11 research outputs found

    Ten-years dataset of poplar inventory in northern Italy

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    The data refer to several poplar plantations located in the plains of northern Italy. The information was collected during the vegetative rest of each year from 1987 to 1996. Dendrometric data were recorded, such as the diameter at breast height, the diameter at five meters height and the planting density, as well as damage caused by biotic and abiotic adversities using a three-level intensity scale. All data is raw, with only total volume and the volume of the first log (up to 5 meters height) calculated using dendrometric equations based on tree diameter and height. The availability of a continuous inventory with annual measurements for 10 years on the same trees in the permanent sample plots has allowed the creation of a particularly important database for the study of growth models and the influence of biotic and abiotic adversities on wood production. This dataset could be used to perform further investigations, such as CO2 sequestration, to assess the environmental sustainability of the poplar plantations. Furthermore, thanks to this database, it is possible to identify which areas of the northern Italian plains are more suitable for poplar cultivation based on wood biomass production, or to evaluate the impact of pests and diseases with respect to clone and land characteristics

    Low cost poplar inventory in the plain of Piemonte (Italy)

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    The forest inventory is an important tool to know the current and to estimate the future wood availability for industry. Generally it request high economic and time costs if based on direct sampling on the areas or on classification of aerial photo or satellite images.  The paper shows a methodology based on open source software (QGIS®) and images free available on the web (trough ‘Google EarthTM’ software) to carry out a forest inventory particularly regarding poplar stands surface. This cultivation in Italy is characterized by short rotation, about ten years, and the wood is a row material very important for the industry, particularly for plywood. The results of an experimental survey located in the plain of Piemonte Region (north-west Italy) are presented in order to evaluate the timing of completion and the efficiency of the methodology. Data of land cover, divided by poplars, other forest plantations, and natural forests are showed and compared with old inventories, carried out with traditional methods. The evidence of reduction of costs in term of man involved, time, and materials is counterbalanced by some problems due to different age of the web images; however, this alternative methodology, applied by an experienced operator can ensure a good level of precision for the purposes required, with very low costs

    Dataset of tree inventory and canopy structure in poplar plantations in Northern Italy

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    The dataset reports data collected in 38 square (50 x 50m) 0.25 ha plots representative of poplar plantations in Lombardy Region (Northern Italy), which were used to calibrate optical information derived from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and satellite (Sentinel-2) sensors.In each plot, the diameter at breast height was measured using a caliper; height, stem and crown volume of each tree were then derived from diameter using allometric equations developed in an independent study. Additional canopy attributes (foliage and crown cover, crown porosity, leaf area index) were derived in each plot from 12-20 optical images collected using digital cover photography (DCP).The collected data allows characterizing the assessment of structure of these plantations, along with their variation over the rotation time. Canopy and crown data also enable the evaluation of optimal rotation and tree spacing, as well as the relationship between stand and canopy structure.The raw datasets consist of 2,591 records (trees) associated with inventory measurements and 616 records (images) associated with optical canopy measurements. An R code was also provided to calculate plot-level attributes from raw data.Dataset and associated metadata are freely available at http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/ycr7w5pvkt.1

    Comparative economics of Sida hermaphrodita (l.) Rusby and Silphium perfoliatum L. as bioenergy crops in Europe

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    The purpose of this research was to fill the identified gap on financial data of Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby (Sida) and Silphium perfoliatum L. (Silphium), two perennial bioenergy crops that potentially provide a more sustainable alternative/complement to other bioenergy crops. Using discounted cash flow analysis, the Net Present Values of Sida and Silphium were compared to a rotation of other arable crops including maize, and the two energy crops of short rotation coppice and Miscanthus. The analysis was completed using the SidaTim analysis tool for the UK, Italy, Germany and Poland, producing a total of four independent models. The results showed that with no subsidies, cultivating Sida was unattractive in all four countries relative to other crop options. However, Silphium, was an economically viable option in each country. Both Sida and Silphium can offer greater environmental benefits than other arable crops, and the profitability of each crop would be further enhanced if additional payments for such public services were made to farmers, and if there were secure markets for the sale of the biomass. This study is the first comparative economic analysis in West and Central Europe of the two novel energy crops in comparison to more common energy crops and an arable rotation

    Produzione del colza per fini energetici: impatto ambientale e metodo di coltivazione

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    A seguito dell’applicazione della riforma OCM zucchero, si sono avviati piani di riconversione della filiera bieticolo-saccarifera verso diverse filiere agroenergetiche. La colza è considerata tra le colture strategiche da utilizzare per la produzione di biodiesel. Tra gli studi di riconversione sta acquistando sempre maggiore importanza l’analisi della sostenibilità ambientale ed economica del processo di cambio d’uso del suolo. Obiettivo dello studio è condurre un’analisi dell’impatto ambientale della coltivazione di colza al fine di individuare il modello colturale meno impattante. L’analisi ambientale è condotta su cinque realtà rappresentative individuate mediante l’impiego della cluster analysis a partire da un campione di 251 appezzamenti coltivati a colza (2751 ettari totali) nel biennio 2009-2010 in diverse regioni italiane. Per valutare le performance ambientali delle cinque realtà indagate si è applicata la metodologia del Life Cycle Assessment che ha consentito di porre a confronto le unità al fine di individuare quella che, per metodo di coltivazione, tipologia e quantità di fattori produttivi, causa un minore impatto ambientale relativo

    Inarbo.it. Inventario degli impianti di arboricoltura da legno in Italia

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    La definizione di strategie di approvvigionamento nazionale della materia prima legnosa rende opportuno disporre di una base conoscitiva aggiornata delle risorse e della loro distribuzione territoriale. In questo contributo vengono illustrati i metodi e i principali risultati di una recente indagine campionaria volta a valutare la consistenza, le caratteristiche e la distribuzione degli impianti di arboricoltura da legno in Italia

    Nondestructive tree stem and crown volume allometry in hybrid poplar plantations derived from terrestrial laser scanning

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    Accurate and frequently updated tree volume estimates are required for poplar plantations, which are characterized by fast growth rate and short rotation. In this study, we tested the potential of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) as a reliable method for developing nondestructive tree volume allometries in poplar plantations. The trial was conducted in Italy, where 4- to 10-year-old hybrid plantations were sampled to develop tree crown volume allometry in leaf-on conditions, tree stem volume, and height-diameter allometries in leaf-off conditions. We tested one-entry models based on diameter and two-entry models based on both diameter and height. Model performance was assessed by residual analysis. Results indicate that TLS can provide accurate models of tree stem and crown volume, with percentage of root-mean-square error of about 20 percent and 15 percent, respectively. The inclusion of height does not bring relevant improvement in the models, so that only diameter can be used to predict tree stem and crown volume. The TLS-measured stem volume estimates agreed with an available formula derived from harvesting. We concluded that TLS is a reliable method for developing nondestructive volume allometries in poplar plantations and holds great potential to enhance conventional tree inventory and monitoring