33 research outputs found

    Estimate of global atmospheric organic aerosol from oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons

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    The results from a series of outdoor chamber experiments establishing the atmospheric aerosol-forming potential of fourteen terpenoid hydrocarbons have been used to estimate the annual amount of secondary organic aerosol formed globally from compounds emitted by vegetation. Hydroxyl radical, ozone, and nitrate radical oxidation each contribute to aerosol formation in full-photooxidation experiments; because oxidation by nitrate radical under ambient, remote conditions is likely to be negligible, parameters describing aerosol formation from hydroxyl radical and ozone reaction only are developed. Chamber results, temporally and spatially resolved, compound-specific estimates of biogenic hydrocarbon emissions, and hydroxyl radical and ozone fields are combined to lead to an estimate for atmospheric secondary organic aerosol formed annually from biogenic precursors of 18.5 Tg, a number smaller than the previously published estimate of 30–270 Tg [Andreae and Crutzen, 1997]

    Organic aerosol formation from the oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons

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    A series of outdoor chamber experiments has been used to establish and characterize the significant atmospheric aerosol-forming potentials of the most prevalent biogenic hydrocarbons emitted by vegetation. These compounds were also studied to elucidate the effect of structure on aerosol yield for these types of compounds. Because oxidation products partition between the gas and aerosol phases, the aerosol yields of the parent biogenic hydrocarbons depend on the concentration of organic aerosol into which these products can be absorbed. For organic mass concentrations between 5 and 40 µg m^(-3), mass-based yields in photooxidation experiments range from 17 to 67% for sesquiterpenes, from 2 to 23% for cyclic diolefins, from 2 to 15% for bicyclic olefins, and from 2 to 6% for the acyclic triolefin ocimene. In these photooxidation experiments, hydroxyl and nitrate radicals and ozone can contribute to consumption of the parent hydrocarbon. For bicyclic olefins (α-pinene, β-pinene, Δ^3-carene, and sabinene), experiments were also carried out at daytime temperatures in a dark system in the presence of ozone or nitrate radicals alone. For ozonolysis experiments, resulting aerosol yields are less dependent on organic mass concentration, when compared to full, sunlight-driven photooxidation. Nitrate radical experiments exhibit extremely high conversion to aerosol for β-pinene, sabinene, and Δ^3-carene. The relative importance of aerosol formation from each type of reaction for bicyclic olefin photooxidation is elucidated

    Observation of gaseous and particulate products of monoterpene oxidation in forest atmospheres

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    Atmospheric oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons, such as monoterpenes, is estimated to be a significant source of global aerosol. Whereas laboratory studies have established that photochemical oxidation of monoterpenes leads to aerosol formation, there are limited field studies detecting such oxidation products in ambient aerosols. Drawing on prior results of monoterpene product analysis under controlled smog chamber conditions, we have identified organic aerosol components attributable to monoterpene oxidation in two forest atmospheres, Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Big Bear, San Bernardino National Forest, California, U.S.A. The major identified aerosol products derived from α-pinene and β-pinene oxidation include pinic acid, pinonic acid, norpinonic acid and its isomers, hydroxy pinonaldehydes, and pinonaldehyde, concentrations of which in the aerosol phase are in the sub ng m^(−3) range. Identification of oxidation products in atmospheric aerosol samples serves as direct evidence for aerosol formation from monoterpenes under ambient conditions

    New particle formation from photooxidation of diiodomethane (CH_2I_2)

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    Photolysis of CH_2I_2 in the presence of O_3 has been proposed as a mechanism leading to intense new particle formation in coastal areas. We report here a comprehensive laboratory chamber study of this system. Rapid homogeneous nucleation was observed over three orders of magnitude in CH_2I_2 mixing ratio, down to a level of 15 ppt (∼4 × 10^8 molec. cm^(−3)) comparable to the directly measured total gas-phase iodine species concentrations in coastal areas. After the nucleation burst, the observed aerosol dynamics in the chamber was dominated by condensation of additional vapors onto existing particles and particle coagulation. Particles formed under dry conditions are fractal agglomerates with mass fractal dimension, D_f ∼ 1.8–2.5. Higher relative humidity (65%) does not change the nucleation or growth behavior from that under dry conditions, but results in more compact and dense particles (D_f ∼ 2.7). On the basis of the known gas-phase chemistry, OIO is the most likely gas-phase species to produce the observed nucleation and aerosol growth; however, the current understanding of this chemistry is very likely incomplete. Chemical analysis of the aerosol using an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer reveals that the particles are composed mainly of iodine oxides but also contain water and/or iodine oxyacids. The system studied here can produce nucleation events as intense as those observed in coastal areas. On the basis of comparison between the particle composition, hygroscopicity, and nucleation and growth rates observed in coastal nucleation and in the experiments reported here, it is likely that photooxidation of CH_2I_2, probably aided by other organic iodine compounds, is the mechanism leading to the observed new particle formation in the west coast of Ireland

