1,181 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Networks for Counting Fish in Fisheries Surveillance Video

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    We present a computer vision tool that analyses video from a CCTV system installed on fishing trawlers to monitor discarded fish catch. The system aims to support expert observers who review the footage and verify numbers, species and sizes of discarded fish. The operational environment presents a significant challenge for these tasks. Fish are processed below deck under fluorescent lights, they are randomly oriented and there are multiple occlusions. The scene is unstructured and complicated by the presence of fishermen processing the catch. We describe an approach to segmenting the scene and counting fish that exploits the N4N^4-Fields algorithm. We performed extensive tests of the algorithm on a data set comprising 443 frames from 6 belts. Results indicate the relative count error (for individual fish) ranges from 2\% to 16\%. We believe this is the first system that is able to handle footage from operational trawlers

    Soft Power and Polite Propaganda: Public Diplomacy in the Early Cold War

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    In the Aftermath of the Second World War, the United States and The USSR stood as the only true superpowers. Both states held their own spheres of influence, with interests in spreading that influence. With the fear of nuclear war and the still looming shadow of global conflict, a new brand of diplomacy began to take hold as the preferred method of international relations between adversarial states. Soft power was beginning to become an influential means to accomplishing the goal of nations abroad. The careful curation of print media, literature, and informational campaigns became an important element to how the US chose to present themselves in the USSR in an attempt to realign the views of the Soviet people. Programs ranging from hard news radio broadcasts to cultural exploration magazines earned this brand of public outreach a fitting name, polite propaganda. In my research, I hope to examine the impact that the Cold War had in defining soft power, more specifically one of the tools that falls under the umbrella of soft power—cultural and public diplomacy. Through primary research of policies enacted at the time, and examination of State Department records and interdepartmental notes of the mid to late 1940s, as well as secondary resources concerning early US backed Cold War programs in the Soviet Union, I hope to make clear not only the use of soft power in late 1940s US-Soviet relations, but also the impact public diplomacy had on the direction of the Cold War and future endeavors regarding public diplomacy campaigns

    Ray traced rendering using GPGPU devices

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    Behavioral and Physiological Ecology and Community Structure of Tropical Cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattaria)

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    The University of Kansas has long historical connections with Central America and the many Central Americans who have earned graduate degrees at KU. This work is part of the Central American Theses and Dissertations collection in KU ScholarWorks and is being made freely available with permission of the author through the efforts of Professor Emeritus Charles Stansifer of the History department and the staff of the Scholarly Communications program at the University of Kansas Libraries’ Center for Digital Scholarship


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    Pembangunan di bidang ekonomi tersebut juga diiringi dengan pembangunan hukum untuk memperkuat aspek legal untuk perlindungan masyarakat di Indonesia, termasuk dunia usaha. Pembangunan di bidang hukum, diantaranya dari tahun ke tahun diusahakan adanya pembaharuan hukum sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terjadi dan melihat kebutuhan masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pembangunan tersebut ditegaskan dalam Penjelasan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 yang menyatakan bahwa Negara Indonesia berdasarkan atas hukum (rechtstaat) tidak berdasarkan atas kekuasaan belaka (machtstaat).Tindak pidana penadahan sebagaimana yang diatur di dalam Buku II Bab XXX KUHP yang secara mengkhusus mengkaji Pasal 480 KUHP, dimana salah satu unsur penadahan yang sering dibuktikan oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum dalam praktik persidangan sehari-hari adalah unsur culpa, yang berarti bahwa si pelaku penadahan dapat dianggap patut harus dapat menyangka asalnya barang dari kejahatan dan jarang dapat dibuktikan bahwa si penadah tahu benar hal itu (asal-usul barang). Dalam hal ini, “maksud untuk mendapatkan untung” merupakan unsur dari semua penadahan

    Production of a Candidate Recombinant Protein Vaccine for Mannheimia haemolytica in Lettuce and Tobacco Chloroplasts

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    The cattle industry worldwide is ravaged by bovine respiratory disease (BRD), a bacterial disease caused by Mannheimia haemolytica. Recent efforts to design vaccines against M. haemolytica focus on a virulence factor, leukotoxin, in addition to surface lipoproteins. Plant-based protein production is a safe and inexpensive alternative to traditional methods. Edible vaccines deliver antigens to pharyngeal tissues, which can provide local immunization against M. haemolytica prior to its progression into the lungs. In this project, a chimeric protein containing M. haemolytica antigens was produced in tobacco chloroplasts as a candidate edible vaccine for BRD. Attempts were made to transform lettuce chloroplasts as an alternative production platform. This endeavor necessitated the optimization of lettuce growth, regeneration and transformation and will thereby support future work with transplastomic lettuce

    Certifying Questions to the Arkansas Supreme Court: A Practical Means for Federal Courts in Clarifying Arkansas State Law

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    The purpose of this article is to raise awareness of the authority of federal courts to certify questions to the Arkansas Supreme Court and of some of the undeveloped legal issues surrounding the rule itself. The certification process, allowed under Arkansas Supreme Court Rule 6-8, is neither simple nor inexpensive, but it will most likely be less complicated and expensive than other alternatives available to a federal court and litigants involved in federal court litigation when a question of unclear Arkansas state law presents itself. Certification is treated as an appeal. Therefore, fees and costs are the same as in any other civil appeal docketed before the Arkansas Supreme Court and are equally divided between the parties unless otherwise ordered by the certifying court in its certification order. The certification process that is now allowed under Arkansas Supreme Court Rule 6-8 (1) provides a practical and efficient method by which federal courts can discern the state laws of Arkansas when they are faced with an unclear question of Arkansas state law and (2) allows the Arkansas Supreme Court the opportunity to decide important and significant matters of Arkansas state law

    Mind Your Own Business: The Trouble with Justice in Plato\u27s Republic

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    The Republic’s paradoxical definition of justice—minding one’s own business—comes mainly from Socrates’ examination of the arts. The definition applies well to artisans who specialize in single trades, but poorly to warriors who meddle in everyone’s affairs. Are the warriors then unjust? Rather than conclude that they are, the paper maintains that justice is conditioned by class and that the justice practiced by warriors (self-sacrificing and homogenizing) differs from the justice practiced by workers (self-serving and differentiating). But because the formal definition never changes, despite the awkwardness of fit, the paper further suggests that something is askew with justice, with its demand for right order, and that the transcendence of justice is a goal which the dialogue secretly endorses. The paper thus supports those scholars who contend that the Republic falls short in its efforts to prove the goodness of justice or who see in the Republic a warning against the perfection of justice
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