1,255 research outputs found

    Dephasing at Low Temperatures

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    We discuss the significance and the calculation of dephasing at low temperatures. The particle is moving diffusively due to a static disorder configuration, while the interference between classical paths is suppressed due to the interaction with a dynamical environment. At high temperatures we may use the `white noise approximation' (WNA), while at low temperatures we distinguish the contribution of `zero point fluctuations' (ZPF) from the `thermal noise contribution' (TNC). We study the limitations of the above semiclassical approach and suggest the required modifications. In particular we find that the ZPF contribution becomes irrelevant for thermal motion.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, clearer presentatio

    Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a particle coupled to dissipative environments

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    The amplitude of the Bohm-Aharonov oscillations of a particle moving around a ring threaded by a magnetic flux and coupled to different dissipative environments is studied. The decay of the oscillations when increasing the radius of the ring is shown to depend on the spatial features of the coupling. When the environment is modelled by the Caldeira-Leggett bath of oscillators, or the particle is coupled by the Coulomb potential to a dirty electron gas, interference effects are suppressed beyond a finite length, even at zero temperature. A finite renormalization of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations is found for other models of the environment.Comment: 6 page

    Percolation Critical Exponents in Scale-Free Networks

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    We study the behavior of scale-free networks, having connectivity distribution P(k) k^-a, close to the percolation threshold. We show that for networks with 3<a<4, known to undergo a transition at a finite threshold of dilution, the critical exponents are different than the expected mean-field values of regular percolation in infinite dimensions. Networks with 2<a<3 possess only a percolative phase. Nevertheless, we show that in this case percolation critical exponents are well defined, near the limit of extreme dilution (where all sites are removed), and that also then the exponents bear a strong a-dependence. The regular mean-field values are recovered only for a>4.Comment: Latex, 4 page

    Algebraic K-theory of spaces and the Novikov conjecture

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    Aharonov-Bohm ring with fluctuating flux

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    We consider a non-interacting system of electrons on a clean one-channel Aharonov-Bohm ring which is threaded by a fluctuating magnetic flux. The flux derives from a Caldeira-Leggett bath of harmonic oscillators. We address the influence of the bath on the following properties: one- and two-particle Green's functions, dephasing, persistent current and visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in cotunneling transport through the ring. For the bath spectra considered here (including Nyquist noise of an external coil), we find no dephasing in the linear transport regime at zero temperature. PACS numbers: 73.23.-b, 73.23.Hk, 73.23.Ra, 03.65.YzComment: 17 pages, 8 figures. To be published in PRB. New version contains minor corrections and additional discussion suggested by referee. A simple introduction to the basics of dephasing can be found at http://iff.physik.unibas.ch/~florian/dephasing/dephasing.htm

    Saturation induced coherence loss in coherent backscattering of light

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    We use coherent backscattering (CBS) of light by cold Strontium atoms to study the mutual coherence of light waves in the multiple scattering regime. As the probe light intensity is increased, the atomic optical transition starts to be saturated. Nonlinearities and inelastic scattering then occur. In our experiment, we observe a strongly reduced enhancement factor of the coherent backscattering cone when the intensity of the probe laser is increased, indicating a partial loss of coherence in multiple scattering

    Quantum pumping and dissipation: from closed to open systems

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    Current can be pumped through a closed system by changing parameters (or fields) in time. The Kubo formula allows to distinguish between dissipative and non-dissipative contributions to the current. We obtain a Green function expression and an SS matrix formula for the associated terms in the generalized conductance matrix: the "geometric magnetism" term that corresponds to adiabatic transport; and the "Fermi golden rule" term which is responsible to the irreversible absorption of energy. We explain the subtle limit of an infinite system, and demonstrate the consistency with the formulas by Landauer and Buttiker, Pretre and Thomas. We also discuss the generalization of the fluctuation-dissipation relation, and the implications of the Onsager reciprocity.Comment: 4 page paper, 1 figure (published version) + 2 page appendi

    A Parameterization Invariant Approach to the Statistical Estimation of the CKM Phase α\alpha

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    In contrast to previous analyses, we demonstrate a Bayesian approach to the estimation of the CKM phase α\alpha that is invariant to parameterization. We also show that in addition to {\em computing} the marginal posterior in a Bayesian manner, the distribution must also be {\em interpreted} from a subjective Bayesian viewpoint. Doing so gives a very natural interpretation to the distribution. We also comment on the effect of removing information about B00\mathcal{B}^{00}.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, minor revision; to appear in JHE

    Percolation in Directed Scale-Free Networks

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    Many complex networks in nature have directed links, a property that affects the network's navigability and large-scale topology. Here we study the percolation properties of such directed scale-free networks with correlated in- and out-degree distributions. We derive a phase diagram that indicates the existence of three regimes, determined by the values of the degree exponents. In the first regime we regain the known directed percolation mean field exponents. In contrast, the second and third regimes are characterized by anomalous exponents, which we calculate analytically. In the third regime the network is resilient to random dilution, i.e., the percolation threshold is p_c->1.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, 2 fig

    Classical and quantum pumping in closed systems

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    Pumping of charge (Q) in a closed ring geometry is not quantized even in the strict adiabatic limit. The deviation form exact quantization can be related to the Thouless conductance. We use Kubo formalism as a starting point for the calculation of both the dissipative and the adiabatic contributions to Q. As an application we bring examples for classical dissipative pumping, classical adiabatic pumping, and in particular we make an explicit calculation for quantum pumping in case of the simplest pumping device, which is a 3 site lattice model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. The long published version is cond-mat/0307619. This is the short unpublished versio
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