247 research outputs found

    Reports of Brazilian federal meat inspection system in swine slaughterhouses.

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    Abstract In the last decades the pig production improvement had impacted on zoonotic profile attributed to pork. This fact has created a need to modernize the meat inspection system traditionally applied, driving the focus to risks that really threaten food safety nowadays. This modernization is a trend in meat producer countries and European Union is ahead in this process. In this way, Brazil is assessing the new systems and building an own proposal which has been conducted under a national project linked by many coordinated actions. The first step of this work is to analyze the data of current inspection system. Then, the aim of this study is to evaluate the carcasses and viscera disposition reported by Brazilian Federal Meat Inspection. The analyzed database encompasses the reports of 114 slaughterhouses recorded from 2012 to 2014 into SIGSIF platform. The results were summarized by descriptive statistics on tables and figures using the SAS software. It was possible to show that the major ?post mortem? causes of carcass/viscera trimming or condemnation were resulted from production diseases, as adherences (3.72%), pleurisy (0.85%), abscess (0.58%) and pneumonia (0.20%). Likewise for industrial process problems, as carcass contamination by evisceration leaking (1.8%) and traumatic lesions (1.57%). Zoonosis injuries condemnations were reported in very low frequency in a few slaughterhouses, usually once. Among the total of organs and carcass inspected, cysticercosis was registered in just 0.00092% in 25 slaughterhouses, endocarditis in 0.00193% (23 slaughterhouses), erysipelas in 0.0045% (38 slaughterhouses), sarcosporidiosis in 0.00051% (17 slaughterhouses) and tuberculosis in 0.000046% (12 slaughterhouses). Thus, the current meat inspection system is prepared to detect zoonosis that no longer occur or happen in very low frequency. In the other hand, the traditional ante and post mortem inspection methodologies are not able to detect the main current foodborne pathogens globally distributed as Salmonella.SafePork 2017

    Formaldehyde and organic acids based formulations on the reduction of Salmonella in feed and its impact in nursery.

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    Salmonellosis is one of the most common food-borne diseases and pork is the third source of human contamination among animal foods (1). Several factors are related with the Salmonella infection in the farm and feed plays an important role. Brazilian feed mills produce a large amount of feed, which supply many farms; therefore, a contaminated batch has a potential impact of reaching many herds (3). Once infected, pigs shed high concentrations of Salmonella through feces contaminating the environment and other pigs. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the control of Salmonella by including formaldehyde and organic acid based products in the diet and its performance in nursery

    Modelos de regressão para determinar a estabilização da variabilidade de dados de energia metabolizábel em aves.

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    O objetivo do presente foi demonstrar o uso do modelo de platô com resposta linear como ferramenta para a tomada de decisão em experimentos biológicos. Foram utilizados dados de um experimento conduzido na Embrapa Suínos e Aves Concórdia/SC, cujo objetivo era determinar o tempo mínimo de coleta total de excretas para determinação da energia metabolizável com pintos de corte. A avaliação dos dados foi baseada no coeficiente de variação (como medida de variabilidade) em função do tempo de coleta, ajustando-se um modelo de platô com resposta linear, de forma que em certo tempo de coleta ocorreria a estabilização da variabilidade dos dados. Esse modelo permitiu identificar e recomendar que quatro dias de coleta total de excretas já seriam suficientes para estabilizar o coeficiente de variação da energia metabolizável aparente

    Enhancing mechanical and surface properties of eucalyptus wood

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    Eucalyptus is one of the most fast-growing trees. Therefore, in the last decades it has been extensively planted and harvested so that nowadays Eucalyptus is one of the most popular trees of the planet. There are many genres of this plant and they are often treated as a large bunch of the same timber characterized by moderate mechanical and surface properties which hinder their usage for any sight application (e.g. flooring, cladding, ceiling). In this study four species of Eucalyptus: E. grandis, E. dunnii, E. cloeziana and E. tereticornis were undergone to densification through hydro-thermo-mechanical treatment (HTM) first and then to oil heat-treatment (OHT) in order to improve their mechanical properties and hydrophobicity. It was observed that low density species (E. grandis) reaches higher compression degrees while heavier species (E. tereticornis) reach densities over 800 kg/m³; however, HTM decrease the variability of the properties. Treatments at higher temperature (160 °C) involves higher compression degree, lower set-recovery and higher surface hydrophobization, but also weaker mechanical properties. The hot oil post- treatment helps to contain the springback effect and to reduce the wettability of each specimen. Densified samples present similar surface hardness. The tailored application of the two treatments improves the properties of every Eucalyptus which can gain market also for nobler end-usages