5 research outputs found

    Nonenzymatic Galactosylation of Human Serum Albumin. In Vitro Preparation

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    Incubation of purified human serum albumin with D-[1-14C]galactose (5 mM) or D-[1-14C]glucose (5 mM) in vitro for 7 days under physiological conditions resulted in the time-dependent accumulation of radioactivity into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable material. Comparative studies indicated that the rate of sugar incorporation into albumin increased with increasing pH and temperature of incubation and followed a first order dependence with regard to monosaccharide and albumin concentrations. The extent of nonenzymatic galactosylation of human albumin was approximately 300% greater than the extent of nonenzymatic glucosylation under equivalent experimental conditions. Prolonged dialysis of the modified albumins against a large excess of the unlabeled monosaccharides failed to alter the amount of protein-bound radiolabeled carbohydrate, suggesting that the linkage between sugar and albumin is covalent in nature. The post-translational modification of proteins by nonenzymatic galactosylation may be of physiological significance in individuals with reduced galactokinase or galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase activities

    Inhibitory Effect of Gold Nanoparticles on the D-ribose Glycation of Bovine Serum Albumin

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    Formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) by nonenzymatic glycation of proteins is a major contributory factor to the pathophysiology of diabetic conditions including senile dementia and atherosclerosis. This study describes the inhibitory effect of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) on the D-ribose glycation of bovine serum albumin (BSA). A combination of analytical methods including ultraviolet–visible spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography, circular dichroism, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry were used to determine the extent of BSA glycation in the presence of citrate reduced spherical GNPs of various sizes and concentrations. GNPs of particle diameters ranging from 2 nm to 20 nm inhibited BSA’s AGE formation. The extent of inhibition correlated with the total surface area of the nanoparticles. GNPs of highest total surface area yielded the most inhibition whereas those with the lowest total surface area inhibited the formation of AGEs the least. Additionally, when GNPs’ total surface areas were set the same, their antiglycation activities were similar. This inhibitory effect of GNPs on BSA’s glycation by D-ribose suggests that colloidal particles may have a therapeutic application for the treatment of diabetes and conditions that promote hyperglycemia

    Non-enzymatic interactions of glyoxylate with lysine, arginine, and glucosamine: a study of advanced non-enzymatic glycation like compounds

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    Glyoxylate is a 2 carbon aldo acid that is formed in hepatic tissue from glycolate. Once formed, the molecule can be converted to glycine by alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGAT). In defects of AGAT, glyoxylate is transformed to oxalate, resulting in high levels of oxalate in the body. The objective of this study was 2-fold. First, it was to determine, if akin to D-glucose, D-fructose or DL-glyceraldehyde, glyoxylate was susceptible to non-enzymatic attack by amino containing molecules such as lysine, arginine or glucosamine. Second, if by virtue of its molecular structure and size, glyoxylate was as reactive a reagent in non-enzymatic reactions as DL-glyceraldehyde; i.e., a glycose that we previously demonstrated to be a more effective glycating agent than D-glucose or D-fructose. Using capillary electrophoresis (CE), high performance liquid chromatography and UV and fluorescence spectroscopy, glyoxylate was found to be a highly reactive precursor of advanced glycation like end products (AGLEs) and a more effective promoter of non-enzymatic end products than D-glucose, D-fructose or DL-glyceraldehyde