76 research outputs found

    Fairness by Discussion: An Alternative View on the Fairness of Protocols in Automated Negotiation

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    The field of automated negotiation promises to improve negotiations, thus, a fair outcome and process should also be considered when building these systems. However, issues exist with computational approaches to fairness with which the field of computer science is mainly concerned. To this end, we propose a new approach to fairness based on that of essentially contested concepts to see if argumentation-based negotiation could be used as an extension to the Stacked Alternating Offers Protocol to improve fairness. Looking at fairness as an essentially contested concept shows that discussion between people somehow influenced by the negotiation system is necessary to maintain its fairness. This in turn means that systems that provide accessible context are fairer than systems that would not do so. Thus arguments, if implemented in an accessible manner, add more context to the negotiation, in turn making an SAOP negotiation fairer.CSE3000 Research ProjectComputer Science and Engineerin

    Developmentally Regulated Oscillations in the Expression of UV Repair Genes in a Soilborne Plant Pathogen Dictate UV Repair Efficiency and Survival

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    Fusarium oxysporum infects plants through the roots and therefore is not exposed to the sun regularly. However, the ability to survive sun exposure expands the distribution of the population. UV from the sun is toxic and mutagenic, and to survive sun exposure, fungi encode several DNA repair mechanisms. We found that Fusarium oxysporum has a gene expression program that activates photolyase at the first hours of germination when the pathogen is not established in the plant tissue. Later on, the expression of photolyase decreases, and the expression of a light-independent UV repair mechanism increases. We suggest a novel point of view to a very fundamental question of how soilborne microorganisms defend themselves against sudden UV exposure.The ability to withstand UV damage shapes the ecology of microbes. While mechanisms of UV tolerance were extensively investigated in microorganisms regularly exposed to the sun, far less is known about UV repair of soilborne microorganisms. Fusarium oxysporum is a soilborne fungal plant pathogen that is resistant to UV light. We hypothesized that its UV repair capacity is induced to deal with irregular sun exposure. Unlike the SOS paradigm, our analysis revealed only sporadic increases and even decreases in UV repair gene expression following UVC irradiation or exposure to visible light. Strikingly, a major factor determining the expression of UV repair genes was the developmental status of the fungus. At the early stages of germination, the expression of photolyase increased while the expression of UV endonuclease decreased, and then the trend was reversed. These gene expression oscillations were dependent on cell cycle progression. Consequently, the contribution of photoreactivation to UV repair and survival was stronger at the beginning of germination than later when a filament was established. F. oxysporum germinates following cues from the host. Early on in germination, it is most vulnerable to UV; when the filament is established, the pathogen is protected from the sun because it is already within the host tissue

    Thermal time model for Egyptian broomrape ‎‎(Phelipanche aegyptiaca) parasitism dynamics in carrot ‎‎(Daucus carota L.): Field validation ‎

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    Carrot, a highly profitable crop in Israel, is severely damaged by Phelipanche aegyptiaca ‎parasitism. Herbicides can effectively control the parasite and prevent damage, but for ‎optimal results, knowledge about the soil-subsurface phenological stage of the parasite is ‎essential. Parasitism dynamics models have been successfully developed for the parasites P. ‎aegyptiaca, Orobanche cumana and O. minor in the summer crops, tomato, sunflower and ‎red clover, respectively. However, these models, which are based on a linear relationship ‎between thermal time and the parasitism dynamics, may not necessarily be directly ‎applicable to the P. aegyptiaca-carrot system. The objective of the current study was to ‎develop a thermal time model to predict the effect of P. aegyptiaca parasitism dynamics on ‎carrot growth. For development and validation of the models, data was collected from a ‎temperature-controlled growth experiment and from 13 plots naturally infested with P. ‎aegyptiaca in commercial carrot fields. Our results revealed that P. aegyptiaca development ‎is related to soil temperature. Moreover, unlike P. aegyptiaca parasitism in sunflower and ‎tomato, which could be predicted both a linear model, P. aegyptiaca parasitism dynamics ‎on carrot roots required a nonlinear model, due to the wider range of growth temperatures of ‎both the carrot and the parasite. Hence, two different nonlinear models were developed for ‎optimizing the prediction of P. aegyptiaca parasitism dynamics. Both models, a beta ‎function model and combined model composed of a beta function and a sigmoid curve, were ‎able to predict first P. aegyptiaca attachment. However, overall P. aegyptiaca dynamics was ‎described more accurately by the combined model (RMSE =14.58 and 10.79, respectively). ‎The results of this study will complement previous studies on P. aegyptiaca management by ‎herbicides to facilitate optimal carrot growth and handling in fields infested with P. ‎aegyptiaca.

    Musings on PET and SPECT.

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