266 research outputs found

    The Critical Exponent is Computable for Automatic Sequences

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    The critical exponent of an infinite word is defined to be the supremum of the exponent of each of its factors. For k-automatic sequences, we show that this critical exponent is always either a rational number or infinite, and its value is computable. Our results also apply to variants of the critical exponent, such as the initial critical exponent of Berthe, Holton, and Zamboni and the Diophantine exponent of Adamczewski and Bugeaud. Our work generalizes or recovers previous results of Krieger and others, and is applicable to other situations; e.g., the computation of the optimal recurrence constant for a linearly recurrent k-automatic sequence.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Waiting time dynamics of priority-queue networks

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    We study the dynamics of priority-queue networks, generalizations of the binary interacting priority queue model introduced by Oliveira and Vazquez [Physica A {\bf 388}, 187 (2009)]. We found that the original AND-type protocol for interacting tasks is not scalable for the queue networks with loops because the dynamics becomes frozen due to the priority conflicts. We then consider a scalable interaction protocol, an OR-type one, and examine the effects of the network topology and the number of queues on the waiting time distributions of the priority-queue networks, finding that they exhibit power-law tails in all cases considered, yet with model-dependent power-law exponents. We also show that the synchronicity in task executions, giving rise to priority conflicts in the priority-queue networks, is a relevant factor in the queue dynamics that can change the power-law exponent of the waiting time distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, final published versio

    Optimization in task--completion networks

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    We discuss the collective behavior of a network of individuals that receive, process and forward to each other tasks. Given costs they store those tasks in buffers, choosing optimally the frequency at which to check and process the buffer. The individual optimizing strategy of each node determines the aggregate behavior of the network. We find that, under general assumptions, the whole system exhibits coexistence of equilibria and hysteresis.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JSTA

    On the Number of Unbordered Factors

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    We illustrate a general technique for enumerating factors of k-automatic sequences by proving a conjecture on the number f(n) of unbordered factors of the Thue-Morse sequence. We show that f(n) = 4 and that f(n) = n infinitely often. We also give examples of automatic sequences having exactly 2 unbordered factors of every length

    On the Sets of Real Numbers Recognized by Finite Automata in Multiple Bases

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    This article studies the expressive power of finite automata recognizing sets of real numbers encoded in positional notation. We consider Muller automata as well as the restricted class of weak deterministic automata, used as symbolic set representations in actual applications. In previous work, it has been established that the sets of numbers that are recognizable by weak deterministic automata in two bases that do not share the same set of prime factors are exactly those that are definable in the first order additive theory of real and integer numbers. This result extends Cobham's theorem, which characterizes the sets of integer numbers that are recognizable by finite automata in multiple bases. In this article, we first generalize this result to multiplicatively independent bases, which brings it closer to the original statement of Cobham's theorem. Then, we study the sets of reals recognizable by Muller automata in two bases. We show with a counterexample that, in this setting, Cobham's theorem does not generalize to multiplicatively independent bases. Finally, we prove that the sets of reals that are recognizable by Muller automata in two bases that do not share the same set of prime factors are exactly those definable in the first order additive theory of real and integer numbers. These sets are thus also recognizable by weak deterministic automata. This result leads to a precise characterization of the sets of real numbers that are recognizable in multiple bases, and provides a theoretical justification to the use of weak automata as symbolic representations of sets.Comment: 17 page

    Invasion percolation on a tree and queueing models

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    We study the properties of the Barabási model of queuing [ A.-L. Barabási Nature (London) 435 207 (2005); J. G. Oliveira and A.-L. Barabási Nature (London) 437 1251 (2005)] in the hypothesis that the number of tasks grows with time steadily. Our analytical approach is based on two ingredients. First we map exactly this model into an invasion percolation dynamics on a Cayley tree. Second we use the theory of biased random walks. In this way we obtain the following results: the stationary-state dynamics is a sequence of causally and geometrically connected bursts of execution activities with scale-invariant size distribution. We recover the correct waiting-time distribution PW(τ)∼τ−3/2 at the stationary state (as observed in different realistic data). Finally we describe quantitatively the dynamics out of the stationary state quantifying the power-law slow approach to stationarity both in single dynamical realization and in average. These results can be generalized to the case of a stochastic increase in the queue length in time with limited fluctuations. As a limit case we recover the situation in which the queue length fluctuates around a constant average value

    Enumeration and Decidable Properties of Automatic Sequences

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    We show that various aspects of k-automatic sequences -- such as having an unbordered factor of length n -- are both decidable and effectively enumerable. As a consequence it follows that many related sequences are either k-automatic or k-regular. These include many sequences previously studied in the literature, such as the recurrence function, the appearance function, and the repetitivity index. We also give some new characterizations of the class of k-regular sequences. Many results extend to other sequences defined in terms of Pisot numeration systems

    Priority queues with bursty arrivals of incoming tasks

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    Recently increased accessibility of large-scale digital records enables one to monitor human activities such as the interevent time distributions between two consecutive visits to a web portal by a single user, two consecutive emails sent out by a user, two consecutive library loans made by a single individual, etc. Interestingly, those distributions exhibit a universal behavior, D(τ)τδD(\tau)\sim \tau^{-\delta}, where τ\tau is the interevent time, and δ1\delta \simeq 1 or 3/2. The universal behaviors have been modeled via the waiting-time distribution of a task in the queue operating based on priority; the waiting time follows a power law distribution Pw(τ)ταP_{\rm w}(\tau)\sim \tau^{-\alpha} with either α=1\alpha=1 or 3/2 depending on the detail of queuing dynamics. In these models, the number of incoming tasks in a unit time interval has been assumed to follow a Poisson-type distribution. For an email system, however, the number of emails delivered to a mail box in a unit time we measured follows a powerlaw distribution with general exponent γ\gamma. For this case, we obtain analytically the exponent α\alpha, which is not necessarily 1 or 3/2 and takes nonuniversal values depending on γ\gamma. We develop the generating function formalism to obtain the exponent α\alpha, which is distinct from the continuous time approximation used in the previous studies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Modeling bursts and heavy tails in human dynamics

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    Current models of human dynamics, used from risk assessment to communications, assume that human actions are randomly distributed in time and thus well approximated by Poisson processes. We provide direct evidence that for five human activity patterns the timing of individual human actions follow non-Poisson statistics, characterized by bursts of rapidly occurring events separated by long periods of inactivity. We show that the bursty nature of human behavior is a consequence of a decision based queuing process: when individuals execute tasks based on some perceived priority, the timing of the tasks will be heavy tailed, most tasks being rapidly executed, while a few experiencing very long waiting times. We discuss two queueing models that capture human activity. The first model assumes that there are no limitations on the number of tasks an individual can hadle at any time, predicting that the waiting time of the individual tasks follow a heavy tailed distribution with exponent alpha=3/2. The second model imposes limitations on the queue length, resulting in alpha=1. We provide empirical evidence supporting the relevance of these two models to human activity patterns. Finally, we discuss possible extension of the proposed queueing models and outline some future challenges in exploring the statistical mechanisms of human dynamics.Comment: RevTex, 19 pages, 8 figure