52 research outputs found

    Discordance between cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in amalgamated sands and individual fluvial pebbles in an arid zone catchment

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    Based on cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al analyses in 15 individual detrital quartz pebbles (16–21 mm) and cosmogenic 10Be in amalgamated medium sand (0.25–0.50 mm), all collected from the outlet of the upper Gaub River catchment in Namibia, quartz pebbles yield a substantially lower average denudation rate than those yielded by the amalgamated sand sample. 10Be and 26Al concentrations in the 15 individual pebbles span nearly two orders of magnitude (0.22 ± 0.01 to 20.74 ± 0.52 × 10610Be atoms g−1 and 1.35 ± 0.09 to 72.76 ± 2.04 × 10626Al atoms g−1, respectively) and yield average denudation rates of ∌0.7 m Myr−1 (10Be) and ∌0.9 m Myr−1 (26Al). In contrast, the amalgamated sand yields an average 10Be concentration of 0.77 ± 0.03 × 106 atoms g−1, and an associated mean denudation rate of 9.6 ± 1.1 m Myr−1, an order of magnitude greater than the rates obtained for the amalgamated pebbles. The inconsistency between the 10Be and 26Al in the pebbles and the 10Be in the amalgamated sand is likely due to the combined effect of differential sediment sourcing and longer sediment transport times for the pebbles compared to the sand-sized grains. The amalgamated sands leaving the catchment are an aggregate of grains originating from all quartz-bearing rocks in all parts of the catchment. Thus, the cosmogenic nuclide inventories of these sands record the overall average lowering rate of the landscape. The pebbles originate from quartz vein outcrops throughout the catchment, and the episodic erosion of the latter means that the pebbles will have higher nuclide inventories than the surrounding bedrock and soil, and therefore also higher than the amalgamated sand grains. The order-of-magnitude grain size bias observed in the Gaub has important implications for using cosmogenic nuclide abundances in depositional surfaces because in arid environments, akin to our study catchment, pebble-sized clasts yield substantially underestimated palaeo-denudation rates. Our results highlight the importance of carefully considering geomorphology and grain size when interpreting cosmogenic nuclide data in depositional surfaces

    Quantifying soil loss with in-situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C depth-profiles

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    Conventional methods for the determination of past soil erosion provide only average rates of erosion of the sediment's source areas and are unable to determine the rate of at-a-site soil loss. In this study, we report in-situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, and 14C measurements from erratic boulders and two depth-profiles from Younger Dryas moraines in Scotland, and assess the extent to which these data allow the quantification of the amount and timing of site-specific Holocene soil erosion at these sites. The study focuses on two sites located on end moraines of the Loch Lomond Readvance (LLR): Wester Cameron and Inchie Farm, both near Glasgow. The site near Wester Cameron does not show any visible signs of soil disturbance and was selected in order to test (i) whether a cosmogenic nuclide depth profile in a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed, and (ii) whether in situ10Be and 14C yield concordant results. Field evidence suggests that the site at Inchie Farm has undergone soil erosion and this site was selected to explore whether the technique can be applied to determine the broad timing of soil loss. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Wester Cameron confirm that the cosmogenic nuclide depth-profile to be expected from a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed. Moreover, the agreement between the total cosmogenic 10Be inventories in the erratics and the Wester Cameron soil/till samples indicate that there has been no erosion at the sample site since the deposition of the till/moraine. Further, the Wester Cameron depth profiles show minimal signs of homogenisation, as a result of bioturbation, and minimal cosmogenic nuclide inheritance from previous exposure periods. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Inchie Farm show a clear departure from the zero-erosion cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles, suggesting that the soil/till at this site has undergone erosion since its stabilisation. The LLR moraine at the Inchie Farm site is characterised by the presence of a sharp break in slope, suggesting that the missing soil material was removed instantaneously by an erosion event rather than slowly by continuous erosion. The results of numerical simulations carried out to constrain the magnitude and timing of this erosion event suggest that the event was relatively recent and relatively shallow, resulting in the removal of circa 20–50 cm of soil at a maximum of ∌2000 years BP. Our analyses also show that the predicted magnitude and timing of the Inchie Farm erosion event are highly sensitive to the assumptions that are made about the background rate of continuous soil erosion at the site, the stabilisation age of the till, and the density of the sedimentary deposit. All three parameters can be independently determined a priori and so do not impede future applications to other localities. The results of the sensitivity analyses further show that the predicted erosion event magnitude and timing is very sensitive to the 14C production rate used and to assumptions about the contribution of muons to the total production rate of this nuclide. Thus, advances in this regard need to be made for the method presented in this study to be applicable with confidence to scenarios similar to the one presented her

