373 research outputs found

    Análisis de las alianzas en el sector aéreo

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    La liberalización del transporte aéreo durante el siglo XX provocó la transición del sector desde un régimen estrictamente estatal hacia un mercado económico libre. Por consiguiente, se produjo la apertura del mercado aéreo y numerosas aerolíneas emergieron. Las alianzas se posicionaron como una herramienta clave para hacer frente a los cambios del entorno y fortalecer a las aerolíneas a través de la cooperación. En la actualidad, el mercado aéreo está dominado por tres grandes alianzas; Oneworld, Star Alliance y Skyteam. Estas alianzas, configuradas mediante el modelo hub-and-spoke, han creado redes de alcance global con el objetivo de ofrecer mejores servicios a los consumidores y aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado. Para determinar la importancia de las alianzas en las aerolíneas, llevaremos a cabo un análisis empírico, concretamente, un análisis factorial y una regresión múltiple lineal que determina la influencia de esta estrategia en los ingresos de las aerolíneas que la forman.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Comparing Student Learning From and Perceptions of Open and Commercial Textbook Excerpts: A Randomized Experiment

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    Open textbooks, which provide students with electronic access to texts without fees, have been developed as alternatives to commercial textbooks. Building on prior quasi-experiments, the purpose of this study is to experimentally compare an open and commercial textbook. College students (N = 144) were randomly assigned to read an excerpt from an open or commercial textbook, answer questions about content, and indicate their perceptions of textbook quality. Learning was similar between textbook types. Perceptions differed in that the discussion of research findings was reported as higher quality in the open textbook while the visuals and writing were reported as higher quality in the commercial textbook. Neither perceptions of research findings nor visuals correlated with learning performance. However, perceptions of writing quality and everyday examples were correlated with learning performance. Findings may inform initiatives for open textbook adoption as well as textbook development, but are limited due to the use of an excerpt. Reading to learn is a fundamental activity for knowledge construction (Duke et al., 2003; Alfassi, 2004; Maggioni et al., 2015). Textbooks are common educational tools for reading to learn, even in the digital age (Fletcher et al., 2012; Knight, 2015; Illowsky et al., 2016). The rising cost of commercial textbooks, along with the affordances of the internet and growing interest in expanding access to knowledge, has brought about the development of open textbooks, which students can access electronically without cost (Smith, 2009). There have been multiple studies indicating that students\u27 learning from and opinions of open textbooks are similar to or better than those of commercial textbooks (e.g., Clinton, 2018; Lawrence and Lester, 2018; Medley-Rath, 2018; Cuttler, 2019; Grissett and Huffman, 2019). However, these studies have all been quasi-experimental or correlational; therefore, causal claims were not possible. Moreover, students in these studies were aware that the open textbooks were free whereas the commercial textbooks were not, which could bias their attitudes (Clinton, 2019). An experimental examination with participants who are naive to the cost of the textbook would address the confounds related to student awareness of cost. The purpose of this experiment is to examine students\u27 learning from and perceptions of an open textbook compared to a commercial textbook

    Do Mindful Breathing Exercises Benefit Reading Comprehension? A Brief Report

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    A brief breathing exercise designed to induce a mindful state could benefit reading comprehension performance, but has not been previously examined. Furthermore, the mechanisms of how an induced mindful state benefits cognition are not well understood. The purposes of this study are to test the effectiveness of a brief mindful breathing exercise on reading comprehension performance and examine two potential mechanisms (mind wandering and stress reduction). Undergraduate students (N = 104) engaged in either a mindful breathing exercise or control sham exercise, indicated their stress levels, and completed a reading comprehension assessment during which they self-reported their mind wandering. The mindful breathing exercise benefited performance, but the mechanisms for this benefit were not mind wandering or stress reduction

    The Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Southern Africa

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    The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is gradually gaining momentum in a wide range, and as it gathers pace, innovations are becoming faster, more efficient, and widely accessible than before. However, due to the outbreak of Covid 19, the world had seen a shift in the traditional ways in all aspects of human activities, especially in the socio-economic sector. This paper explores the effect of Covid19 on the development of the fourth industrial revolution in the Southern African region and will review the literature on pandemic and its effect on industrial revolutions. It will also review the literature on the fourth industrial revolution, the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic, and its effect on the development of the fourth industrial revolution in Southern Africa

    Deep reflective thinking through collaborative philosophical inquiry

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    Toward a self-correcting society: Deep reflective thinking as a theory of practice

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    This paper addresses the question of how to educate toward democracy, which has as its defining trait the ability to self-correct. We draw on a study that investigated Deep Reflective Thinking (DRT) as a classroom method for cultivating collective doubt, which is essential for developing students’ capacity for self-correction in a community of inquiry

    Influencia de la fibra de acero reciclado plastificado en las propiedades mecánicas y costos del concreto en pavimentos urbanos, Puno – 2021

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    Este estudio tuvo la iniciativa en la falta de gestión y organización de residuos reaprovecharles que se dan en gran cantidad en el sector de transporte; como son las llantas o neumáticos en de uso que son un gran riesgo para el medio ambiente y salud en todo el mundo, además de que el concreto es una parte fundamental en la construcción de pavimentos rígidos, elementos estructurales y otros, con la incorporación de fibra de acero reciclada de neumático en desuso presentamos una alternativa viable y sostenible de construcción. El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo la finalidad de evaluar la influencia de las propiedades mecánicas del concreto adicionándole la fibra de acero reciclada de neumático en desuso y para darle mayor fluidez al trabajar el concreto se le adiciono el poli carboxilato. La investigación es tipo cuasi experimental, cuantitativa y longitudinal, se trabajó como un método la adición de fibras de acero reciclada al 0.2%, 0.5%, 0.8% y 1.10%, respecto al metro cubico de concreto. En los ensayos realizados se tuvo una población de 105 especímenes de concreto y 30 vigas de concreto, siendo 45 probetas cilíndricas experimentales para compresión a los 7,14 y 28 días de curado, seguidamente de 30 probetas cilíndricas ensayas a flexión a los 7, 14, y 28 días, también se realizó 45 probetas cilíndricas ensayas a atracción indirecta a los 7,14 y 28 días y 15 probetas cilíndricas ensayadas al módulo de elasticidad a los 7, 14 y 28 días. Además de hacer una evaluación de costo – beneficio al realizar el uso de las fibras de acero reciclado en pavimentos urbanos. Finalmente se concluyó que la adición de 1.10% de acero reciclado de llantas en desuso fue el porcentaje más beneficio para la mezclar del concreto fresco y para las propiedades mecánicas del concreto endurecido respecto a los demás porcentajes empleados para la investigación

    The Upward Trail.

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    16 p

    Embodied truths: How dynamic gestures and speech contribute to mathematical proof practices

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    Grounded and embodied theories of cognition suggest that both language and the body play crucial roles in grounding higher-order thought. This paper investigates how particular forms of speech and gesture function together to support abstract thought in mathematical proof construction. We use computerized text analysis software to evaluate how speech patterns support valid proof construction for two different tasks, and we use gesture analysis to investigate how dynamic gestures—those gestures that depict and transform mathematical objects—further support proof practices above and beyond speech patterns. We also evaluate the degree to which speech and gesture convey distinct information about mathematical reasoning during proving. Dynamic gestures and speech indicating logical inference support valid proof construction, and both dynamic gestures and speech uniquely predict variance in valid proof construction. Thus, dynamic gestures and speech each make separate and important contributions to the formulation of mathematical arguments, and both modalities can convey elements of students’ understanding to teachers and researchers