33 research outputs found

    Lesson/Learning Studies and Mathematics Education

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    Processus participatifs et projets d'aménagement des cours d'eau : Analyse de l'implication des acteurs dans la planification du projet de 3ème correction du Rhône suisse entre 2000 et 2015

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans l’étude des processus participatifs dans le domaine de l’aménagement des cours d’eau et soulève la question de l’efficacité de ces démarches par rapport à l’aboutissement des projets. L’implication des acteurs dans les processus décisionnels suscite en effet un intérêt croissant, mais peut également engendrer certaines complications. La 3ème correction du Rhône en Suisse est un projet qui a débouché sur un processus participatif long et complexe. D’importantes controverses sur les variantes d’aménagement ont émergé et ont mené au lancement d’un référendum par les opposants au projet. Cet article analyse comment différents facteurs, comme l’échelle du projet ou la démocratie semi-directe, ont influencé la planification de ce projet et les processus participatifs mis en place

    A Laser-based Dual-arm System for Precise Control of Collaborative Robots

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    Multimodal literacies and academic publishing: The eTalks

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    Academic publications and pedagogy have been deeply reconfigured by the emergence of a new kind of knowledge produced by multimodal literacies (text, image and sound together). Academic publishing needs a digital multimedia editing platform, that can be carefully edited and quoted in details, in the same way that printed sources are. Consequently, the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (Vital-IT, Lausanne, CH) is developing such a platform with the "eTalks". The eTalks application is implemented via an easy-to-use editor interface, designed for the use of researchers themselves, to create and edit original eTalks. This permits the linking together of images, sounds and textual materials with hyperlinks, enriching it with relevant information. The final release of eTalks allows complete 'citability' of its contents: each and every portion of the researchers' talks can be precisely referred to and thus cited with a specific identifier, just like any traditional, paper-based academic publication but with all the potential for plural literacies. It is openly accessible and the code is open source, including guidelines to install the eTalks. It is notably developed in collaboration with the Erasmus+ project #dariahTeach. The DRM (Digital Right Management) is a key issue in such an open access editing platform

    Le Resident Assessment Instrument-Home-Care (RAI-Domicile): ce que le médecin de premier recours doit savoir [The Resident Assessment Instrument Home care: what primary care physician needs to know].

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    Following the decision of the Swiss Association for Home Care Services to adopt the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), the RAI-Home Care is gradually implemented in all home care services in Switzerland. Based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment, the RAI not only allows to establish an individualized plan of care, but also generates quality indicators and a case-mix classification system that helps financing and planning resources. This article describes the five steps of the RAI-Home Care process and discusses the strengths, future and limitations of the RAI

    Forensic intelligence and crime analysis

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    Computerized databases have been developed in forensic science to provide intelligence for the investigator. For example, automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) and DNA databases efficiently help identify potential suspects or, particularly for DNA, link crime scenes. Other evidence such as various marks transferred during the offence, items left by the offender (such as clothing or accessories) or information captured through devices such as surveillance cameras could also be exploited systematically to provide similar intelligence. However, if such systems exist under the form of operational databases, they commonly struggle to overcome computational complexities pertaining to the retrieval and comparison of traces from large quantities of data. Thus, the use of forensic case data combined with the temporal and geographical dimensions of the crime is often felt as a necessary development, but the circumstances in which the visualization of traces on maps can help to provide accurate and useful analyses remain to be identified. A limited study will illustrate the potential of forensic case data to provide intelligence through inferences which vary from the traditional model initiated by DNA and AFIS databases. Specifically, it shows that the occurrence of certain characteristics of shoemarks, toolmarks and/or glovemarks can be concentrated in geographical areas and/or during delineated periods of time. These clusters can then be scrutinized to help reveal a series of potentially linked crimes. The experiment confirms that this two-step process, which does not require the implementation of complex computer systems, can be systematically applied as a crime analysis method and as an investigative tool

    Mortality rate in bullous pemphigoid: a retrospective monocentric cohort study

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    Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common autoimmune blistering skin disease and is associated with an increased mortality. The end points of our study were to evaluate the mortality rate in a retrospective cohort of BP patients followed up to 5 years after the diagnosis and to determine prognostics factors

    1 Watt Er/Yb single-mode superfluorescent optical fibre source

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    We describe a single-mode superfluorescent Er/Yb optical fibre source capable of generating greater than 1 Watt of output power. The spectral bandwidth of the source can be varied between 0.5 and 4 nm by filtering