    Coupling Field and Laboratory Measurements to Estimate the Emission Factors of Identified and Unidentified Trace Gases for Prescribed Fires

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    An extensive program of experiments focused on biomass burning emissions began with a laboratory phase in which vegetative fuels commonly consumed in prescribed fires were collected in the southeastern and southwestern US and burned in a series of 71 fires at the US Forest Service Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. The particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions were measured by gravimetric filter sampling with subsequent analysis for elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), and 38 elements. The trace gas emissions were measured by an open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectrometer, proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTRMS), proton-transfer ion-trap mass spectrometry (PIT-MS), negative-ion proton-transfer chemical-ionization mass spectrometry (NI-PT-CIMS), and gas chromatography with MS detection (GC-MS). 204 trace gas species (mostly non-methane organic compounds (NMOC)) were identified and quantified with the above instruments. Many of the 182 species quantified by the GC-MS have rarely, if ever, been measured in smoke before. An additional 153 significant peaks in the unit mass resolution mass spectra were quantified, but either could not be identified or most of the signal at that molecular mass was unaccounted for by identifiable species. In a second, field phase of this program, airborne and ground-based measurements were made of the emissions from prescribed fires that were mostly located in the same land management units where the fuels for the lab fires were collected. A broad variety, but smaller number of species (21 trace gas species and PM2.5) was measured on 14 fires in chaparral and oak savanna in the southwestern US, as well as pine forest understory in the southeastern US and Sierra Nevada mountains of California. The field measurements of emission factors (EF) are useful both for modeling and to examine the representativeness of our lab fire EF. The lab EF/field EF ratio for the pine understory fuels was not statistically different from one, on average. However, our lab EF for smoldering compounds emitted from the semiarid shrubland fuels should likely be increased by a factor of similar to 2.7 to better represent field fires. Based on the lab/field comparison, we present emission factors for 357 pyrogenic species (including unidentified species) for 4 broad fuel types: pine understory, semiarid shrublands, coniferous canopy, and organic soil. To our knowledge this is the most comprehensive measurement of biomass burning emissions to date and it should enable improved representation of smoke composition in atmospheric models. The results support a recent estimate of global NMOC emissions from biomass burning that is much higher than widely used estimates and they provide important insights into the nature of smoke. 31-72% of the mass of gas-phase NMOC species was attributed to species that we could not identify. These unidentified species are not represented in most models, but some provision should be made for the fact that they will react in the atmosphere. In addition, the total mass of gas-phase NMOC divided by the mass of co-emitted PM2.5 averaged about three (range similar to 2.0-8.7). About 35-64% of the NMOC were likely semivolatile or of intermediate volatility. Thus, the gas-phase NMOC represent a large reservoir of potential precursors for secondary formation of ozone and organic aerosol. For the single lab fire in organic soil about 28% of the emitted carbon was present as gas-phase NMOC and similar to 72% of the mass of these NMOC was unidentified, highlighting the need to learn more about the emissions from smoldering organic soils. The mass ratio of total NMOC to NOx as NO ranged from 11 to 267, indicating that NOx-limited O-3 production would be common in evolving biomass burning plumes. The fuel consumption per unit area was 7.0 +/- 2.3 Mg ha(-1) and 7.7 +/- 3.7 Mg ha(-1) for pine-understory and semiarid shrubland prescribed fires, respectively

    Organic and Elemental Carbon Concentration in fine Particulate Matter in Residences, Schoolrooms, and Outdoor Air in Mira Loma, California. Atmospheric Environment

