3,939 research outputs found

    University of Adelaide Press Launch, 23 October 2009

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    Die bou van die opvoedkunde aan ons universiteit

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    Die ontwikkeling van die Opvoedkunde aan ons Inrigting het in twee aaneensluitende rigtings gegaan: die een het uit die ander en daarna ewewydig of voorbereidend aan die ander ontwikkel. Die eerste wat ontstaan het, is die rigting van die opleiding van onderwysers, en die ander die rigting van die opleiding vir akademiese grade in die Opvoedkunde (die Baccalaureus, die Magister en die Doctor)

    A new method for rapid mounting of monitor sections of plant material embedded in Spurr’s resin

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    Thick (2 – 8ÎŒm) sections of plant material embedded in Spurr’s epoxy resin can be affixed to clean microscope slides coated with chrome alum-gelatin. Sections are flattened and brought into close contact with the adhesive by rubbing firmly on filter paper placed directly over the sections. After staining with aqueous Toluidine blue or Azure/Methylene blue, sections are dried by blotting again with filter paper. No heat need be applied during mounting or staining and wrinkling of sections is thus avoided. Loss of sections during staining is minimized by using aqueous stains. Sections are dried and can be mounted in immersion oil or unpolymerized Spurr’s medium within one minute of preparation

    The case for economic hardship in South Africa: Lessons to be learnt from international practice and economic theory

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    Although most leading legal systems provide for some form of legal relief in the case of economic hardship, South African law still does not address the issue of changed circumstances beyond that of objective impossibility or where the parties have provided for these instances contractually. Scholars have argued for an expansion of the doctrine of supervening impossibility in exceptional cases. However, the courts have to date not made any pronouncements in this regard. This article argues that a new default rule should be adopted that will reduce transaction costs and facilitate international trade. It is suggested that such a rule should build on the existing requirements set for the doctrine of supervening impossibility, but at the same time fuse international practice with the rules of economic theory

    Tertiary environmental changes along the south-western African coast

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    Main articleEvidence for major vegetation and climatic changes during the Tertiary in the south-western Cape has been obtained from a number of sites. The palynomorph assemblages indicate in general an alternation of relatively cool temperate forests with two periods of subtropical - tropical palm-dominated vegetation from the Late Oligocene/ Early Miocene to the Pliocene when many of the taxa became extinct. Subsequently, strong development of macchia vegetation took place. These changes can be correlated with some palaeogeographic data and the major temperature changes of the Southern Ocean indicated in the palaeotemperature curve of Shackleton and Kennett (1975) which reflects the longterm progressive cooling of the earth since the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The two subtropical- tropical periods can probably be related to the respective Early and Middle Miocene pan-African faunas of Arrisdrift and Luderitz and could coincide with the two warmest periods of the Miocene at 19 My and 14 My ago. The end of the Miocene witnessed the maximum build-up of the Antarctic icesheet and the substantial increase of the upwelling in the Benguela Current. This resulted in the initiation of the aridification of the present Namib desert, the extermination of the palm vegetation and the provincialism of the coastal molluscs. The important drop in temperature which reached its maximum about 3,5 My ago in the Pliocene could have exterminated the surviving elements of the last of the temperate Tertiary forests. The progressive aridity of the continent resulted in the spread of savannas, the evolution of the Alcelaphini and Antelopini and the change to regional vertebrate faunas. The increasing summer aridity in the southwestern Cape led to the strong development of the macchia vegetation.the Director of the Geological Surve

    Calvyn-Jubileum V.: Die geneefse akademie van calvyn

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    Op 5 Junie 1559 het Johannes Calvyne en van sy vurigste lewenswense vervuld gesien. Op daardie dag het die openingsplegtigheid van die Geneefse Akademie plaasgevind. Dit was inderdaad ’n plegtigheid. In die sg. summum templum en in die aanwesigheid van ’n groot aantal hoogwaardigheidsbekleĂ«rs en van 'n 600 studente het Calvyn die leiding van die opening waargeneem. Onder die hoĂ« gaste was daar vier lede van die Senaat of Raad, enkele predikante en die benoemde hooglerare en lerare van die Akademie

    Die ‘Godvraagstuk’ enkele flitse

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    Op 9 November 1965 het ’n “doodberig” in ’n Amerikaanse tydskrif te Atlanta, Georgia, verskyn. Onder andere word gemeld: “God, creator of the universe, principal deity of the world’s Jews, ultimate reality of Chris­ tians, and most eminent of all divinities, died late yesterday during major surgery undertaken to correct a massive diminishing influence. Reaction from the world’s great and from the man in the street was uniformly in­ credulous ..... From Independence former president Harry S. Truman re- cieved the news in his Kansas City barbershop, and said, ‘I’m always sorry to hear somebody is dead. It’s a damn shame


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    Die afrikaner: definisie en konsep*

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    Die uitnodiging om deel te necm aan hierdie simposium het tot gevolg gehad dat ek deurgaans meer gewonder het oor die vraag waaroin die wĂȘreld as’t ware so behep geraak het met die Afrika­ ner as om ’n antwoord te vind op die vraag wat deur die tcma gesuggereer word, naamlik wie is die Afrikaner eintlik? As volkekundige het ek hierin iets van die dramatiese ironic ervaar deur te dink aan daardie volke wat so veelvuldig deur ons volkekundiges besoek en waargeneem word, dat dit tot verleentheid en ergerlikheid lei. In hierdie geval bevind ek my nou in albei rolle te wete die van etnoloog en van lid van die volk op wie die mcnigvuldige disseksies uitgevoer word

    Die instellingswoorde vir die Nagmaal. ’n Vergelykende studie van die vier berigte in die sinoptiese Evangelies en 1 KorintiĂ«rs 11

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    The instituting words for Communion. This article concentrates on the very wording and phrasing regarding the four reports in the New Testament on the institution of the Lord's Supper. Using a synopsis as the basis for discussion, a closer investigation is made of Jesus ’wording and phrasing of the symbolical meaning of the (breaking of) bread and the (giving of) the cup. It is pointed out that the early witnesses confront us with a twofold tradition: that of Matthew-Mark and that of Paul-Luke - both traditions having without questioning been acknowledged as the inspired Word of God. Certain points of agreement and certain points of difference are shown to be of importance for the exegesis but also for dogmatic and for liturgical practices. In this regard several points and questions are posited, for example with regard to the cup-words: it is obvious that throughout the four reports the cup and not the wine is mentioned. Similarly the fruit of the vine, rather than wine is referred to by Jesus. This raises the questions whether this feature is not to be regarded as a covenantal motif and what the implications of the reference to the new covenant are. This last matter proved to be the central issue concerning the institutional words of Jesus
