35 research outputs found

    Singlet-triplet decoherence due to nuclear spins in a double quantum dot

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    We have evaluated hyperfine-induced electron spin dynamics for two electrons confined to a double quantum dot. Our quantum solution accounts for decay of a singlet-triplet correlator even in the presence of a fully static nuclear spin system, with no ensemble averaging over initial conditions. In contrast to an earlier semiclassical calculation, which neglects the exchange interaction, we find that the singlet-triplet correlator shows a long-time saturation value that differs from 1/2, even in the presence of a strong magnetic field. Furthermore, we find that the form of the long-time decay undergoes a transition from a rapid Gaussian to a slow power law (1/t3/2\sim 1/t^{3/2}) when the exchange interaction becomes nonzero and the singlet-triplet correlator acquires a phase shift given by a universal (parameter independent) value of 3π/43\pi/4 at long times. The oscillation frequency and time-dependent phase shift of the singlet-triplet correlator can be used to perform a precision measurement of the exchange interaction and Overhauser field fluctuations in an experimentally accessible system. We also address the effect of orbital dephasing on singlet-triplet decoherence, and find that there is an optimal operating point where orbital dephasing becomes negligible.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum versus classical hyperfine-induced dynamics in a quantum dot

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    In this article we analyze spin dynamics for electrons confined to semiconductor quantum dots due to the contact hyperfine interaction. We compare mean-field (classical) evolution of an electron spin in the presence of a nuclear field with the exact quantum evolution for the special case of uniform hyperfine coupling constants. We find that (in this special case) the zero-magnetic-field dynamics due to the mean-field approximation and quantum evolution are similar. However, in a finite magnetic field, the quantum and classical solutions agree only up to a certain time scale t<\tau_c, after which they differ markedly.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics (ICPS06 conference proceedings); v2: updated references, final published versio

    Hyperfine interaction in a quantum dot: Non-Markovian electron spin dynamics

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    We have performed a systematic calculation for the non-Markovian dynamics of a localized electron spin interacting with an environment of nuclear spins via the Fermi contact hyperfine interaction. This work applies to an electron in the s -type orbital ground state of a quantum dot or bound to a donor impurity, and is valid for arbitrary polarization p of the nuclear spin system, and arbitrary nuclear spin I in high magnetic fields. In the limit of p=1 and I=1/2, the Born approximation of our perturbative theory recovers the exact electron spin dynamics. We have found the form of the generalized master equation (GME) for the longitudinal and transverse components of the electron spin to all orders in the electron spin--nuclear spin flip-flop terms. Our perturbative expansion is regular, unlike standard time-dependent perturbation theory, and can be carried-out to higher orders. We show this explicitly with a fourth-order calculation of the longitudinal spin dynamics. In zero magnetic field, the fraction of the electron spin that decays is bounded by the smallness parameter \delta=1/p^{2}N, where N is the number of nuclear spins within the extent of the electron wave function. However, the form of the decay can only be determined in a high magnetic field, much larger than the maximum Overhauser field. In general the electron spin shows rich dynamics, described by a sum of contributions with non-exponential decay, exponential decay, and undamped oscillations. There is an abrupt crossover in the electron spin asymptotics at a critical dimensionality and shape of the electron envelope wave function. We propose a scheme that could be used to measure the non-Markovian dynamics using a standard spin-echo technique, even when the fraction that undergoes non-Markovian dynamics is small.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Nuclear spin dynamics and Zeno effect in quantum dots and defect centers

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    We analyze nuclear spin dynamics in quantum dots and defect centers with a bound electron under electron-mediated coupling between nuclear spins due to the hyperfine interaction ("J-coupling" in NMR). Our analysis shows that the Overhauser field generated by the nuclei at the position of the electron has short-time dynamics quadratic in time for an initial nuclear spin state without transverse coherence. The quadratic short-time behavior allows for an extension of the Overhauser field lifetime through a sequence of projective measurements (quantum Zeno effect). We analyze the requirements on the repetition rate of measurements and the measurement accuracy to achieve such an effect. Further, we calculate the long-time behavior of the Overhauser field for effective electron Zeeman splittings larger than the hyperfine coupling strength and find, both in a Dyson series expansion and a generalized master equation approach, that for a nuclear spin system with a sufficiently smooth polarization the electron-mediated interaction alone leads only to a partial decay of the Overhauser field by an amount on the order of the inverse number of nuclear spins interacting with the electron.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Harnessing nuclear spin polarization fluctuations in a semiconductor nanowire