    OCTOPUS: an open cosmogenic isotope and luminescence database

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    We present a database of cosmogenic radionuclide and luminescence measurements in fluvial sediment. With support from the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) we have built infrastructure for hosting and maintaining the data at the University of Wollongong and making this available to the research community via an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)-compliant web service. The cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) part of the database consists of 10Be and 26Al measurements in modern fluvial sediment samples from across the globe, along with ancillary geospatial vector and raster layers, including sample site, basin outline, digital elevation model, gradient raster, flow-direction and flow-accumulation rasters, atmospheric pressure raster, and CRN production scaling and topographic shielding factor rasters. Sample metadata are comprehensive and include all necessary information for the recalculation of denudation rates using CAIRN, an open-source program for calculating basin-wide denudation rates from 10Be and 26Al data. Further all data have been recalculated and harmonised using the same program. The luminescence part of the database consists of thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements in fluvial sediment samples from stratigraphic sections and sediment cores from across the Australian continent and includes ancillary vector and raster geospatial data. The database can be interrogated and downloaded via a custom-built web map service. More advanced interrogation and exporting to various data formats, including the ESRI Shapefile and Google Earth\u27s KML, is also possible via the Web Feature Service (WFS) capability running on the OCTOPUS server. Use of open standards also ensures that data layers are visible to other OGC-compliant data-sharing services. OCTOPUS and its associated data curation framework provide the opportunity for researchers to reuse previously published but otherwise unusable CRN and luminescence data. This delivers the potential to harness old but valuable data that would otherwise be lost to the research community

    OCTOPUS database (v.2)

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    OCTOPUS v.2 is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant web-enabled database that allows users to visualise, query, and download cosmogenic radionuclide, luminescence, and radiocarbon ages and denudation rates associated with erosional landscapes, Quaternary depositional landforms, and archaeological records, along with ancillary geospatial (vector and raster) data layers. The database follows the FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) data principles and is based on open-source software deployed on the Google Cloud Platform. Data stored in the database can be accessed via a custom-built web interface and via desktop geographic information system (GIS) applications that support OGC data access protocols. OCTOPUS v.2 hosts five major data collections. CRN Denudation and ExpAge consist of published cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al measurements in modern fluvial sediment and glacial samples respectively. Both collections have a global extent; however, in addition to geospatial vector layers, CRN Denudation also incorporates raster layers, including a digital elevation model, gradient raster, flow direction and flow accumulation rasters, atmospheric pressure raster, and CRN production scaling and topographic shielding factor rasters. SahulSed consists of published optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) ages for fluvial, aeolian, and lacustrine sedimentary records across the Australian mainland and Tasmania. SahulArch consists of published OSL, TL, and radiocarbon ages for archaeological records, and FosSahul consists of published late-Quaternary records of direct and indirect non-human vertebrate (mega)fauna fossil ages that have been systematically quality rated. Supporting data are comprehensive and include bibliographic, contextual, and sample-preparation- and measurement-related information. In the case of cosmogenic radionuclide data, OCTOPUS also includes all necessary information and input files for the recalculation of denudation rates using the open-source program CAIRN. OCTOPUS v.2 and its associated data curation framework allow for valuable legacy data to be harnessed that would otherwise be lost to the research community. The database can be accessed at https://octopusdata.org (last access: 1 July 2022). The individual data collections can also be accessed via their respective digital object identifiers (DOIs) (see Table 1)

    Calculation of the cosmogenic nuclide production topographic shielding scaling factor for large areas using DEMs

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    The recent surge of applications using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCNs) to calculate catchment-averaged erosion rates from isotopic concentrations in fluvial sediment, and the prospect of coupling TCN production functions with numerical surface process models (SPMs), necessitate a fast and accurate algorithm for the calculation of topographic shielding. Topographic shielding refers to the proportion of the incoming cosmic radiation that is shielded by the surrounding topography, the scaling factor being defined as the ratio of the unshielded (total minus shielded) to the total (or maximum) cosmic ray flux (i.e. the flux received by a horizontal, unobstructed surface). Topography contributes to the reduction of TCN production by obstructing a certain proportion of the incoming flux and by modifying the angle of incidence. Available algorithms calculate the proportion of obstructed radiation by dividing the horizon as seen by the sample (a grid cell in the case of a DEM), into arc segments (usually of equal length) for which the average obstruction heights expressed as zenith angles are calculated. The use of these methods is feasible only when dealing with a small number of isolated samples, since the identification of obstructions when dealing with an entire area is computationally very intensive. This paper describes a method that uses a relief shadow modelling technique to identify those areas of a DEM that are under shadow (i.e. shielded), and thus to account for the obstructed radiation. This method produces results that are very similar to those obtained using a direct implementation of available methods (maximum difference between results of c. 0·1). The method based on relief shadow modelling is also faster than a direct implementation of any available method and can be readily implemented in any GIS system with raster capabilities

