37 research outputs found

    Personal protective equipment (PPE) related adverse skin reactions among healthcare workers at the main COVID-19 isolation center in Barbados

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    Background: The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) reduces the risk of transmission of infectious agents significantly among healthcare workers (HCWs). The study aimed to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of PPE-related adverse skin reactions among HCWs working at the main COVID-19 isolation center in Barbados. Methods: A cross-sectional web-based online survey was conducted during April to June 2021 which recorded demographic information, details of PPE use and adverse skin reactions including severity and duration of onset of symptoms. Results: Most of the respondents used PPE for consecutive days (77.9%), 1–6 h/day (59.2%), and more than a year (62.5%). Fewer than half of the participants (45.6%) experienced adverse skin reactions from the use of PPE. The reactions were mostly observed in the cheeks (40.4%) and nose bridges (35.6%). Females had more reactions than their male counterparts (p = 0.003). The use of N95 masks and a combination of surgical and N95 masks produced adverse effects predominantly in the ears (60%) and cheeks (56.4%). Binary logistic regression showed that female HCWs (OR = 5.720 95% CI: 1.631, 20.063), doctors (OR = 5.215 95% CI: 0.877, 31.002), and longer duration of PPE use (>1 year) (OR = 2.902 95% CI: 0.958, 8.787) caused a significantly higher prevalence of adverse skin reactions. Conclusion: The PPE-related skin reactions were common among HCWs which mainly occurred due to prolonged use. Preventive measures inclusive of appropriate training of HCWs on the use of PPE are recommended to minimize these adverse event

    Supporting adolescent emotional health in schools: a mixed methods study of student and staff views in England

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schools have been identified as an important place in which to support adolescent emotional health, although evidence as to which interventions are effective remains limited. Relatively little is known about student and staff views regarding current school-based emotional health provision and what they would like to see in the future, and this is what this study explored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A random sample of 296 English secondary schools were surveyed to quantify current level of emotional health provision. Qualitative student focus groups (27 groups, 154 students aged 12-14) and staff interviews (12 interviews, 15 individuals) were conducted in eight schools, purposively sampled from the survey respondents to ensure a range of emotional health activity, free school meal eligibility and location. Data were analysed thematically, following a constant comparison approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Emergent themes were grouped into three areas in which participants felt schools did or could intervene: emotional health in the curriculum, support for those in distress, and the physical and psychosocial environment. Little time was spent teaching about emotional health in the curriculum, and most staff and students wanted more. Opportunities to explore emotions in other curriculum subjects were valued. All schools provided some support for students experiencing emotional distress, but the type and quality varied a great deal. Students wanted an increase in school-based help sources that were confidential, available to all and sympathetic, and were concerned that accessing support should not lead to stigma. Finally, staff and students emphasised the need to consider the whole school environment in order to address sources of distress such as bullying and teacher-student relationships, but also to increase activities that enhanced emotional health.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Staff and students identified several ways in which schools can improve their support of adolescent emotional health, both within and outside the curriculum. However, such changes should be introduced as part of a wider consideration of how the whole school environment can be more supportive of students' emotional health. Clearer guidance at policy level, more rigorous evaluation of current interventions, and greater dissemination of good practice is necessary to ensure adolescents' emotional health needs are addressed effectively within schools.</p

