234 research outputs found

    History and Literature in the Historical Novels of Ksaver Šandor Gjalski

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    The paper begins by asserting that the historical novels of Ksaver Šandor Gjalski have received special treatment in Croatian literary historiography, which tends to ascribe to them a more a documentary and historiographic rather than literary value. This paper will analyse the Romantic, realist and modernist features of Gjalski’s historical novels Osvit. Slike iz tridesetih godina (Dawn. Pictures from the [18]30s) (1892) and Za materinsku riječ. Slike iz četrdeset osme godine (For the Maternal Word. Pictures from [18]48) (1906). In the light of theories of histories as stories (narratives), this paper will indicate that their so-called documentary value isattributable to literary strategies that are used to interpret the past they represent in a specific way, and not to record what is assumed to be the authentic past

    Croatian tourism web site as text type

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    The aim of this paper is to present the web site as a new form of the tourist supply. The web sites, as a new text form, show special features when compared with those of conventional, non-electronic texts. The paper examines diverse aspects of web sites created by the tourism industry, as well as of their layout and linguistic features. The language of tourism is also analyzed on the corpus of the Croatian tourism web site, i.e. on the website of the Zagreb Tourist Board. The results of this analysis will show the tendencies in the creation of the Croatian tourism web sites

    Slavonian literature and national literary history - regionalism and national identity

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    Ustanovivši specifičnu poziciju tzv. “slavonske” u kontekstu povijesti hrvatske književnosti, u članku se razmatraju historijski, politički, kulturološki i poetološki uvjeti i posljedice njihova sup(r)o(t)stavljanja. Uzimajući u obzir i njezinu tradiciju u 18. stoljeću, kao i kasnije (proto)realističke i modernističke tijekove, u fokusu je posebno slavonska književnost 30-ih i 40-ih godina 19. stoljeća za koju se zaključuje da je jednim dijelom pratila dominantne preporodne trendove dok im se drugim dijelom postavljala kao stanovita alternativna ili kritička opcija. Naposljetku se, promišljajući o relacijama hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta te pojedinih njegovih regionalnih sastavnica, evidentnima i u književnosti, predlaže moguća perspektiva postojećim izučavanjima tih fenomena. Po uzoru na tzv. modernističke i postmodernističke teorije nacije i nacionalizma, a s osloncem na Bourdieuova teorijska promišljanja o performativnim funkcijama jezika u proizvodnji granica kojima se ustanovljuju regionalni identiteti, ustvrđuje se kako bi se dosadašnja književnopovijesna istraživanja tzv. regionalizma hrvatske književnosti kao samorazumljivoga odraza regionalne nacionalne heterogenosti mogla zamijeniti čitanjima takve vrste književnosti, ali i njezinih metaknjiževnih prikaza, kao (re)generatora regionalizama i regionalnih identiteta.The article discusses the somewhat specific treatment of the so-called “Slavonian” literature in the context of the history of Croatian literature, trying to establish the historical, political, cultural and poetological conditions and consequences of such a dichotomy between the regional and the national. Taking into consideration both the 18th century tradition, as well as the later, (proto)realistic and modernist periods of Slavonian literature, the article focuses in particular on the literary production of the 1830ies and 1840ies, which, while following to a certain extent the dominant literary programme of the Croatian National Revival, simultaneously presented itself as a possible alternative or a critical option to it. In conclusion, a possible perspective is suggested for the future study of the various relations of Croatian national identity and its regional components, which should also include their reflection in literature. Following the socalled modernist and postmodernist theories of nation and nationalism, as well as P. Bourdieu’s theoretical reflections on the performative functions of language in the production of borderlines used to establish regional identities, it is suggested that the previous literary-historical research of the so-called regionalism of Croatian literature, which viewed it as a “natural” reflection of regional national heterogeneity, could be replaced by an approach which would view such forms of literature, as well as their metaliterary representations, as (re)generators of regionalisms and regional identities

