54 research outputs found

    Un enfoque novedoso en la enseñanza agropecuaria: de la Tecnicatura en Producción Vegetal Orgánica en la Licenciatura en Agroecología de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro en El Bolsón, provincia de Río Negro, República Argentina

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    La Tecnicatura en Producción Vegetal Orgánica que la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA) dictó en la localidad de El Bolsón, Provincia de Río Negro, nació por una demanda local. En ese dictado estuvieron involucradas instituciones, productores y profesionales locales con la articulación de la Fundación Cooperar (COOPETEL). Se procuró que la propuesta respondiese a la problemática productiva de la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42, en especial para la producción intensiva orgánica. Cumplido su ciclo a término, esa carrera dejó una impronta local que fue retomada con la creación en el año 2007 de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN). Así, a partir de 2009 se reinició el dictado de esa carrera y el desarrollo de la misma fue evidenciando la necesidad de avanzar en estudios de grado completos en el área. Así se llegó a desarrollar la propuesta de la Licenciatura en Agroecología (primera carrera de grado en esta área en el país) que actualmente se está dictando con un enfoque diferente para las ciencias agropecuarias.The Organic Crop Production Technician in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA) issued in the town of El Bolson, Province of Rio Negro, born by local demand. In that dictated institutions were involved, producers and local professionals with the joint Cooperate Foundation (COOPETEL). That the proposal sought to production problems answered the Andean Region of Parallel 42, especially for organic intensive production. Its course to the end, that race left a local imprint was revived with the creation in 2007 of the National University of Rio Black (UNRN). Thus, from 2009 the issuance of the race and the development of it was evident the need to advance in studies of full degree in the area was restarted. This led to developing the proposed degree in Agroecology (first undergraduate program in this area in the country) currently is teaching a different approach to the agricultural sciences.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Un enfoque novedoso en la enseñanza agropecuaria: de la Tecnicatura en Producción Vegetal Orgánica en la Licenciatura en Agroecología de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro en El Bolsón, provincia de Río Negro, República Argentina

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    La Tecnicatura en Producción Vegetal Orgánica que la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA) dictó en la localidad de El Bolsón, Provincia de Río Negro, nació por una demanda local. En ese dictado estuvieron involucradas instituciones, productores y profesionales locales con la articulación de la Fundación Cooperar (COOPETEL). Se procuró que la propuesta respondiese a la problemática productiva de la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42, en especial para la producción intensiva orgánica. Cumplido su ciclo a término, esa carrera dejó una impronta local que fue retomada con la creación en el año 2007 de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN). Así, a partir de 2009 se reinició el dictado de esa carrera y el desarrollo de la misma fue evidenciando la necesidad de avanzar en estudios de grado completos en el área. Así se llegó a desarrollar la propuesta de la Licenciatura en Agroecología (primera carrera de grado en esta área en el país) que actualmente se está dictando con un enfoque diferente para las ciencias agropecuarias.The Organic Crop Production Technician in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA) issued in the town of El Bolson, Province of Rio Negro, born by local demand. In that dictated institutions were involved, producers and local professionals with the joint Cooperate Foundation (COOPETEL). That the proposal sought to production problems answered the Andean Region of Parallel 42, especially for organic intensive production. Its course to the end, that race left a local imprint was revived with the creation in 2007 of the National University of Rio Black (UNRN). Thus, from 2009 the issuance of the race and the development of it was evident the need to advance in studies of full degree in the area was restarted. This led to developing the proposed degree in Agroecology (first undergraduate program in this area in the country) currently is teaching a different approach to the agricultural sciences.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Integrated Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments from a Coastal Industrial Basin, NE China

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of metal pollution of the sediments from urban-stream, estuary and Jinzhou Bay of the coastal industrial city, NE China. Forty surface sediment samples from river, estuary and bay and one sediment core from Jinzhou bay were collected and analyzed for heavy metal concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni and Mn. The data reveals that there was a remarkable change in the contents of heavy metals among the sampling sediments, and all the mean values of heavy metal concentration were higher than the national guideline values of marine sediment quality of China (GB 18668-2002). This is one of the most polluted of the world’s impacted coastal systems. Both the correlation analyses and geostatistical analyses showed that Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd have a very similar spatial pattern and come from the industrial activities, and the concentration of Mn mainly caused by natural factors. The estuary is the most polluted area with extremely high potential ecological risk; however the contamination decreased with distance seaward of the river estuary. This study clearly highlights the urgent need to make great efforts to control the industrial emission and the exceptionally severe heavy metal pollution in the coastal area, and the immediate measures should be carried out to minimize the rate of contamination, and extent of future pollution problems

    Parasite responses to pollution: what we know and where we go in ‘Environmental Parasitology’

