534 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Delivery Methods of Chemical Dependency and Wellness Education

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    Anesthesia practice is learned in a stressful environment, and these stressors may lead to the students’ development of maladaptive coping mechanisms. Despite significant improvements in our understanding of addiction and our approaches to combat this problem, the risk of substance misuse remains high in nurse anesthesia students. Education and intervention are imperative when taking preventative measures. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project was to determine whether delivery method of chemical dependency/wellness educational program effects the level of understanding of anesthesia providers and substance misuse and the development of healthy coping mechanisms. In determining whether the delivery method of chemical dependency/wellness educational program influences the level of understanding regarding substance misuse and healthy coping mechanisms, a systemic review of literature was conducted. Following the analyzation of the evidence from the review of literature, the goal was to develop, implement, and evaluate an effective classroom setting chemical dependency/wellness educational program at The University of Southern Mississippi’s Nurse Anesthesia Program. To evaluate this chemical dependency/wellness program, a pre and posttest was administered before and after the program to students entering the nurse anesthesia program in January of 2017. A retrospective posttest was also administered to the students who began the program in January of 2015 and January of 2016 after completing the previously established online chemical dependency/wellness program. The results of these tests were compared to the results of the students who began the program in January of 2017 using. The results indicated that there was a significant improvement in perceived knowledge following chemical dependency and wellness education. However, the results were inconclusive as to whether one method is more effective than another. This project’s results indicated only a significance between the first and second year students. Chemical dependency and wellness education is a necessary component of the nurse anesthesia curriculum; however, the results did not conclude that one delivery method was significantly more effective than another

    Lidar In Coastal Storm Surge Modeling: Modeling Linear Raised Features

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    A method for extracting linear raised features from laser scanned altimetry (LiDAR) datasets is presented. The objective is to automate the method so that elements in a coastal storm surge simulation finite element mesh might have their edges aligned along vertical terrain features. Terrain features of interest are those that are high and long enough to form a hydrodynamic impediment while being narrow enough that the features might be straddled and not modeled if element edges are not purposely aligned. These features are commonly raised roadbeds but may occur due to other manmade alterations to the terrain or natural terrain. The implementation uses the TauDEM watershed delineation software included in the MapWindow open source Geographic Information System to initially extract watershed boundaries. The watershed boundaries are then examined computationally to determine which sections warrant inclusion in the storm surge mesh. Introductory work towards applying image analysis techniques as an alternate means of vertical feature extraction is presented as well. Vertical feature lines extracted from a LiDAR dataset for Manatee County, Florida are included in a limited storm surge finite element mesh for the county and Tampa Bay. Storm surge simulations using the ADCIRC-2DDI model with two meshes, one which includes linear raised features as element edges and one which does not, verify the usefulness of the method

    Forest structure of long-term conserved areas utilizing different strategies on a continental, glacial moraine formed island

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    Understanding patterns of forest succession can help advise management plans within New England nature preserves. This study took place on Block Island, 13 miles off the coast of Rhode Island. The island has greater than 200+ years of farming practices. After 1960, conservation groups began reforesting the island using different strategies, such as actively planting with native and exotic tree species, mowing, and preventing further development. In 2018, woody vegetation was inventoried along transects within four reforested sites. Sites were characterized as the following: actively planted with exotic and native tree species and mowed (AP-M), actively planted with exotic and native species with no mowing (AP-NM), passively managed (no planting or mowing) (NP-NM), and never deforested (F). Trees (\u3e5 cm DBH) were measured and identified within 10m of four 20m transects at each site. Saplings or shrubs (\u3c 5cm DBH, \u3e 1 m in height) were counted and identified within 5m of each transect. Tree seedlings (10 cm to 1 m in height) were counted and identified within 1m of each transect. Soil samples were taken every 20m along each transect and analyzed in a soil particle analyzer to determine soil texture. Reforestation strategy had a significant effect on adult tree basal area and diversity (p-value \u3c 0.001). AP-NM had a significantly greater basal area (38.06 m2/ha) compared to “NP-NM” (13.14 m2/ha). The greatest richness of tree species was also found at “NP-NM” (5 species) while the lowest diversity was at “AP-M”, which was represented by one species (Prunus serotina). Overall, seedlings were rarely encountered, but the greatest number of seedlings (660 individuals per ha) was found at “NP-NM”, most of which were shadbush (Amelanchier canadensis). Soil texture was found to have no significant effect upon canopy but showed trends toward increased basal area and stem density with increased sand content. In conclusion, “AP-NM” significantly increased the diversity and basal area but had no effect on seedling recruitment in the understory. This is most likely due to the overpopulation of deer on the island

    Experience, Perception, and Purpose for the Chapel Program at Taylor University

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    Research concerning student experience and perception of chapel programs at Christian colleges is severely lacking (Morrison, 2014). However, relevant literature on secularization and the rising impact of spirituality on today’s students reveals chapel programs to be a critical intersection for the spiritual life of a Christian institution and its students. This study sought to explore and describe student perceptions and experience of the chapel program at Taylor University for the 2016-2017 academic year. The study implemented an embedded mixed methods design consisting of two surveys administered to the entire campus community; one survey administered at regular intervals to a group of students; and three focus groups. The results tell of the impact specific elements such as worship, speakers, and scripture have on students and an overall positive perception of the program. Chapel administrators at Taylor can utilize this study as they consider implementing changes in both the practice and vision of the chapel program. In addition, the information regarding student perceptions and experience in this study can serve chapel administrators around the country as they seek to improve and enhance the spiritual lives of their students