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    Abstract Indoor and outdoor elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations were measured from September 2001 through January 2002 at 20 residential sites and a local high school in western Riverside County, CA. The correlation (R 2 ) between indoor vs. outdoor EC and indoor vs. outdoor OC were 0.63 and 0.47, respectively, while the correlation of EC to OC outdoors and indoors was 0.58 and 0.23, respectively. The average OC content of PM 2.5 was 0.25 and 0.55 for outdoor and indoor PM 2.5 , respectively. It was concluded that there were no significant indoor sources of EC while indoor OC sources contributed significantly to indoor PM 2.5 . Home with smokers had significantly higher TC and OC than homes without. Schoolrooms generally had less EC and OC due to the schools HVAC system.

    State-of-the-Art Chamber Facility for Studying Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry

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    A state-of-the-art chamber facility is described for investigation of atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Dual 28 m^3 FEP Teflon film chambers are used to simulate atmospheric conditions in which aerosol formation may occur. This facility provides the flexibility to investigate dark, single oxidant reactions as well as full photochemical simulations. This paper discusses the environmental control implemented as well as the gas-phase and aerosol-phase instrumentation used to monitor atmospheric aerosol formation and growth. Physical processes occurring in the chamber and procedures for estimating secondary organic aerosol formation during reaction are described. Aerosol formation and evolution protocols at varying relative humidity conditions are presented

    Impact of molecular structure on secondary organic aerosol formation from aromatic hydrocarbon photooxidation under low-NOx conditions

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    Abstract. The molecular structure of volatile organic compounds determines their oxidation pathway, directly impacting secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. This study comprehensively investigates the impact of molecular structure on SOA formation from the photooxidation of 12 different eight- to nine-carbon aromatic hydrocarbons under low-NOx conditions. The effects of the alkyl substitute number, location, carbon chain length and branching structure on the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons are demonstrated by analyzing SOA yield, chemical composition and physical properties. Aromatic hydrocarbons, categorized into five groups, show a yield order of ortho (o-xylene and o-ethyltoluene) &gt; one substitute (ethylbenzene, propylbenzene and isopropylbenzene) &gt; meta (m-xylene and m-ethyltoluene) &gt; three substitute (trimethylbenzenes) &gt; para (p-xylene and p-ethyltoluene). SOA yields of aromatic hydrocarbon photooxidation do not monotonically decrease when increasing alkyl substitute number. The ortho position promotes SOA formation while the para position suppresses aromatic oxidation and SOA formation. Observed SOA chemical composition and volatility confirm that higher yield is associated with further oxidation. SOA chemical composition also suggests that aromatic oxidation increases with increasing alkyl substitute chain length and branching structure. Further, carbon dilution conjecture developed by Li et al. (2016) is extended in this study to serve as a standard method to determine the extent of oxidation of an alkyl-substituted aromatic hydrocarbon. </jats:p

    The Scanning DMA Transfer Function

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    The scanning differential mobility analyzer (DMA) has been widely employed for measurement of rapidly evolving aerosol size distributions. Interpretation of data from scanning DMAs is greatly facilitated when an exponential voltage ramp is prescribed, since the shape of the instrumental transfer function remains constant throughout a scan. However, that transfer function may differ significantly from that expected for fixed voltage operation. Because no simple analytical description of the scanning DMA transfer function exists, it has been evaluated numerically by simulating particle trajectories within a TSI 3081 cylindrical DMA. These computations yield transfer functions for the DMA up scan that are roughly triangular but with widths significantly greater than those for fixed voltage operation, and transfer functions for the down scan that are highly asymmetric. The impact of these distortions is most obvious when the size distribution of the measured aerosol is narrow, but errors in recovered size and concentration can be significant even when the aerosol size distribution is much broader than the transfer function. The magnitude of these errors is dependent upon the ratio of the mean gas residence time to the exponential voltage time constant, the sheath-to-aerosol-flow ratio, and the technique used to determine the instrument plumbing time. Experimental results for scans across broad and narrow size distributions compare favorably with predictions based on the simulated transfer functions. Simplified corrections are provided that can be used to adjust the concentration and mobility of size distributions recovered using a fixed voltage transfer function