209 research outputs found

    Low-Level Vibrations Retain Bone Marrow's Osteogenic Potential and Augment Recovery of Trabecular Bone during Reambulation

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    Mechanical disuse will bias bone marrow stromal cells towards adipogenesis, ultimately compromising the regenerative capacity of the stem cell pool and impeding the rapid and full recovery of bone morphology. Here, it was tested whether brief daily exposure to high-frequency, low-magnitude vibrations can preserve the marrow environment during disuse and enhance the initiation of tissue recovery upon reambulation. Male C57BL/6J mice were subjected to hindlimb unloading (HU, nβ€Š=β€Š24), HU interrupted by weight-bearing for 15 min/d (HU+SHAM, nβ€Š=β€Š24), HU interrupted by low-level whole body vibrations (0.2 g, 90 Hz) for 15 min/d (HU+VIB, nβ€Š=β€Š24), or served as age-matched controls (AC, nβ€Š=β€Š24). Following 3 w of disuse, half of the mice in each group were released for 3 w of reambulation (RA), while the others were sacrificed. RA+VIB mice continued to receive vibrations for 15 min/d while RA+SHAM continued to receive sham loading. After disuse, HU+VIB mice had a 30% greater osteogenic marrow stromal cell population, 30% smaller osteoclast surface, 76% greater osteoblast surface but similar trabecular bone volume fraction compared to HU. After 3 w of reambulation, trabecular bone of RA+VIB mice had a 30% greater bone volume fraction, 51% greater marrow osteoprogenitor population, 83% greater osteoblast surfaces, 59% greater bone formation rates, and a 235% greater ratio of bone lining osteoblasts to marrow adipocytes than RA mice. A subsequent experiment indicated that receiving the mechanical intervention only during disuse, rather than only during reambulation, was more effective in altering trabecular morphology. These data indicate that the osteogenic potential of bone marrow cells is retained by low-magnitude vibrations during disuse, an attribute which may have contributed to an enhanced recovery of bone morphology during reambulation

    Mechanical regulation of signaling pathways in bone

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    A wide range of cell types depend on mechanically induced signals to enable appropriate physiological responses. The skeleton is particularly dependent on mechanical information to guide the resident cell population towards adaptation, maintenance and repair. Research at the organ, tissue, cell and molecular levels has improved our understanding of how the skeleton can recognize the functional environment, and how these challenges are translated into cellular information that can site-specifically alter phenotype. This review first considers those cells within the skeleton that are responsive to mechanical signals, including osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes and osteoprogenitors. This is discussed in light of a range of experimental approaches that can vary parameters such as strain, fluid shear stress, and pressure. The identity of mechanoreceptor candidates is approached, with consideration of integrins, pericellular tethers, focal adhesions, ion channels, cadherins, connexins, and the plasma membrane including caveolar and non-caveolar lipid rafts and their influence on integral signaling protein interactions. Several mechanically regulated intracellular signaling cascades are detailed including activation of kinases (Akt, MAPK, FAK), Ξ²-catenin, GTPases, and calcium signaling events. While the interaction of bone cells with their mechanical environment is complex, an understanding of mechanical regulation of bone signaling is crucial to understanding bone physiology, the etiology of diseases such as osteoporosis, and to the development of interventions to improve bone strength

    Low intensity vibration mitigates tumor progression and protects bone quantity and quality in a murine model of myeloma

