2,213 research outputs found

    Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change

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    This chapter summarises a workshop presented at the UX in Libraries Conference VI, 2022. In response to critiques of UX as being project-based rather than embedded in organisational culture, this article and the workshop explore how we can picture UX and ethnography as core to the business of the library, through describing the application of Johnson's Cultural Web as a tool for both describing the current position of UX within an organisation and what a desired position may look like

    Owners' perceptions of factors that constrain the survival and growth of small, medium and micro agribusinesses in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Public and private sector institutions in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa (SA) can identify policies and strategies to increase the survival and growth rates of small, medium and micro-enterprise (SMME) agribusinesses if they have more information about the factors that constrain business performance. The sustained growth of these SMMEs could, in turn, help to reduce poverty, income inequality and unemployment problems in the province. The owners of 44 agribusiness SMMEs in a stratified random sample of Ithala Development Finance Corporation clients in KZN were, therefore, surveyed during October 2003 and January 2004 to identify what factors they perceive constrain business survival and growth. The respondents identified eight dimensions of constraints, namely: a lack of access to services; funding constraints at start-up; lack of management capacity in the enterprise; access to tender contracts; compliance costs associated with VAT and labour legislation; liquidity stress; lack of collateral; and lack of institutional support. The provision of appropriate infrastructure and training, development of innovative loan products, and policies to reduce the cost of compliance with legislation affecting agribusiness SMMEs are some possible solutions to help deal with these constraints.Agribusiness,

    The effects of entrepreneurial quality on the success of small, medium and micro agri-businesses in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    This paper estimates a logit model of the effects of entrepreneurial quality on business success in a stratified random sample of 44 small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) agribusiness owners financed by Ithala Development Finance Corporation, using loan repayment as a proxy for success. These owners were surveyed during October 2003-February 2004 and asked to score four components of entrepreneurial quality identified by Guzman and Santos (2001): preference for working as self-employed, motivation type, energizer behaviours, and personal and external factors. The results show that strong energizer behaviours (such as current and planned business expansion and staff training), more business experience, and family assistance to become an entrepreneur, promote loan repayment, while lack of access to electricity (proxy for lack of access to services) negatively affects loan repayment. Policymakers and public and private financial institutions could give more attention to these factors when implementing policies to promote access to finance by, and the growth of, agribusiness SMMEs.Agribusiness,

    Weeds in Sacramento County of California

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    Sacramento County has many types of Agriculture and many weed pests which compete with the crops. Stock may be poisoned by certain weeds and weeds may also act as hosts for fungus diseases, virus diseases and insect pests of cultivated crops. Many plants may be weeds in one locality and harmless or beneficial in other parts. The author has made a thorough study of the country\u27s agriculture and its weeds. Latest control practices were also studied
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