    OCTOPUS Database v.2: The CRN Denudation Australian collection

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    Database of published cosmogenic Be-10 and Al-26 concentrations from modern river sediment and basin-averaged denudation rates inferred from these data. Ancillary spatial data includes: sample site location (point), basin outline (polygon), digital elevation model (raster), D8 flow direction and flow accumulation grids (raster), topographic gradient (raster), atmospheric pressure (raster), and cosmogenic nuclide production scaling factor and topographic shielding grids (raster). The vector spatial data uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. The raster data uses the WGS86/UTM projected coordinate reference system, UTM zones depending on the extent and location of each data package. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes all necessary information and input files for the recalculation of denudation rates using the CAIRN model (https://github.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTopoTools_CRNBasinwide). All denudation rates were recalculated and harmonised using CAIRN. The extent of the data covers Australia

    Earth is (mostly) flat: apportionment of the flux of continental sediment over millennial time scales: REPLY

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    We thank Warrick et al. (2014) for the Comment on our recent synthesis of 10Be-derived denudation rates (Willenbring et al., 2013), in which we suggested that gently sloping areas, representing ∌90% of the Earth’s land surface, have sufficiently high rates of denudation to produce a majority of mass fluxes to the world’s ocean. First, Warrick et al. take issue with labeling our global cosmogenic nuclide denudation fluxes “sediment” and with the inferred comparisons to other sediment yield apportionment studies. We apologize for instances of unclear wording related to the terms: sediment production, sediment to the oceans, and mass flux. Unlike sediment gauging data, cosmogenic nuclides measure total mass loss in surface environments averaged over millennial time scales, and they tend to not miss large landscape-changing events with low recurrence intervals (Kirchner et al., 2001). We aimed to quantify the spatial patterns of long-term, pre-anthropogenic mass fluxes from continents. We stated that previous sediment yield studies are not directly comparable, and this is correct because chemical weathering is included in total denudation, and there are differences in terms of averaging time scales and the effects of sediment storage

    Earth is (mostly) flat: apportionment of the flux of continental sediment over millennial time scales

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    We use a new compilation of global denudation estimates from cosmogenic nuclides to calculate the apportionment and the sum of all sediment produced on Earth by extrapolation of a statistically significant correlation between denudation rates and basin slopes to watersheds without denudation rate data. This robust relationship can explain approximately half of the variance in denudation from quartz-bearing topography drained by rivers using only mean slopes as the predictive tool and matches a similar fit for large river basins. At slopes \u3e200 m/km, topography controls denudation rates. Controls on denudation in landscapes where average slopes are 10 mm/k.y. We use global topographic data to show that the vast majority of the Earth’s surface consists of these gently sloping surfaces with modest, but positive, gross denudation rates, and that these areas contribute the most sediment to the oceans. Because of the links between silicate weathering rates and denudation rates, the predominance of low sloping areas on the Earth’s surface compared to areas of steep mountainous topography implies that mountain uplift contributes little to drawdown of CO2 at cosmogenic nuclide time scales of 103–106 yr. The poorly understood environmental controls that set the pace of denudation for the largest portion of Earth’s surface hold the key to understanding the feedbacks between erosion and climate

    OCTOPUS Database v.2: The CRN Denudation Global collection

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    Database of published cosmogenic Be-10 and Al-26 concentrations from modern river sediment and basin-averaged denudation rates inferred from these data. Ancillary spatial data includes: sample site location (point), basin outline (polygon), digital elevation model (raster), D8 flow direction and flow accumulation grids (raster), topographic gradient (raster), atmospheric pressure (raster), and cosmogenic nuclide production scaling factor and topographic shielding grids (raster). The vector spatial data uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. The raster data uses the WGS86/UTM projected coordinate reference system, UTM zones depending on the extent and location of each data package. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes all necessary information and input files for the recalculation of denudation rates using the CAIRN model (https://github.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTopoTools_CRNBasinwide). All denudation rates were recalculated and harmonised using CAIRN. The extent of the data is global, excluding Australia

    OCTOPUS - CRN International

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    Compilation of published cosmogeninc Be-10 and Al-26 (where available) denudation rates along with all ancillary GIS vector (sample site and basin outline) and raster (DEM, D8 flow direction, D8 flow accumulation, topographic gradient, atmospheric pressure, production scaling, and topographic shielding) layers. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes all necessary information for the recalculation of denudation rates using the CAIRN open source denudation rate code (https://github.com/LSDtopotools/LSDTopoTools_CRNBasinwide). Further all data have been recalculated and harmonised using the same code. The extent of the data is global, excluding Australia. Development funding for this dataset was received from Australian National Data Service (ANDS) High Value Collections