    Reliable quantification of the potential for equations based on spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Methods based on spot urine samples (a single sample at one time-point) have been identified as a possiblealternative approach to 24-hour urine samples for determining mean population salt intake.Objective: The aim of this study is to identify a reliable method for estimating mean population salt intake from spot urinesamples. This will be done by comparing the performance of existing equations against one other and against estimates derivedfrom 24-hour urine samples. The effects of factors such as ethnicity, sex, age, body mass index, antihypertensive drug use, healthstatus, and timing of spot urine collection will be explored. The capacity of spot urine samples to measure change in salt intakeover time will also be determined. Finally, we aim to develop a novel equation (or equations) that performs better than existingequations to estimate mean population salt intake.Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data will be conducted. A search has been conductedto identify human studies that report salt (or sodium) excretion based upon 24-hour urine samples and spot urine samples. Therewere no restrictions on language, study sample size, or characteristics of the study population. MEDLINE via OvidSP (1946-present),Premedline via OvidSP, EMBASE, Global Health via OvidSP (1910-present), and the Cochrane Library were searched, and tworeviewers identified eligible studies. The authors of these studies will be invited to contribute data according to a standard format.Individual participant records will be compiled and a series of analyses will be completed to: (1) compare existing equations forestimating 24-hour salt intake from spot urine samples with 24-hour urine samples, and assess the degree of bias according tokey demographic and clinical characteristics; (2) assess the reliability of using spot urine samples to measure population changesin salt intake overtime; and (3) develop a novel equation that performs better than existing equations to estimate mean populationsalt intake.Results: The search strategy identified 538 records; 100 records were obtained for review in full text and 73 have been confirmedas eligible. In addition, 68 abstracts were identified, some of which may contain data eligible for inclusion. Individual participantdata will be requested from the authors of eligible studies.Conclusions: Many equations for estimating salt intake from spot urine samples have been developed and validated, althoughmost have been studied in very specific settings. This meta-analysis of individual participant data will enable a much broaderunderstanding of the capacity for spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake

    “It was Pretty Scary”: The Theme of Fear in Young Adult Women's Descriptions of a History of Adolescent Dating Abuse

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    The mental health impact of abusive adolescent dating relationships has not been well described, but fear related to abuse has been reported. We elaborate the theme of fear in women's descriptions of a history of adolescent dating abuse. A sample of community-based women, ages 19-34, who experienced an abusive dating relationship during adolescence (ages 11-20) was used. Data were analyzed via thematic analysis. Fear was a consistent and resonant theme. Three types of fear were identified: fear for self, fear for other relationships, and fearful expectation. These results offer important insights into the impact of abusive adolescent relationships on women's mental health

    Drug-herb Interaction: Database of Medicinal Plants of the Caribbean, their Indications, Toxicities and Possible Interactions with Conventional Medication

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    Objective: Healthcare professionals in the Caribbean today know very little about these drug-herb interactions of the popular West Indian medicinal herb practices linked to the immigrants from West Africa and India, and to the indigenous Amerindians. It is the intent of this project to produce a database which comprehensively summarizes indications and possible drug-herb interactions of these plants. Method: Using the database programme Epi Info 3.5.1, one hundred and eighty-three herbs used in the Caribbean as medicine by locals have been entered into the West Indian Drug Herb Interaction Database version 0.06 (WIDHID 0.06). Results: A range of one to three common names have been entered with the family and scientific name of each herb, in addition to a range of one to six conditions/illnesses for which a particular plant was to be used as a medicinal herb. One to four bioactive compounds have been made to correlate with the typical herbal preparation methods and toxicity. Thirty of the most common and popular herbs have been researched for their drug herb interactions. Conclusion: West Indian Drug Herb Interaction Database version 0.06 for the first time allows easy access to Caribbean ethno-medicinal plant cures with their possible drug-herb interactions reference sources, a feature often absent although so important. In addition, WIDHID 0.06 will support pharmaco-epidemiological studies in the field. It will also ensure future public access to ethnomedicinal information through developed web pages or programmes. Keywords: Drug-herb, herbs, interactions, toxicity "La Interacción entre Medicamentos y Hierbas: Base de Datos de las Plantas Medicinales en el Caribe, sus Indicaciones, Toxicidades y Posibles Interacciones con la Medicina Convencional" DH Cohall, A Griffiths, T Scantlebury-Manning, HS Fraser, CMS Carrington RESUMEN Objetivo: Los profesionales de la atención a la salud en el Caribe saben hoy muy poco sobre las interacciones entre medicamentos y las hierbas de las prácticas herbarias populares de las Indias Occidentales, relacionadas con los inmigrantes de África Occidental y a los aborígenes amerindios. El propósito de este proyecto es crear una base de datos que resuma de manera integral las indicaciones así como las posibles interacciones medicamento-hierba presentes en estas plantas. Método: Usando el programa del base de datos Epi Info 3.5.1, ciento ochenta y tres hierbas usadas como medicina en el Caribe, fueron entradas en la Base de Datos Interacción Medicamento-Hierba de West Indies, versión 0.06 (WIDHID 0.06). Resultados: Un rango de uno a tres nombres comunes se ha entrado con la familia y el nombre científico de cada hierba, además de un rango de una a seis condiciones/enfermedades para las cuales una planta en particular puede usarse como hierba medicinal. Los compuestos bioactivos entre los rangos de uno a cuatro han sido entrados junto con su clase química respectiva. Las tres partes más comúnmente usadas de las plantas han sido puestas en correlación con los métodos de preparación herbarios típicos y la toxicidad. Se han investigado treinta de las hierbas más comunes y populares en cuanto a sus interacciones medicamento-hierba. Conclusión: La Base de Datos Interacción Medicamento-Hierba de West Indies versión 0.06 permite por primera vez fácil acceso fácil a la rica base de curaciones mediante plantas etno-medicinales caribeñas con sus fuentes de referencias a sus posibles interacciones medicamento-hierba, un aspecto a menudo omitido a pesar de su importancia. Además, WIDHID 0.06 permite que se emprendan estudios epidemiológicos. También asegurará el acceso público futuro a la información etno-medicinal a través del desarrollo de programas y páginas web. Palabras claves: Medicamento-hierba, hierbas, interacciones, toxicida