    Materials for postendodontic reconstruction of the teeth

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    Endodontskim liječenjem patoloških procesa u zubnoj pulpi smanjuje se otpornost preostaloga zubnog tkiva, što može dovesti do loma i u konačnici gubitka zuba, zbog čega je izuzetno važna pravilna postendodontska terapija kojom se postiže okomita stabilizacija preostale zubne krune, nadoknada tvrdih zubnih tkiva te naposljetku restauracija zuba. Loša postendodontska opskrba zuba može dovesti do fraktura preostaloga zubnog tkiva te prolaska oralnog fluida ispod restauracije, što uzrokuje otapanja punila u korijenskom kanalu. Kako bi se to spriječilo, nužno je odabrati adekvatnu restauraciju. Tipovi restauracija koji se koriste za postendodontsku opskrbu jesu intrakanalne nadogradnje (metalne i bezmetalne, tj. estetske), endokrunice, direktni i indirektni ispuni. S time da u današnje vrijeme uvjerljivo prednjači upotreba estetskih materijala, što iz estetskih razloga, a što zbog jednostavnije izvedbe. Kao najbolji izbor nameću se kompozitni kolčići pojačani staklenim vlaknima uz odgovarajuće adhezijsko cementiranje jer pokazuju modul elastičnosti sličan dentinu zbog čega se okluzalne sile ravnomjerno raspoređuju na zub. To ujedno znači da će prilikom eventualnog loma oštećenja zuba biti blaža, lakše je ukloniti ostatak iz korijenskog kanala, te je, posljedično, mogućnost spašavanja zuba znatno veća. U slučaju kada korištenje klasične intrakanalne nadogradnje nije moguće zbog zavijenosti korijenskih kanala ili nedostatka prostora, odnosno kada zub ima sniženu kliničku krunu, za restauraciju se koriste endokrunice. Direktni i indirektni ispuni najrjeđe su indicirani tipovi restauracije zbog nemogućnosti da dovoljno očvrsnu zubnu strukturu.Endodontic treatment of pathological processes in the dental pulp reduces the resistance of the remaining tooth structure which can lead to breakage and ultimately tooth loss. Therefore, it is extremely important to apply correct postendodontic therapy to achieve a vertical stabilization of the remaining dental crowns, restoration of hard dental tissues and finally the restoration of teeth. Poor postendodontic reconstruction can lead to fracture of the remaining tooth structure and oral fluid passing under restoration, causing melting of the root canal filling. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to choose an adequate restoration. Types of restorations used for postendodontic therapy are intracanal upgrades (metal and non-metal, i.e. aesthetic), endocrown, direct and indirect restorative materials. At the present time, the use of aesthetic materials is convincingly superior to metal materials, due to aesthetic reasons and simpler preparation. Composite posts reinforced by glass fibre, with the appropriate adhesive cementation, imposed as the best choice because they show the modulus of elasticity similar to dentin, which is why the occlusal forces are evenly distributed on the tooth. This also means that possible fractures of tooth are not so severe, it is easier to remove the remains from the root canal, and consequently the possibility of saving the tooth is much higher. If the use of classical intracanal upgrade is not possible, because of complex root canal structure or a lack of space, or when restoring teeth with reduced clinical crown, endocrowns will be used. Direct and indirect restoratives are the rarest indicated types of restoration due to their inability to sufficiently harden and support tooth structure

    On Leksykon tradycji chorwackich (Lexicon of Croatian Traditions) by Joanna Rapacka: Principles and Foundations of the Nation – Between Traditions and Modernity

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    U radu se prikazuje teorijsko-metodološka oslonjenost Leksikona hrvatskih tradicija na kontekst poljske sociološke, historiografske, filozofske i filološke znanosti iz razdoblja od kraja 1960-ih godina do kraja 20. stoljeća. Ukazuje se na mogućnosti povezivanja teorijsko-metodološkoga okvira Leksikona s teorijama kolektivnoga pamćenja i s tzv. (post)modernističkim teorijama nacije i nacionalizma te se interpretira znakovitost njegova objavljivanja u izvorniku i u hrvatskome prijevodu neposredno poslije raspada Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, Domovinskoga rata i uspostave hrvatske suverenosti. Zaključuje se kako Leksikon hrvatskih tradicija potvrđuje da su puno intrigantnija i fundamentalnija od pitanja o rezu između modernosti i tradicije, ona o njihovu međudjelovanju; o tradicijskim uvjetovanjima modernizacije, te o modernizacijskim nasljedovanjima, preoblikovanjima ili generiranjima tradicije odnosno tradicija.The paper presents the theoretical and methodological reliance of Leksykon tradycji chorwackich (Lexicon of Croatian Traditions) on the context of Polish sociological, historiographical, philosophical, and philological science from the late 1960s to the end of the 20th century. The possibilities of connecting the theoretical and methodological framework of the Leksykon with the theories of collective memory and with the so-called (post)modernist theories of nation and nationalism are indicated, as well as the significance of its publication in the original and in the Croatian translation immediately after the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Homeland War, and the establishment of Croatian sovereignty. The author concludes that Leksykon tradycji chorwackich (Lexicon of Croatian Traditions) proves that the questions concerning the interaction between modernity and tradition (traditional conditions of modernisation and modernisation’s inheritances, transformations or generations of tradition or traditions) are much more intriguing and fundamental than the questions about their break

    Prikazi hrvatskoga narodnog preporoda i »pripremnoga preporodnog razdoblja« u hrvatskoj književnoj historiografiji

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    U tekstu se prikazuje povijest književnohistoriografskih pregleda razdoblja hrvatskoga narodnog preporoda koji uključuju i reference na tzv. »pripremno preporodno razdoblje«. Zaključuje se da potonje nije bilo samo vrijeme političkoga pripremanja preporoda, nego i razdoblje aktivne tranzicije u modernu hrvatsku književnu kulturu. Ta tranzicija ne pretpostavlja oštri rez od prošlosti od koje se sam preporod deklarativno htio odvojiti, nego je preporod u svojoj neposrednoj prošlosti nastajao, a dio nje zadržao je u sebi, prenoseći je u budućnost