772 research outputs found

    The Study of Ionospheric Response to Precipitation Using Sounding Rocket Observations

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    Understanding the role that the ionosphere plays in phenomena such as the development of auroral arcs and ion outflow is basic to the investigation of these processes and critical to the advancement of the broader study of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Sounding rockets present an optimal platform for such studies, allowing low-cost access to altitudes that are difficult to reach by other means. Additionally, these measurements are key to validating current models and furthering understanding of the near-Earth space environment. This thesis highlights two particular rocket-borne instruments that measure electron populations in the ionosphere: the Electron Retarding Potential Analyzer (ERPA) and the Electron PLASma (EPLAS) instrument. It also presents analysis of the first in situ measurements of the ionospheric feedback instability (IFI) occurring within the Alfvén resonator in the vicinity of an auroral arc, a phenomenon that may play a role in the upward acceleration of ions and contribute to upflow. Another study highlights correlations between electron temperature and density and ion upflows. Simulation results, validated by rocket observations, show that increased ionospheric density inhibits the strength of the ambipolar field considered necessary for Type-2 ion outflow. Despite this however, the simulations show that increased densities result in increased net upflow fluxes. New radar data shows that sunlight effects might play an important role in controlling upflows, as photoionization can change ionospheric densities by as much as an order of magnitude seasonally

    Counts and Colors of Faint Galaxies in the U and R Bands

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    Ground-based counts and colors of faint galaxies in the U and R bands in one field at high Galactic latitude are presented. Integrated over flux, a total of 1.2x10^5 sources per square degree are found to U=25.5 mag and 6.3x10^5 sources per square degree to R=27 mag, with d log N/dm ~ 0.5 in the U band and d log N/dm ~ 0.3 in the R band. Consistent with these number-magnitude curves, sources become bluer with increasing magnitude to median U-R=0.6 mag at 24<U<25 mag and U-R=1.2 mag at 25 < R < 26 mag. Because the Lyman break redshifts into the U band at z~3, at least 1.2x10^5 sources per square degree must be at redshifts z<3. Measurable U-band fluxes of 73 percent of the 6.3x10^5 sources per square degree suggest that the majority of these also lie at z < 3. These results require an enormous space density of objects in any cosmological model.Comment: 17 pages, MNRAS in pres

    Secondhand smoke inhibits both Cl- and K+ conductances in normal human bronchial epithelial cells

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    Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is an independent risk factor for asthma, rhinosinusitis, and more severe respiratory tract infections in children and adults. Impaired mucociliary clearance with subsequent mucus retention contributes to the pathophysiology of each of these diseases, suggesting that altered epithelial salt and water transport may play an etiological role. To test the hypothesis that SHS would alter epithelial ion transport, we designed a system for in vitro exposure of mature, well-differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells to SHS. We show that SHS exposure inhibits cAMP-stimulated, bumetanide-sensitive anion secretion by 25 to 40% in a time-dependent fashion in these cells. Increasing the amount of carbon monoxide to 100 ppm from 5 ppm did not increase the amount of inhibition, and filtering SHS reduced inhibition significantly. It was determined that SHS inhibited cAMP-dependent apical membrane chloride conductance by 25% and Ba2+-sensitive basolateral membrane potassium conductance by 50%. These data confirm previous findings that cigarette smoke inhibits chloride secretion in a novel model of smoke exposure designed to mimic SHS exposure. They also extend previous findings to demonstrate an effect on basolateral K+ conductance. Therefore, pharmacological agents that increase either apical membrane chloride conductance or basolateral membrane potassium conductance might be of therapeutic benefit in patients with diseases related to SHS exposure

    The Pic Protease of Enteroaggregative \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e Promotes Intestinal Colonization and Growth in the Presence of Mucin

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is increasingly being recognized as a cause of diarrheal disease in diverse populations. No small animal model is currently available to study this pathogen. We report here that conventional mice orally inoculated with prototype EAEC strain 042 generally became colonized, though the abundance of organisms cultured from their stool varied substantially among individual animals. In contrast, mice whose water contained 5 g/liter streptomycin consistently became colonized at high levels (ca. 108 CFU/g of stool). Neither conventional nor streptomycin-treated mice developed clinical signs or histopathologic abnormalities. Using specific mutants in competition with the wild-type strain, we evaluated the contribution of several putative EAEC virulence factors to colonization of streptomycin-treated mice. Our data suggest that the dispersin surface protein and Pic, a serine protease autotransporter secreted by EAEC and Shigella flexneri, promote colonization of the mouse. In contrast, we found no role for the aggregative adherence fimbriae, the transcriptional activator AggR, or the surface factor termed Air (enteroaggregative immunoglobulin repeat protein). To study Pic further, we constructed a single nucleotide mutation in strain 042 which altered only the Pic catalytic serine (strain 042PicS258A). Fractionation of the tissue at 24 h and 3 days demonstrated an approximate 3-log10 difference between 042 and 042PicS258A in the lumen and mucus layer and adherent to tissue. Strains 042 and 042PicS258A adhered similarly to mouse tissue ex vivo. While no growth differences were observed in a continuous-flow anaerobic intestinal simulator system, the wild-type strain exhibited a growth advantage over 042PicS258A in a culture of cecal mucus and in cecal contents in vitro; this difference was manifest only after 6 h of growth. Moreover, enhanced growth of the wild type was observed in comparison with that of the mutant in minimal medium containing mucin but not in the absence of mucin. The data suggest a novel metabolic role for the Pic mucinase in EAEC colonization

    Particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in geospace

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    Particles are accelerated to very high, non-thermal energies during explosive energy-release phenomena in space, solar, and astrophysical plasma environments. While it has been established that magnetic reconnection plays an important role in the dynamics of Earth's magnetosphere, it remains unclear how magnetic reconnection can further explain particle acceleration to non-thermal energies. Here we review recent progress in our understanding of particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetosphere. With improved resolutions, recent spacecraft missions have enabled detailed studies of particle acceleration at various structures such as the diffusion region, separatrix, jets, magnetic islands (flux ropes), and dipolarization front. With the guiding-center approximation of particle motion, many studies have discussed the relative importance of the parallel electric field as well as the Fermi and betatron effects. However, in order to fully understand the particle acceleration mechanism and further compare with particle acceleration in solar and astrophysical plasma environments, there is a need for further investigation of, for example, energy partition and the precise role of turbulence.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Review

    Roles of the TRAF6 and Pellino E3 ligases in MyD88 and RANKL signaling

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    It is widely accepted that the essential role of TRAF6 in vivo is to generate the Lys63-linked ubiquitin (K63-Ub) chains needed to activate the "master" protein kinase TAK1. Here, we report that TRAF6 E3 ligase activity contributes to but is not essential for the IL-1-dependent formation of K63-Ub chains, TAK1 activation, or IL-8 production in human cells, because Pellino1 and Pellino2 generate the K63-Ub chains required for signaling in cells expressing E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6 mutants. The IL-1-induced formation of K63-Ub chains and ubiquitylation of IRAK1, IRAK4, and MyD88 was abolished in TRAF6/Pellino1/Pellino2 triple-knockout (KO) cells, but not in TRAF6 KO or Pellino1/2 double-KO cells. The reexpression of E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6 mutants partially restored IL-1 signaling in TRAF6 KO cells, but not in TRAF6/Pellino1/Pellino2 triple-KO cells. Pellino1-generated K63-Ub chains activated the TAK1 complex in vitro with similar efficiently to TRAF6-generated K63-Ub chains. The early phase of TLR signaling and the TLR-dependent secretion of IL-10 (controlled by IRAKs 1 and 2) was only reduced modestly in primary macrophages from knockin mice expressing the E3 ligase-inactive TRAF6[L74H] mutant, but the late-phase production of IL-6, IL-12, and TNFα (controlled only by the pseudokinase IRAK2) was abolished. RANKL-induced signaling in macrophages and the differentiation of bone marrow to osteoclasts was similar in TRAF6[L74H] and wild-type cells, explaining why the bone structure and teeth of the TRAF6[L74H] mice was normal, unlike TRAF6 KO mice. We identify two essential roles of TRAF6 that are independent of its E3 ligase activity

    The First Provenance Challenge

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    The first Provenance Challenge was set up in order to provide a forum for the community to help understand the capabilities of different provenance systems and the expressiveness of their provenance representations. To this end, a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging workflow was defined, which participants had to either simulate or run in order to produce some provenance representation, from which a set of identified queries had to be implemented and executed. Sixteen teams responded to the challenge, and submitted their inputs. In this paper, we present the challenge workflow and queries, and summarise the participants contributions

    Counts and colours of faint galaxies in the U and R bands

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    Ground-based counts and colours of faint galaxies in the U and R bands in one field at high Galactic latitude are presented. Integrated over flux, a total of 1.2 × 10^5 source deg^(−2) are found to U = 25.5 mag and 6.3 × 10^5 source deg^(−2) to R = 27 mag, with d log N/dm ∼ 0.5 in the U band and d log N/dm ∼ 0.3 in the R band. Consistent with these number-magnitude curves, sources become bluer with increasing magnitude to median U— R= 0.6 mag at 24<U<25 mag and U — R = 1.2 mag at 25 < R < 26 mag. Because the Lyman break redshifts into the U band at z ≈ 3, at least 1.2 × 10^5 source deg^(−2) must be at redshifts z < 3. Measurable U-band fluxes of 73 per cent of the 6.3 × 10^5 source deg^(−2) suggest that the majority of these also lie at z < 3. These results require an enormous space density of objects in any cosmological model