    Referral to and engagement in substance use disorder treatment within opioid intervention courts in New York: a qualitative study of implementation barriers and facilitators

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    Abstract Background People with opioid use disorder (OUD) are frequently in contact with the court system and have markedly higher rates of fatal opioid overdose. Opioid intervention courts (OIC) were developed to address increasing rates of opioid overdose among court defendants by engaging court staff in identification of treatment need and referral for opioid-related services and building collaborations between the court and OUD treatment systems. The study goal was to understand implementation barriers and facilitators in referring and engaging OIC clients in OUD treatment. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with OIC stakeholders (n = 46) in 10 New York counties in the United States, including court coordinators, court case managers, and substance use disorder treatment clinic counselors, administrators, and peers. Interviews were recorded and transcribed and thematic analysis was conducted, guided by the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) framework, employing both inductive and deductive coding. Results Results were conceptualized using EPIS inner (i.e., courts) and outer (i.e., OUD treatment providers) implementation contexts and bridging factors that impacted referral and engagement to OUD treatment from the OIC. Inner factors that facilitated OIC implementation included OIC philosophy (e.g., non-punitive, access-oriented), court organizational structure (e.g., strong court staff connectedness), and OIC court staff and client characteristics (e.g., positive medications for OUD [MOUD] attitudes). The latter two also served as barriers (e.g., lack of formalized procedures; stigma toward MOUD). Two outer context entities impacted OIC implementation as both barriers and facilitators: substance use disorder treatment programs (e.g., attitudes toward the OIC and MOUD; operational characteristics) and community environments (e.g., attitudes toward the opioid epidemic). The COVID-19 pandemic and bail reform were macro-outer context factors that negatively impacted OIC implementation. Facilitating bridging factors included staffing practices that bridged court and treatment systems (e.g., peers); barriers included communication and cultural differences between systems (e.g., differing expectations about OIC client success). Conclusions This study identified key barriers and facilitators that OICs may consider as this model expands in the United States. Referral to and engagement in OUD treatment within the OIC context requires ongoing efforts to bridge the treatment and court systems, and reduce stigma around MOUD

    The Impact of the Healthcare System in Barbados (Provision of Health Insurance and the Benefit Service Scheme) on the Use of Herbal Remedies by Christian Churchgoers