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    Myeloma facilitates destruction of bone and marrow. Since physical activity encourages musculoskeletal preservation we evaluated whether low-intensity vibrations (LIV), a component of mechanical signaling, could protect bone and marrow during myeloma progression. Immunocompromised-mice (n=25) were injected with human-myeloma cells, while 8 (AC) were saline-injected. Myeloma-injected mice (LIV; n=13) were subjected to daily-mechanical loading (15min/d; 0.3g @ 90Hz) while 12 (MM) were sham-handled. At 8w, femurs had 85% less trabecular bone volume (BV) fraction in MM versus AC, yet only a 21% decrease in LIV as compared to as compared to AC, reflecting a 76% increase versus MM. Cortical BV was 21% and 15% lower in MM and LIV, respectively, than AC; LIV showing 30% improvement over MM. Similar outcomes were observed in the axial skeleton, showing a 35% loss in MM with a 27% improved retention of bone in L5 of LIV-treated mice as compared to MM. Transcortical-perforations in the femur from myeloma-induced osteolysis were 9Γ— higher in MM versus AC, reduced by 57% in LIV. Serum-TRACP5b, 61% greater in MM versus AC, rose by 33% in LIV compared to AC, a 45% reduction in activity when compared to MM. Histomorphometric analyses of trabecular bone demonstrated a 70% elevation in eroded surfaces of MM versus AC, while measures in LIV were 58% below those in MM. 72% of marrow in the femur of MM mice contained tumor, contrasted by a 31% lower burden in LIV. MM mice (42%) presented advanced-stage necrosis of marrow in the tibia while present in just 8% of LIV. Myeloma infiltration inversely correlated to measures of bone quality, while LIV slowed systemic myeloma-associated decline in bone quality and inhibited tumor progression through the hindlimbs

    Mechanical signal influence on mesenchymal stem cell fate is enhanced by incorporation of refractory periods into the loading regimen

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    Mechanical signals of both low and high intensity are inhibitory to fat and anabolic to bone in vivo, and have been shown to directly affect mesenchymal stem cell pools from which fat and bone precursors emerge. To identify an idealized mechanical regimen which can regulate MSC fate, low intensity vibration (LIV; < 10 microstrain, 90 Hz) and high magnitude strain (HMS; 20,000 microstrain, 0.17 Hz) were examined in MSC undergoing adipogenesis. Two Γ— twenty minute bouts of either LIV or HMS suppressed adipogenesis when there was at least a 1 hour refractory period between bouts; this effect was enhanced when the rest period was extended to 3 hours. Mechanical efficacy to inhibit adipogenesis increased with additional loading bouts if a refractory period was incorporated. Mechanical suppression of adipogenesis with LIV involved inhibition of GSK3Ξ² with subsequent activation of Ξ²-catenin as has been shown for HMS. These data indicate that mechanical biasing of MSC lineage selection is more dependent on event scheduling than on load magnitude or duration. As such, a full day of rest should not be required to β€œreset” the mechanical responsiveness of MSCs, and suggests that incorporating several brief mechanical challenges within a 24 hour period may improve salutary endpoints in vivo. That two diverse mechanical inputs are enhanced by repetition after a refractory period suggests that rapid cellular adaptation can be targeted

    Cell Mechanosensitivity to Extremely Low Magnitude Signals is Enabled by a LINCed Nucleus

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    A cell's ability to recognize and adapt to the physical environment is central to its survival and function, but how mechanical cues are perceived and transduced into intracellular signals remains unclear. In mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), high-magnitude substrate strain (HMS, β‰₯2%) effectively suppresses adipogenesis via induction of focal adhesion (FA) kinase (FAK)/mTORC2/Akt signaling generated at FAs. Physiologic systems also rely on a persistent barrage of low-level signals to regulate behavior. Exposing MSC to extremely low-magnitude mechanical signals (LMS) suppresses adipocyte formation despite the virtual absence of substrate strain (<0.001%), suggesting that LMS-induced dynamic accelerations can generate force within the cell. Here, we show that MSC response to LMS is enabled through mechanical coupling between the cytoskeleton and the nucleus, in turn activating FAK and Akt signaling followed by FAK-dependent induction of RhoA. While LMS and HMS synergistically regulated FAK activity at the FAs, LMS-induced actin remodeling was concentrated at the perinuclear domain. Preventing nuclear-actin cytoskeleton mechanocoupling by disrupting linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complexes inhibited these LMS-induced signals as well as prevented LMS repression of adipogenic differentiation, highlighting that LINC connections are critical for sensing LMS. In contrast, FAK activation by HMS was unaffected by LINC decoupling, consistent with signal initiation at the FA mechanosome. These results indicate that the MSC responds to its dynamic physical environment not only with "outside-in" signaling initiated by substrate strain, but vibratory signals enacted through the LINC complex enable matrix independent "inside-inside" signaling

    Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship ENT300 Spotless house cleaning / Azwan Jamhari... [et al.]

