10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of awareness of children’s food brand “SEMPER” in Panbaltic market

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    Šis straipsnis yra atvirosios prieigos straipsnis, turintis Kūrybinių bendrijų (Creative Commons) licenciją (CC BY 4.0), kuri leidžia neribotą straipsnio ar jo dalių panaudą su privaloma sąlyga nurodyti autorių ir pirminį šaltinįKonkurencingoje aplinkoje, kai vaikų maisto rinka auga, daugėja įvairių prekių ženklų, kurie nuolat konkuruoja tarpusavyje dėl pirkėjų dėmesio. Prekės ženklų atstovai stengiasi padidinti jų žinomumą siekdami konkurencinio pranašumo. Vaikų maisto prekių ženklams taikomi įvairūs marketingo komunikacijos kanalai, siekiant pasiekti ir perduoti žinutę potencialiems ir esamiems vartotojams. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra nustatyti, kurie marketingo komunikacijos kanalai yra efektyviausi vaikų maisto prekės ženklo „SEMPER“ žinomumui didinti tarp Pabaltijo šalių. Analizuojant literatūrą apibrėžti Kenneth E. Clow ir Donald Baack (2018) integruoto marketingo komunikacijos kanalai: tradiciniai, skaitmeninės erdvės, socialinės medijos ir alternatyvūs. Atlikto Pabaltijo rinkoje tyrimai atskleidė, kad efektyviausi marketingo komunikacijos kanalai yra „Akcijos prekybos vietose“, „Žaidimai ir konkursai pardavimo vietose“ bei „Blog‘eriai ir influenceriai“ vaikų maisto prekės ženklo „SEMPER“ žinomumui didinti. Juos efektyviausiai panaudojo įmonės Lietuvoje, po jų seka Latvijos, o trečioje vietoje lieko įmonės EstijojeIn today's competitive environment with the growing market of children food, brands are constantly competing with each other for customer attention and efforts to increase their awareness. For these reasons, brands of children food use marketing communication channels, so it is important to research their effectiveness and influence on raising awareness in the Panbaltic market. Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack‘s (2018) integrated marketing communication channels defined in literature analysis: traditional channels, digital media, social media and alternative channels. After analyzing them, the research of the „SEMPER“ brand of children's food was conducted. During the research, experts were interviewed to rank the marketing channels in terms of effectiveness. According to an expert research and data about marketing communication channels in the Panbaltic market used in 2019 obtained from the children's food brand „SEMPER“, a research was conducted which country from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia used marketing channels most effectivelyVilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteta

    Ecotourism social media initiatives in China

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of social media by ecotourism management agencies and how this potentially changes the relationship between the ecotourist and the natural environment. It examines the meaning of ecotourism and the way that social media shapes visitor perceptions and meaning through an examination of the content of 775 Sina microblog postings from five leading ecotourism site management agencies in China. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the social media postings, a series of semi-structured interviews was also conducted with followers and management agencies. The findings provide an enhanced understanding of ecotourism marketing and its impacts on the ecotourist while also creating a framework for the use of social media to market ecotourism. The framework outlines the importance of the meanings associated with this form of communication through its promotional appeal to tourists and the outcomes for both the ecotourist and site management

    A Regulator of G Protein Signaling-containing Kinase Is Important for Chemotaxis and Multicellular Development in Dictyostelium

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    We have identified a gene encoding RGS domain-containing protein kinase (RCK1), a novel regulator of G protein signaling domain-containing protein kinase. RCK1 mutant strains exhibit strong aggregation and chemotaxis defects. rck1 null cells chemotax ∼50% faster than wild-type cells, suggesting RCK1 plays a negative regulatory role in chemotaxis. Consistent with this finding, overexpression of wild-type RCK1 reduces chemotaxis speed by ∼40%. On cAMP stimulation, RCK1 transiently translocates to the membrane/cortex region with membrane localization peaking at ∼10 s, similar to the kinetics of membrane localization of the pleckstrin homology domain-containing proteins CRAC, Akt/PKB, and PhdA. RCK1 kinase activity also increases dramatically. The RCK1 kinase activity does not rapidly adapt, but decreases after the cAMP stimulus is removed. This is particularly novel considering that most other chemoattractant-activated kinases (e.g., Akt/PKB, ERK1, ERK2, and PAKa) rapidly adapt after activation. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we further show that both the RGS and kinase domains are required for RCK1 function and that RCK1 kinase activity is required for the delocalization of RCK1 from the plasma membrane. Genetic evidence suggests RCK1 function lies downstream from Gα2, the heterotrimeric G protein that couples to the cAMP chemoattractant receptors. We suggest that RCK1 might be part of an adaptation pathway that regulates aspects of chemotaxis in Dictyostelium