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    Aim: To determine the impact of health insurance and the government’s Benefit Service Scheme, a system that provides free drugs to treat mostly chronic illnesses to persons aged 16 to 65 years, on the use of herbal remedies by Christian churchgoers in Barbados. Methods: The eleven parishes of Barbados were sampled over a six-week period using a survey instrument developed and tested over a four-week period prior to administration. Persons were asked to participate and after written informed consent, they were interviewed by the research team. The data were analysed by the use of IBM SPSS version 19. The data were all nominal, so descriptive statistics including counts, the frequencies, odds ratios and percentages were calculated. Results: More than half of the participants (59.2%) were female, a little less than a third (29.9%) were male, and one tenth of the participants (10.9%) did not indicate their gender. The majority of the participants were between the ages of 41 and 70 years, with the age range of 51–60 years comprising 26.1% of the sample interviewed. Almost all of the participants were born in Barbados (92.5%). Approximately 33% of the respondents indicated that they used herbal remedies to treat various ailments including chronic conditions. The odds ratio of persons using herbal remedies and having health insurance to persons not using herbal remedies and having health insurance is 1.01 (95% CI 0.621, 1.632). There was an increase in the numbers of respondents using herbal remedies as age increased. This trend continued until the age group 71–80 years which showed a reduction in the use of herbal remedies, 32.6% of respondents compared with 38.3% of respondents in the 61–70-year category. Conclusions: The data demonstrated that only a third of the study population is using herbal remedies for ailments. Health insurance was not an indicator neither did it influence the use of herbal remedies by respondents. The use of herbal remedies may not be associated with affluence. The reduction in the use of herbal remedies in the age group 71–80 years could be due to primarily a lower response rate from this age group, and secondarily due to the Benefit Service Scheme offering free medication to persons who have passed the age of 65 years. Keywords: Alternative medicine, bush teas, cleansers, healthcare, herbal remedies "El Impacto del Sistema de Salud en Barbados (Provisión de Seguro de Salud y Plan de Servicios y Beneficios) sobre el Uso de Remedios Herbarios por parte de los Feligreses Cristianos" RESUMEN Objetivo: Investigar si el Seguro de Salud y el Plan de Servicios y Beneficios del Gobierno – un sistema que proporciona medicina libremente para tratar principalmente enfermedades crónicas en personas de 16 a 65 años de edad – influyen en el uso de remedios herbarios por los feligreses cristianos en Barbados. Métodos: Se realizó un muestreo en once provincias de Barbados por un período de seis semanas, usando como instrumento una encuesta desarrollada y probada durante un período de cuatro semanas antes de ser aplicada. Se le pidió participación a distintas personas y luego de obtener el consen-timiento informado por escrito, las mismas fueron entrevistadas por el equipo de investigación. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la versión 19 de IBM SPSS. Todos los datos eran nominales, de modo que se calcularon las estadísticas descriptivas, incluyendo conteos, frecuencia, cociente de probabi-lidades (odds ratio), y porcentajes. Resultados: Más de la mitad de los participantes (59.2%) eran mujeres; poco menos de un tercio (29.9%) eran hombres; y una décima parte de los participantes (10.9%) no indicó su sexo. La mayoría de los participantes se encontraban entre las edades de 41 y 70 años, para un rango de edad de 51–60 años que comprendía el 26.1% de la muestra entrevistada. Casi todos los participantes nacieron en Barbados (92.5%). Aproximadamente 33% de los entrevistados indicaron que usaban remedios herbarios para tratar varias dolencias, incluyendo condiciones crónicas. El odds ratio de las personas que usan remedios herbarios y poseen seguro de salud es 1.01 (95% CI 0.621, 1.632). Se produjo un aumento en el número de entrevistados que usaban remedios herbarios, según aumentaba su edad. Esta tendencia continuó hasta el grupo etario de 71–80 años, el cual mostró una reducción en el uso de remedios herbarios, 32.6% de los entrevistados en comparación con el 38.3% de los entrevistados en la categoría de los 61–70 años. Conclusiones: Los datos mostraron que sólo una tercera parte de la población está usando remedios herbarios para sus dolencias. El seguro de salud no fue un indicador ni influyó sobre el uso de remedios herbarios por los entrevistados. El uso de remedios herbarios no puede asociarse con la afluencia. La reducción en el uso de remedios herbarios en el grupo etario 71–80 años podrían deberse principalmente a una tasa de respuesta más baja de este grupo etario, y secundariamente al Plan de Servicios y Beneficios que ofrece medicamentos gratuitamente a personas que han pasado la edad de 65 años. Palabras claves: medicina alternativa, infusiones, limpiadores, atención a la salud, remedios herbario