119 research outputs found

    Burnout Potential Among Certified Athletic Trainers in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee as Measured by a Modified Version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory.

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the burnout potential of certified athletic trainers (ATCs) working in the regions of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. To determine burnout potential, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey was used. Permission to modify the inventory was obtained from CPP, Inc. Participants for the research study were identified by searching the NATA membership directory, state athletic training websites and state licensure websites. Sixty-seven ATCs were emailed invitations to participate. Fifty surveys were completed. Of these 50, five were eliminated from statistical analysis. Therefore, 45 surveys were satisfactorily completed producing a usable return rate of 67%. Results of the study indicated that Certified Athletic Trainers in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee reported burnout potential that is similar to other allied health professions. Both the Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization dimensions were in the average range. However, subjects did report high Personal Accomplishment scores that were statistically significantly different from other allied health professions. A significant difference was also found between males and females in the Emotional Exhaustion dimension. No differences were identified among ATCs who worked in different employment settings. The top sources of stress for the entire population were working too many hours (33), salary (30), coaches (27), family conflict (22), and lack of physical resources (18). Even when the data were sorted by gender, many of the variables remained the same. The top 5 sources of stress for female ATCs were: coaches (16), working too many hours (11), salary (12), lack of respect (9), and lack of physical resources (9). The top sources of stress for males were too many hours (22), family conflicts (19), salary (18), coaches (11), and lack of resources (9) respectively

    Can Leadership Characteristics Predict Perceived Growth When Faced With Stress?

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    In recent years, positive psychology has devoted an area of study directed at exploring the anecdote "that which does not kill you makes you stronger." This led to the creation of a field of study called growth through adversity. Previous research in this area has demonstrated that there are a multitude of personality traits which contribute to growth through adversity, but no known research to date has looked at leadership traits specifically, and how these traits affect growth outcomes. This study sought to fill this void in the literature by attempting to determine whether or not leadership characteristics are strong predictors of perceived growth when an individual is faced with stressful life circumstances. Self report measures were used to assess 142 MacEwan students in levels of leadership, stress, and growth outcomes resulting from stress. The relationship between these variables was assessed using regression analysis, which yielded statistically significant findings, which supported that leadership traits have meaningful effects on growth outcomes. Discipline: Psychology Honours Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sean Roger

    Les orquidĂ cies de l'Alt Camp

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    Un-done: The historiographical dialogue between past and present

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    Art critic for The Nation and professor of at Columbia, Arthur C. Danto led the charge with his essay “The End of Art” in 1984 to declare the end of art. Thirty-eight years later, the awareness of colonial problematics in the elite institutionalism of art history today warrants a reanalysis of art historical ontologies of progress (and their ties to colonialism), which have seemingly disbanded in the discipline’s current rhetoric. Because Danto’s historical framework to end art focuses on progress through artistic means, does it fall short or even negate itself by missing the deconstruction of colonial afterlives still present in art institutionalism? Moreover, does Danto’s end to art ultimately reiterate colonial and imperial dictations over time, and thus undercut a historical futurity for “non-Western” “artists”? In comparing Danto’s theoretical discipline with the work of Titus Kapar, Yuki Kihara, and Jason Garcia (Okuu Pin), I present a hypothetical dialogue between the art historical constructs of time and the present investment in decolonizing art with a critique through appropriation. Kaphar’s work underlines how representation can challenge the game of identity performance for the benefit of institutions, Kihara challenges the pervasive ignorance towards stereotyping Pacific Islanders by resisting and confusing the West-East binary boundaries, while Garcia challenges the hero complex historical figures still have in popular culture even if they are academically deconstructed. Ultimately, they perform a legitimacy to an end of Western hegemony that Danto alludes to

    La vegetaciĂł

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    Les papallones al terme de Valls

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    Revisiting Vaccine Hesitancy, Barriers and Motivators to Obtaining a Flu Vaccine in a New COVID-19 Pandemic World

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    Purpose To describe and compare patient perceived barriers and motivators and decision-making conflict between two groups of hospitalized patients, those who receive flu vaccines and those who do not. Data Sources Data collection during 2003 included extracting data from databases and mailing two surveys to 436 discharged patients. One hundred eight (108) patients participated in the study. Conclusions Top barriers included fear of side effects from vaccine (35%) and fear of contracting the flu (30%). Top motivators for obtaining a flu vaccine included previous vaccination (93%) and provider recommendation (62%). Barriers, motivators and patient decisional conflict differed depending upon patient vaccination status. Implications for Practice Given the potential negative consequences of contracting the flu, prevention is the best strategy. Prevention is contingent upon motivating patients to obtain an annual flu vaccine. Recommending flu vaccinations, offering vaccinations in convenient locations free of charge and discussing perceived barriers with patients may increase vaccinations among high-risk patients. Helping to clarify the advantages and disadvantages from the patient’s perspective may decrease decisional conflict and increase vaccination rates

    Dietary carbon sources of mussels and tubeworms from Galápagos hydrothermal vents determined from tissue 14C activity

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    The large quantities of reduced carbon that are required to support the filter-feeding mytilid mussels (Mytilus sp.), vesi-comyid clams (Calyptogena sp.) and various other animals in the Galápagos hydrothermal vent systems are thought to be derived from either the in situ synthesis of particulate organic matter by chemoautotrophic, sulphide-oxidizing bacteria1,2 or by the advection of sedimentary organic carbon into the vent environment from surrounding areas3,4. In contrast, the dense populations of vestimentiferan tubeworms (Riftia pachyptila), which lack mouth organs and digestive tracts, apparently utilize organic carbon synthesized by symbiotic chemoautotrophs5. We present evidence here, based on 14C activities and 13C/12C ratios, that the principal source of dietary carbon for mussels and tubeworms is derived from the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIOC) in the vent effluent waters. © 1981 Nature Publishing Group
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