2,069 research outputs found

    A Proposal to Measure the Quasiparticle Poisoning Time of Majorana Bound States

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    We propose a method of measuring the fermion parity lifetime of Majorana fermion modes due to quasiparticle poisoning. We model quasiparticle poisoning by coupling the Majorana modes to electron reservoirs, explicitly breaking parity conservation in the system. This poisoning broadens and shortens the resonance peak associated with Majorana modes. In a two lead geometry, the poisoning decreases the correlation in current noise between the two leads from the maximal value characteristic of crossed Andreev reflection. The latter measurement allows for calculation of the poisoning rate even if temperature is much higher than the resonance width.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The magneto-optical Faraday effect in spin liquid candidates

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    We propose an experiment to use the magneto-optical Faraday effect to probe the dynamic Hall conductivity of spin liquid candidates. Theory predicts that an external magnetic field will generate an internal gauge field. If the source of conductivity is in spinons with a Fermi surface, a finite Faraday rotation angle is expected. We predict the angle to scale as the square of the frequency rather than display the standard cyclotron resonance pattern. Furthermore, the Faraday effect should be able to distinguish the ground state of the spin liquid, as we predict no rotation for massless Dirac spinons. We give a semiquantitative estimate for the magnitude of the effect and find that it should be experimentally feasible to detect in both κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2_2(CN)3_3 and, if the spinons form a Fermi surface, Herbertsmithite. We also comment on the magneto-optical Kerr effect and show that the imaginary part of the Kerr angle may be measurable.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The Bright Ages Survey. II. Evolution of Luminosity, Dust Extinction, and Star Formation from z = 0.5 to z = 2.5

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    The Bright Ages Survey is a K-band-selected redshift survey over six separate fields with UBVRIzJHK imaging covering a total of 75.6 arcmin(2) and reaching K = 20-20.5. Two fields have deep HST imaging, while all are centered on possible overdensities in the z similar to 2 range. Here we report photometric redshifts and spectroscopy for this sample, which has been described in Paper I. We find 18 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts of z > 1:5. The derived rest-frame R-band luminosity functions show strong evolution out to z = 2. The luminosity function at z = 2 shows more bright galaxies than at any other epoch, even the extrapolated z = 3 luminosity function from Shapley et al. However, the R-band integrated luminosity density remains roughly constant from to z = 0:5 to z = 2. Evolved galaxies (E, S0, Sa) show a decreasing contribution to the total R-band luminosity density with redshift. The dust extinction in our K-selected sample is moderately larger [median z = 2 E(B - V) 0:30] than that found in Lyman break galaxies, although not enough to make a significant impact on the total light or star formation found at high redshift. We measure the extinction-corrected star formation rate density at z 2, finding ρ_(SFR)(z = 1.5-2.5)= 0.093 M_⊙ yr^(-1) Mpc^(-3), consistent with a relatively flat instantaneous star formation rate from z = 1-4

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    An expanded U.S. military assistance program will be an indispensable factor in the success of the Nixon Doctrine, the strategy for the 1970\u27s

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    The vital relation between a nation\u27s security and its ability to protect and control its sea lines of communications (LOC\u27s) was articulately set forth almost a century ago by Alfred Thayer Mahan

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    History is a cruel stepmother, and when it retaliates, it stops at nothing. Lenin\u27s poignant observation is no less relevant today than when it was made 50 years ago

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    In its Strategic Survey for 1968, the London-based Institute for Strategic Studies observed that the United States had lost its desire and ability to he the universal and dominant power. Our experiences at home and abroad had exhausted our confident sense of purpose and ability

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    The trend in their new ship and submarine designs, rapid production, and expanded worldwide operations is both dynamic and sustained. The Soviet Navy is threatening to relegate ours to a status of second best. And in some aspect we already are far behind

    President\u27s Notes: Challenge!

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    The recent decision to retire numerous obsolete U.S. Navy ships has been identified by many analysts as a potential turning point in the historical development of our Navy. This event might indeed signal the opportunity to exchange quantity of units for quality and efficiency, or it could result in the diminution of U.S. seapower