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    Chemical Speciation and Geochemical Behaviour of Platinum in Natural Waters - A Critical Review

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    Poster.-- Advanced Workshop on Solution Chemistry of TCEs, Byalystok, 22-23 Januery 2019Platinum (Pt) is amongst the least abundant elements in the Earth’s crust, with average concentrations around or below the nanogram per gram level. However, its distribution in several environmental compartments is undergoing a significant transformation due to the considerable increase in its anthropogenic emissions over the last three decades mainly due to its use in automotive catalytic converters. During abrasion and aging of washcoat layer of the catalyst, metallic and oxide forms of Pt are emitted as particles (normally 10-30 μm) at rates up to several hundred nanogram per kilogram per vehicle [1] and then are subject to mobilization through interaction/complexation with naturally occurring ligands [2]. Accordingly, Pt concentrations well above background values have been reported in areas subject to vehicular traffic and also evidence for a long range transport and contamination has been given from the study of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores [3,4]. In this context, rivers, estuaries and coastal areas are subject to increasing Pt anthropogenic inputs. Their solution speciation and geochemistry is, therefore, much required in order to study and predict its biogeochemical behaviour (reactivity, transport, fate, toxicity). To this end, thermodynamic and kinetic models that accurately describe its interactions in the environmental compartments are needed. The solution speciation of Pt in natural waters has been, however, poorly characterised, and the available speciation calculations given in the literature are not fully consistent. The main characteristics of the information available on the geochemistry and speciation of Pt are the following: (i) stability constants with some inorganic ligands are still unknown; (ii) thermodynamic data has been derived from experiments using Pt concentrations well above ambient values. The extremely low concentrations of these elements hamper the study of their complexation at their natural concentrations; (iii) several constants with inorganic ligands are from ‘old’ papers and/or from the grey literature, and therefore the accuracy of the calculations is under debate; (iv) a significant fraction of the work on the inorganic complexation of Pt was made to calculate their speciation in systems with a different composition than natural waters (e.g. industrial recovery of platinum group elements from acidic solutions). Therefore, some of the reported stability constants with inorganic ligands are given at ionic strengths or temperatures different to those in natural waters; (v) an important fraction of trace elements in natural waters is known to be complexed with natural organic matter (NOM). Although several papers report the interaction of Pt with NOM [5,6], the stability constants of its complexes have not been calculated yet and only constants with few model and synthetic ligands (e.g.desferrioxamine-B, etc.) are available [2]. The present paper, therefore, constitutes a critical review of the literature dealing with the speciation and geochemistry of Pt (II and IV) in natural waters. Calculations of the ‘best’ estimation of their speciation will be given as well as the implications for their geochemical behaviour. Needs for future research will be outlinedPeer reviewe

    Behavior and fluxes of pt in the macrotidal gironde estuary (SW france)

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    9 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tablaDissolved and particulate platinum (PtD and PtP, respectively) have been measured along the salinity gradient in surface water of the Gironde Estuary during two contrasting hydrological regimes; namely, moderate discharge (November 2012) and high discharge (March 2013). During both sets of conditions, PtD concentrations displayed maxima but at different locations along the salinity gradient. These observations are attributed to the addition of Pt from suspended particles traversing the estuary, an effect that is kinetically constrained and sensitive to discharge conditions. A minimum in PtD concentration in the low salinity range observed under high discharge conditions also suggests that Pt removal may occur in the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ). Particulate Pt also exhibited mid-estuarine maxima, an effect attributed to the presence of anthropogenic Pt in this region, but no clear trend for PtP–PtD distribution coefficients was evident during either sampling. Estimated daily gross dissolved (PtD) and particulate Pt (PtP) fluxes at La Réole, the main fluvial entry to the Gironde Estuary, were 0.018–0.11 mol day− 1 (3.6–22 g day− 1) and 0.001–0.18 mol day− 1 (0.21–35 g day− 1) in November and March, respectively. Using Boyle's method, the daily net PtD fluxes from the Gironde Estuary to the coastal ocean were estimated at 0.03 mol day− 1 (6.5 g day− 1) for moderate discharge and 0.17 mol day− 1 (34 g day− 1) during high discharge, reflecting the regime-dependent magnitude of Pt remobilization along the salinity gradient. The findings of the study suggest that estuarine reactivity is of major importance for both the distributions of Pt in estuaries and its export to the global ocean.The CSIC, under the program JAE-PreDoc (Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios) co-funded by the Fondo Social Europeo (FSE), is greatly acknowledged for the predoctoral fellowship to D.E. López-Sánchez. Jérôme C.J. Petit was funded by the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF #302505 ISOGIRE.Peer reviewe