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    Segments is fictionalized memoir structured as eight short stories, or segments of the central character\u27s life. These autobiographical incidents begin in Redding, California, in 1947, when the central character leaves the family farm on her first day of school only to return to face the loss of her innocence. I find it ironic that boys and girls sexually abused by a parent or other family member are not considered incest victims, but incest survivors. Even if one survives the effects of incest, all subsequent perspectives and decisions are colored by loss of trust. Praise Raleigh is told by a third person narrator for several reasons. First, the experiences of early childhood can be too painful to remember first-hand, necessitating assignation to another person, in this case Sarah Cunningham. Second, the voice of a six year old needs a narrator with some degree of maturity and perspective, but without the emotional charge of reflection and authorial voice. The ·technique of magical realism in the incest scene was chosen for the same reason I think the German and South American originators chose it -because some things, like war, are too painful to look at straight on. The death of Sarah’s innocence is a result of an unjust war between father and daughter. \u27\u27New Kid, set in San Francisco in 1957, shows the same character, now sixteen years old, trying to figure out how to fit in with her peers at a new high school. The first person narrator tells the story from a very close, immediate perspective, in present tense. She is insecure, calculating, manipulative, but somewhat successful in what she considers to be important - to make friends as quickly as possible in order to fit in and feel normal. Dear Mark is in epistolary form as an amends to a child the mother gave up for adoption at birth. Here the main character addresses the now young man directly, showing a progression in maturity from the previous two stories. Although the action of this story takes place in San Francisco and Los Angeles from 1959 to 1961, when the narrator is still immature, it is written forty years later and shows some reflection. In A Respectable Married Woman, the narrator relates the story of another woman who was sexually abused by her father, but throughout her adult life has tried to do what she thought society expected of her- to be successfully married. Through nine marriages, Andrea tries to escape the destiny her father laid out for her, but when menopause occurs, she looses the battle. In both A Respectable Married Woman and Eight in the Side, Clean, both set in the \u2770s, the narrator voyeuristically watches other women in an attempt to learn how to be a woman other than the one who raised her, who did not protect her from her father and who took abuse from her husband and then abused her daughter. Free Bird depicts Carol\u27s diminishing control of her life. She looks for heroes as an adolescent might, and even though she is both literally and figuratively hooked to the plumbing, she still fights for her freedom. She is handed a stack of cocktail napkins and told to \u27\u27write about it, which she ultimately does in this collection. Finally, at the funeral of the abusive father, the narrator\u27s young son is handed a symbol of authority, patriotism and duty- the American Flag from the casket. Mother and child are left with the task of surviving the effects of her father\u27s misconduct. It remains uncertain if they will succeed

    First Opinion: A Witness to Beautiful

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    Excavating the Catacomb of Santa Lucia

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    In 733 B.C., Archias (a Corinthian) founded the city of Syracuse in Sicily. This began Syracuse’ history as a Greek colony, and also a history of cultural influences and changes produced by different occupations. The catacomb of St. Lucy is located in Syracuse, and contains evidence for the Greek, Roman Christian and Byzantine cultures. Excavations have been occurring here since 1916, beginning with Paolo Orsi, and most recently occurring in 2015 with Dr. Davide Tanasi. St. Lucy is an excellent case study for examining how different cultures have used this site as a burial location for centuries. The research done here identifies some of the changes that took place at St. Lucy through an examination of frescoes, artifacts, and tombs as well as a spatial analysis of these datasets

    Self-Regulated Learning Instruction’s Relationships with Teacher Subject Area, Teacher Beliefs, and Teacher Efficacy

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    Self-regulated learning (SRL) instruction develops essential competencies required in the classroom and the workplace (Johnson, 2002; Yan, 2017). SRL instruction helps learners develop the proficiency required for successful self-directed, life-long learning. Furthermore, SRL instruction produces the skills needed to plan, monitor, and achieve learning goals. However, SRL instructional techniques are difficult to implement in the classroom or workplace because educators must transfer learning responsibilities and outcomes to the learner. This study examined the relationships of teacher subject area, teacher beliefs, and teacher efficacy on the use of SRL instruction. The participants included PK-12 teachers from a public-school district in Alabama. The majority of participants were female teachers (81%) between 31 to 50 years old. This study collected data using a hard copy questionnaire. Data analysis employed quantitative techniques such as descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, simple, and multiple regression analysis. This study did not find statistically significant relationships between teacher subject area, teacher beliefs, and the use of SRL instruction. However, this research project did discover a relationship between teacher efficacy and the use of SRL instruction. Findings suggest that participants in this population believe self-regulated learning is important; however, lack of teacher efficacy limits implementation of SRL instruction

    Attorney Negligence…A Suit Within a Suit

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    The law today, it would seem, has become, like most professions and sciences a creature of specialization. Not many years ago most practitioners of the law in this country would have considered the general field of negligence a somewhat limited subject. But today, even this small segment of the vast science of law must be divided and subdivided, each individual subdivision being guided by its own special set of rules. Because of this transition from the general to the special, any paper of this sort must be strictly limited in scope. Even the seemingly narrow subject of attorney negligence” would be entirely too broad to be covered in anything short of book-length proportions, and, hence, this dissertation will be limited to only a single class of attorney negligence cases. Simply stated, it is here the intention to deal only with the problems arising in a suit against an attorney by his own client, where that attorney, through his own negligence or inaction, has allowed his client\u27s cause of action to become barred by the statute of limitations. Basically, two broad areas of inquiry will be discussed. First, there is the problem of whether such an action sounds in tort or is based upon the express or implied contract between the attorney and his client. As will be seen, the rules which have been applied to this problem are vague and ill-defined by the courts, and universal propositions of law are almost impossible to make because of the conflicts which exist. Secondly, the pivotal question of damages will be discussed. How much should be assessed in damages? What should be the method of determining these damages? The answer to these questions must eventually involve a suit within a suit. That is, the client\u27s original cause of action which has been lost must be, in effect, tried in the suit against the attorney
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