]. A current therapeutic goal for the treatment of demyelinating diseases is to greatly promote oligodendrogenesis [10-13]; thus, it is important to test how accurately extrinsic signals regulate the oligodendrocyte's intrinsic program of myelination in vivo. Here, we test the hypothesis that neurons regulate myelination with sufficient stringency to always ensure correct targeting. Surprisingly, however, we find that myelin targeting in vivo is not very stringent and that mistargeting occurs readily when oligodendrocyte and myelin supply exceed axonal demand. We find that myelin is mistargeted to neuronal cell bodies in zebrafish mutants with fewer axons and independently in drug-treated zebrafish with increased oligodendrogenesis. Additionally, by increasing myelin production of oligodendrocytes in zebrafish and mice, we find that excess myelin is also inappropriately targeted to cell bodies. Our results suggest that balancing oligodendrocyte-intrinsic programs of myelin supply with axonal demand is essential for correct myelin targeting in vivo and highlight potential liabilities of strongly promoting oligodendrogenesis

    Robotic milking technologies and renegotiating situated ethical relationships on UK dairy farms

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    Robotic or automatic milking systems (AMS) are novel technologies that take over the labor of dairy farming and reduce the need for human-animal interactions. Because robotic milking involves the replacement of 'conventional' twice-a-day milking managed by people with a system that supposedly allows cows the freedom to be milked automatically whenever they choose, some claim robotic milking has health and welfare benefits for cows, increases productivity, and has lifestyle advantages for dairy farmers. This paper examines how established ethical relations on dairy farms are unsettled by the intervention of a radically different technology such as AMS. The renegotiation of ethical relationships is thus an important dimension of how the actors involved are re-assembled around a new technology. The paper draws on in-depth research on UK dairy farms comparing those using conventional milking technologies with those using AMS. We explore the situated ethical relations that are negotiated in practice, focusing on the contingent and complex nature of human-animal-technology interactions. We show that ethical relations are situated and emergent, and that as the identities, roles, and subjectivities of humans and animals are unsettled through the intervention of a new technology, the ethical relations also shift. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    WHO global research priorities for antimicrobial resistance in human health

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    The WHO research agenda for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human health has identified 40 research priorities to be addressed by the year 2030. These priorities focus on bacterial and fungal pathogens of crucial importance in addressing AMR, including drug-resistant pathogens causing tuberculosis. These research priorities encompass the entire people-centred journey, covering prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of antimicrobial-resistant infections, in addition to addressing the overarching knowledge gaps in AMR epidemiology, burden and drivers, policies and regulations, and awareness and education. The research priorities were identified through a multistage process, starting with a comprehensive scoping review of knowledge gaps, with expert inputs gathered through a survey and open call. The priority setting involved a rigorous modified Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative approach, ensuring global representation and applicability of the findings. The ultimate goal of this research agenda is to encourage research and investment in the generation of evidence to better understand AMR dynamics and facilitate policy translation for reducing the burden and consequences of AMR