3 research outputs found
Guillain-Barré syndrome caused by intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
Introduction – Guillain-Barré syndrome
(GBS) is an acute inflammatory demyelinat-
ing polyneuropathy. In the vast majority
of patients, 1-4 weeks before the onset of
GBS-related symptoms, an event such as up-
per respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract
infection, surgical intervention or vaccination
is present. To the best of our knowledge, this
is the first case of GBS that occurred after
intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
therapy in the absence of tuberculosis or
any other infection in the English literature.
Case report – A 65-year-old male patient, who
had no systemic disorders except hyperten-
sion and coronary artery disease, underwent
transurethral resection of a bladder tumour
further to imaging studies investigating macro-
scopic haematuria. A pathologic examination
revealed a non-muscle-invasive high-grade
(pT1HG) transitional cell carcinoma. Immedi-
ately after the fourth cycle of intravesical BCG,
which was administered 2 months after sur-
gery, the patient experienced numbness and
weakness in his lower and upper extremities,
respectively. There were no signs or symp-
toms related to an acute cranial pathology or
infectious disease. Nerve conduction studies,
which were carried out on the 7th day after the
onset of the neurologic symptoms, revealed a
demyelinating sensorimotor polyneuropathy
with mild secondary axonal damage in upper
and lower limbs with a sural sparing pattern.
Conclusion – Without tuberculosis infection,
GBS can occur secondary to increased im-
mune response and antibodies triggered by
intravesical BCG therapy. However, consider-
ing the worldwide use of BCG vaccination and
thousands of intravesical BCG therapies, this
is a very rare adverse effect
Does pandemic change the ocrelizumab therapy approach? Yes. : Single center ocrelizumab experience = Módosult-e a pandémia alatt az ocrelizumabkezelés? Igen. – Egy központú tapasztalat ocrelizumabkezeléssel
Background and purpose – We know that treatment
algorithms have changed in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) practice during the pandemic. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether there was a change in the patient population for ocrelizumab (OCR) treatment during the pandemic
period, the treatment compliance of the patients, and the
course of the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) disease
in the patients who received OCR.
Methods – Our study was designed as a survey study.
A questionnaire was sent to the patients assessing whether
they had COVID-19 infection, whether they received treatments regularly before and after the pandemic, vaccination status and duration of OCR treatment. Demographic
characteristics of the patients, treatments they used before,
MS type, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores
were determined from the database. Each group of OCR
started before pandemic and OCR started after pandemic
were compared.
Results – We included into the study 86 patients who
started OCR before pandemic period and 75 patients who
started OCR after the pandemic. Demographic features
were similar. EDSS scores were higher in the group that
started OCR treatment before the pandemic (p<0.0001).
The patients who started OCR treatment before the pandemic had more disruptions than which started during the
pandemic (p<0.0001). No correlation was found between
the duration of OCR treatment and COVID-19 infection
(p=0.940). We observed that the patients who had severe COVID-19 infection had received OCR therapy for
a longer period.
Conclusion – This retrospective study concluded that the
OCR treatment approach in our center had changed during the pandemic period. OCR therapy was started in
patients with less disability. The possible reasons for this
situation include the proven relationship between high
EDSS and serious COVID-19 infection, and that the
patients who have higher EDSS score had troubles in
reaching health institutions during the pandemic. The
result that patients with severe COVID-19 infection
received OCR treatment for a longer period necessitates
more evidence-based research to investigate the relationship between treatment duration and disease severity. = Háttér és cél – Tudjuk, hogy a sclerosis multiplex (SM)
kezelési algoritmusai megváltoztak a pandémia alatt.
Vizsgálatunk célja az volt, hogy elemezzük, megváltozott-e
az ocrelizumabkezelésben (OCR) részesült betegpopuláció
a pandémia alatt, milyen volt a betegek terápiás adherenciája, és milyen volt a Coronavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19)
betegség lefolyása az OCR-kezelésben részesült betegek
MĂłdszerek – KĂ©rdĂ´Ăves vizsgálatot vĂ©geztĂĽnk. KĂ©rdĂ´Ăvet
küldtünk betegeinknek, és megkérdeztük, volt-e Covid-19
betegségük, részesültek-e rendszeres kezelésben a pan dé -
mia elôtt és után, milyen a vakcinációs státuszuk, és
milyen régóta részesülnek OCR-kezelésben. A betegek
demográfiai jellemzôit, korábbi gyógyszerelésük adatait,
SM-betegsĂ©gĂĽk tĂpusát, Expanded Disability Status Scale-
(EDSS-) pontszámukat adatbázisunkból gyûjtöttük ki.
Ă–sszehasonlĂtottuk azokat a betegcsoportokat, akik OCRkezelĂ©se a pandĂ©mia elĂ´tt, illetve utána indult.
Eredmények – Nyolcvanhat olyan beteget vontunk be a
vizsgálatba, akinek OCR-kezelése a pandémia elôtt indult,
és 75 olyan beteget, akinek utána. A két csoport demo -
grá fiai jellemzôi megegyeztek. A pandémia elôtt indult
OCR-kezelĂ©sben rĂ©szesĂĽltek EDSS-pontszámai magasabbak voltak (p < 0,0001), Ă©s több megszakĂtás volt a te -
rápiájukban (p < 0,0001), mint azoknak, akik kezelése
a pandémia indulása után kezdôdött. Nem találtunk
összefüggést az OCR-kezelés idôtartama és a SARS-CoV2-fertôzés bekövetkezte között (p = 0,940). Megfigyelésünk szerint azok a betegek, akik súlyos Covid19 betegségben szenvedtek, hosszabb ideig részesültek
KövetkeztetĂ©s – RetrospektĂv vizsgálatunk eredmĂ©nye
szerint központunkban a pandémia alatt módosult az
OCR-kezelĂ©s megközelĂtĂ©se. EnyhĂ©bb betegsĂ©ggel kĂĽzdĂ´
betegeknél indult OCR-kezelés. E szituáció lehetséges okai
közĂ© tartozik a magas EDSS-pontszám Ă©s a sĂşlyos Covid19 betegsĂ©g közötti bizonyĂtott kapcsolat, valamint az,
hogy a magasabb EDSS-pontszámmal bĂrĂł betegek
nehezebben érték el az egészségügyi intézményeket
a járvány alatt. Eredményük, miszerint a súlyos Covid-19
betegsĂ©gben szenvedĂ´k hosszabb ideig rĂ©szesĂĽltek OCRkezelĂ©sben, arra hĂvja fel a figyelmet, hogy több bizonyĂtĂ©k
alapú kutatásra van szükség a kezelés idôtartama és
a betegségsúlyosság közötti összefüggés tisztázása
Investigation of the effects of continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with migraine
Objective: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) allows the non-invasive investigation of synaptic plasticity. Theta-burst stimulation (TBS) is a modified form of rTMS that induces synaptic plasticity. Our objective was to evaluate cortical excitability using paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) before and after continuous TBS (cTBS) in healthy controls and patients with migraine