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    Soon after the first measurements of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in a condensed matter system, Bloch predicted the presence of statistical fluctuations proportional to 1/N1/\sqrt{N} in the polarization of an ensemble of NN spins. First observed by Sleator et al., so-called "spin noise" has recently emerged as a critical ingredient in nanometer-scale magnetic resonance imaging (nanoMRI). This prominence is a direct result of MRI resolution improving to better than 100 nm^3, a size-scale in which statistical spin fluctuations begin to dominate the polarization dynamics. We demonstrate a technique that creates spin order in nanometer-scale ensembles of nuclear spins by harnessing these fluctuations to produce polarizations both larger and narrower than the natural thermal distribution. We focus on ensembles containing ~10^6 phosphorus and hydrogen spins associated with single InP and GaP nanowires (NWs) and their hydrogen-containing adsorbate layers. We monitor, control, and capture fluctuations in the ensemble's spin polarization in real-time and store them for extended periods. This selective capture of large polarization fluctuations may provide a route for enhancing the weak magnetic signals produced by nanometer-scale volumes of nuclear spins. The scheme may also prove useful for initializing the nuclear hyperfine field of electron spin qubits in the solid-state.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    A quantum spin transducer based on nano electro-mechancial resonator arrays

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    Implementation of quantum information processing faces the contradicting requirements of combining excellent isolation to avoid decoherence with the ability to control coherent interactions in a many-body quantum system. For example, spin degrees of freedom of electrons and nuclei provide a good quantum memory due to their weak magnetic interactions with the environment. However, for the same reason it is difficult to achieve controlled entanglement of spins over distances larger than tens of nanometers. Here we propose a universal realization of a quantum data bus for electronic spin qubits where spins are coupled to the motion of magnetized mechanical resonators via magnetic field gradients. Provided that the mechanical system is charged, the magnetic moments associated with spin qubits can be effectively amplified to enable a coherent spin-spin coupling over long distances via Coulomb forces. Our approach is applicable to a wide class of electronic spin qubits which can be localized near the magnetized tips and can be used for the implementation of hybrid quantum computing architectures

    Recipes for spin-based quantum computing

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    Technological growth in the electronics industry has historically been measured by the number of transistors that can be crammed onto a single microchip. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end; spectacular growth in the number of transistors on a chip requires spectacular reduction of the transistor size. For electrons in semiconductors, the laws of quantum mechanics take over at the nanometre scale, and the conventional wisdom for progress (transistor cramming) must be abandoned. This realization has stimulated extensive research on ways to exploit the spin (in addition to the orbital) degree of freedom of the electron, giving birth to the field of spintronics. Perhaps the most ambitious goal of spintronics is to realize complete control over the quantum mechanical nature of the relevant spins. This prospect has motivated a race to design and build a spintronic device capable of complete control over its quantum mechanical state, and ultimately, performing computations: a quantum computer. In this tutorial we summarize past and very recent developments which point the way to spin-based quantum computing in the solid-state. After introducing a set of basic requirements for any quantum computer proposal, we offer a brief summary of some of the many theoretical proposals for solid-state quantum computers. We then focus on the Loss-DiVincenzo proposal for quantum computing with the spins of electrons confined to quantum dots. There are many obstacles to building such a quantum device. We address these, and survey recent theoretical, and then experimental progress in the field. To conclude the tutorial, we list some as-yet unrealized experiments, which would be crucial for the development of a quantum-dot quantum computer.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figures (low-res in preprint, high-res in journal) tutorial review for Nanotechnology; v2: references added and updated, final version to appear in journa

    Semiconductor Spintronics

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    Spintronics refers commonly to phenomena in which the spin of electrons in a solid state environment plays the determining role. In a more narrow sense spintronics is an emerging research field of electronics: spintronics devices are based on a spin control of electronics, or on an electrical and optical control of spin or magnetism. This review presents selected themes of semiconductor spintronics, introducing important concepts in spin transport, spin injection, Silsbee-Johnson spin-charge coupling, and spindependent tunneling, as well as spin relaxation and spin dynamics. The most fundamental spin-dependent nteraction in nonmagnetic semiconductors is spin-orbit coupling. Depending on the crystal symmetries of the material, as well as on the structural properties of semiconductor based heterostructures, the spin-orbit coupling takes on different functional forms, giving a nice playground of effective spin-orbit Hamiltonians. The effective Hamiltonians for the most relevant classes of materials and heterostructures are derived here from realistic electronic band structure descriptions. Most semiconductor device systems are still theoretical concepts, waiting for experimental demonstrations. A review of selected proposed, and a few demonstrated devices is presented, with detailed description of two important classes: magnetic resonant tunnel structures and bipolar magnetic diodes and transistors. In most cases the presentation is of tutorial style, introducing the essential theoretical formalism at an accessible level, with case-study-like illustrations of actual experimental results, as well as with brief reviews of relevant recent achievements in the field.Comment: tutorial review; 342 pages, 132 figure