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    The name of our company is Spotless House Cleaning. This business is in form of partnership which consists of four partners. Each partner contributes the same amount of capital as agreed in agreement. The main business activity is house cleaning which our concepts are to go to the customer house and do the cleaning for them. We do provide the customer the option to choose when they want to receive their service. These concepts are established due to the modern contemporary style of living, which the people in this global era become busier with their work and may not be able to do some house cleaning on their own. Our concept is also accurate and suitable with the campus way of life in which the student's time nowadays becomes more compact. Besides that, it is also suitable for the working people that do not have the time in doing their house cleaning due to the busyness of working environment. Our business operation is from Monday to Saturday on 10.00 A.M. until 6.00 P.M. except for Sunday where we decide to make it as a day off for our workers. There will be no sleeping partners and all are entitled to participate in the business management. We agreed that Azwan Bin Haji Jamhari is the General and Administration Manager, Falhaind Rubin as the Marketing Manager, Stephen James Gregory as the Operation Manager, and Clinton Jemut Anak Asvester as the Financial Manager. The selection of General Manager is based on consensus among all the partners and selected based on experience, skills and ability. The management team will be led by the General Manager and assisted by the other managers. The General Manager is responsible in planning, leading, controlling and organizing the business, as well as taking the responsibility of Administration Manager for the job that related to administration such as planning and arranging the remuneration schedule of salary and wages. The Marketing Manager will be responsible to create the marketing plan, identifying the customer's need and demand, identifying the competitors, target market, market size and forecast the future market. The Operation Manager is responsible to the entire job related to the operation and will supervise and coordinate the operation of the business. Lastly, the Financial Manager will be handling the financial matters such as preparing the budget and financial statement for expenses of each departments and control the flow of money in and out of the organization

    Self-reported Adherence with the Use of a Device in a Clinical Trial as Validated by Electronic Monitors: the VIBES Study

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    Background: Adherences to treatments that require a behavioral action often rely on self-reported recall, yet it is vital to determine whether real time self reporting of adherence using a simple logbook accurately captures adherence. The purpose of this study was to determine whether real time self-reported adherence is an accurate measurement of device usage during a clinical trial by comparing it to electronic recording. Methods: Using data collected from older adult men and women (N=135, mean age 82.3 yrs; range 66 to 98 yrs) participating in a clinical trial evaluating a vibrating platform for the treatment of osteoporosis, daily adherence to platform treatment was monitored using both self-reported written logs and electronically recorded radio-frequency identification card usage, enabling a direct comparison of the two methods over one year. Agreement between methods was also evaluated after stratification by age, gender, time in study, and cognition status. Results: The two methods were in high agreement (overall intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.96). The agreement between the two methods did not differ between age groups, sex, time in study and cognitive function. Conclusions: Using a log book to report adherence to a daily intervention requiring a behavioral action in older adults is an accurate and simple approach to use in clinical trials, as evidenced by the high degree of concordance with an electronic monitor

    Mechanical signals as anabolic agents in bone

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    Aging and a sedentary lifestyle conspire to reduce bone quantity and quality, decrease muscle mass and strength, and undermine postural stability, culminating in an elevated risk of skeletal fracture. Concurrently, a marked reduction in the available bone-marrow-derived population of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) jeopardizes the regenerative potential that is critical to recovery from musculoskeletal injury and disease. A potential way to combat the deterioration involves harnessing the sensitivity of bone to mechanical signals, which is crucial in defining, maintaining and recovering bone mass. To effectively utilize mechanical signals in the clinic as a non-drug-based intervention for osteoporosis, it is essential to identify the components of the mechanical challenge that are critical to the anabolic process. Large, intense challenges to the skeleton are generally presumed to be the most osteogenic, but brief exposure to mechanical signals of high frequency and extremely low intensity, several orders of magnitude below those that arise during strenuous activity, have been shown to provide a significant anabolic stimulus to bone. Along with positively influencing osteoblast and osteocyte activity, these low-magnitude mechanical signals bias MSC differentiation towards osteoblastogenesis and away from adipogenesis. Mechanical targeting of the bone marrow stem-cell pool might, therefore, represent a novel, drug-free means of slowing the age-related decline of the musculoskeletal system
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