2 research outputs found

    Influences Des Zones Biogéographiques Sur La Diversité Avienne Des Galeries Forestières Au Bénin, Afrique De l’Ouest

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    This study examined the diversity and ecological distribution of riparian bird species across a climatic gradient in Benin. Riparian bird communities were compared among three climatic zones in Benin Republic from December 2012 to November 2015. The diversity and ecological distribution of riparian bird was examined from a census (inventory) of birds in forests galleries across the three climatic zones in Benin by means of a technique of sampling of limited (punctual) type centred on no listening of 20 minutes in a circular plot of 18 m of beam. A total of 140 species richness belonging to 18 orders and 44 families were recorded across climatic zones. The highest (73) species richness were recorded in Guinean zone, followed by Soudanean zone (70) and Soudano – guinean zones, the lowest (68). Similarly, species diversity was highest in Soudanean zone (H’=5.77 bits) and lowest in Soudano – guinean zone (4,28 bits). But we have a significant difference in species diversity between the study climatic zones, but relative abundance of bird are not differed between zones. Further, diverse bird guilds were recorded varying across the climatic gradients indicating the riparian forest conservation importance. Increasing farmland severs more suitable habitats with dire consequences on the survival of disturbance – sensitive bird species. These researches underpin the need for considering integrated bird conservation strategies and are important for planning local ecotourism activities and to protect riparian forest in Benin

    Ethno-zoological use of bee products and by-products east of the W Transboundary Biosphere Reserve in Benin

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    La présente étude est menée à l’Est du Parc W dans les communes de Malanville, Karimama et Kandi. Elle a pour objectif global de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des produits et sous-produits des abeilles. L’approche méthodologique utilisée est constituée de la recherche documentaire, des observations directes sur le terrain et des enquêtes ethno-zoologiques. Au total, 204 personnes choisies aléatoirement ont été interviewées dans sept groupes ethniques. Ainsi, les résultats des données ont été analysés grâce à l’application de l’analyse factorielle des correspondances (AFC), de l’analyse de variance et des tests de Kruskall W. et de Mann. Les résultats montrent qu’environ 100% des enquêtés utilisent le miel dans l’alimentation. Selon les résultats des tests utilisés, il n’y a pas de différence significative entre l’usage des produits d’abeilles par groupe ethnique et tranche d’âge. L’analyse sur les deux premiers axes factoriels explique 100% de la relation ’’produits-utilisation’’. Cette étude a permis de découvrir que tous les produits d’abeilles sont d’une grande utilité. Mots clés: Abeilles, produits, réserve transfrontalière, biosphère, BéninThe current study has been carried out in the park W in the communes of Malanville, Karimama and Kandi. Its overall objective is to contribute to a better knowledge of bee products and by-products. The methodological approach used consisted on literature search, direct observations in the field, socio-economic and ethno-zoological surveys. In total, 204 randomly chosen persons belonging to seven ethnic were interviewed. Data obtained was analyses using factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) and Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney tests. Results showed that 100% of the people investigated use honey in their diet. There was no significant difference between the use of bee products by ethnic groups and by age groups. The analysis on the first two factorial axis explains 100% of the relationship between bee products and their use. This study allowed us to find that all bees’ products were considered highly usefulness. Keywords: Bee products, cross-border reserves, biosphere, Beni