4,840 research outputs found

    High resolution spectroscopy of two gamma-ray bursts in November 1978

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    The first results from the ISSEE-3 radiatively colled germanium gamma ray burst spectrometer are presented. Spectra and time histories from two events on the 1978 November 4 and 1978 November 19 are given. A significant difference in the continuum spectra for the two events was observed. Evidence is presented for two spectral features in the features in the November 19 events, a broad one at approximately 420 key KeV and a narrower one at 740 KeV with a suggestion of an accompanying high energy tail

    Gamma-ray burster recurrence timescales

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    Three optical transients have been found which are associated with gamma-ray bursters (GRBs). The deduced recurrence timescale for these optical transients (tau sub opt) will depend on the minimum brightness for which a flash would be detected. A detailed analysis using all available data of tau sub opt as a function of E(gamma)/E(opt) is given. For flashes similar to those found in the Harvard archives, the best estimate of tau sub opt is 0.74 years, with a 99% confidence interval from 0.23 years to 4.7 years. It is currently unclear whether the optical transients from GRBs also give rise to gamma-ray events. One way to test this association is to measure the recurrence timescale of gamma-ray events tau sub gamma. A total of 210 gamma-ray error boxes were examined and it was found that the number of observed overlaps is not significantly different from the number expected from chance coincidence. This observation can be used to place limits on tau sub gamma for an assumed luminosity function. It was found that tau sub gamma is approx. 10 yr if bursts are monoenergetic. However, if GRBs have a power law luminosity function with a wide dynamic range, then the limit is tau sub gamma 0.5 yr. Hence, the gamma-ray data do not require tau sub gamma and tau sub opt to be different

    Search for infrared counterparts of gamma-ray bursters

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    The result of two searches for infrared counterparts of Gamma-ray Bursters (GRB's) is reported. The first search was made using data from the Infrared Astronomy Satellite and covered 23 positions. The second search was made with the Kitt Peak 1.5 m telescope and covered 3 positions. In neither of these two searches was any infrared candidate detected

    The Goddard program of gamma ray transient astronomy

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    Gamma ray burst studies are reviewed. The past results, present status and future expectations are outlined regarding endeavors using experiments on balloons, IMP-6 and -7, OGO-3, ISEE-1 and -3, Helios-2, Solar Maximum Mission, the Einstein Observatory, Solar Polar and the Gamma Ray Observatory, and with the interplanetary gamma ray burst networks, to which some of these spacecraft sensors contribute. Additional emphasis is given to the recent discovery of a new type of gamma ray transient, detected on 1979 March 5

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in General Relativity. Vector Order Parameter

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    Gravitational properties of a hedge-hog type topological defect in two extra dimensions are considered in General Relativity employing a vector as the order parameter. All previous considerations were done using the order parameter in the form of a multiplet in a target space of scalar fields. The difference of these two approaches is analyzed and demonstrated in detail. Regular solutions of the Einstein equations are studied analytically and numerically. It is shown that the existence of a negative cosmological constant is sufficient for the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the initially plain bulk. Regular configurations have a growing gravitational potential and are able to trap the matter on the brane. If the energy of spontaneous symmetry breaking is high, the gravitational potential has several points of minimum. Identical in the uniform bulk spin-less particles, being trapped within separate minima, acquire different masses and appear to the observer on brane as different particles with integer spins.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Gamma-ray burst spectroscopy capabilities of the BATSE/GRO experiment

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    A scintillation spectrometer is included in each of the eight BATSE/GRO detector modules, resulting in all-sky coverage for gamma-ray bursts. The scientific motivation, design and capabilities of these spectrometers for performing spectral observations over a wide range of gamma-ray energies and burst intensities are described

    Experimental Impacts into Strength-Layered Targets: Crater Morphology and Morphometry

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    Impact cratering is a fundamental physical process that has dominated the evolution and modification of nearly every planetary surface in the Solar System. Impact craters serve as a means to probe the subsurface structure of a planetary body and provide hints about target surface properties. By examining small craters on the lunar maria and comparing these to experimental impacts in the laboratory, Oberbeck and Quaide first suggested that crater morphology can be used to estimate the thickness of a regolith layer on top of a more competent unit. Lunar craters show a morphological progression from a simple bowl shape to flat-floored and concentric craters as crater diameter increases for a given regolith thickness. This quantitative relationship is commonly used to estimate regolith thicknesses on the lunar surface and has also been explored via numerical and experimental studies. Here we report on a series of experimental impact craters formed in targets com-posed of a thin layer of loose sand on top of a stronger substrate at the Experimental Impact Laboratory at NASA Johnson Space Center

    Experimental Impacts into Strength-Layered Targets: Ejecta Kinematics

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    AImpact cratering has dominated the evolution and modification of planetary surfaces through-out the history of the solar system. Impact craters can serve as probes to understanding the details of a planetary subsurface; for example, Oberbeck and Quaide, suggested that crater morphology can be used to estimate the thickness of a regolith layer on top of a more competent unit. Lunar craters show a morphological progression from a simple bowl shape to flat-floored and concentric craters as crater diameter in-creases for a given regolith thickness. The final shape of the impact crater is a result of the subsurface flow-field initiated as the projectile transfers its energy and momentum to the target surface at the moment of impact. Therefore, when a regolith layer is present over a stronger substrate, such as is the case on the lunar surface, the substrate modifies the flow-field and thereby the excavation flow of the crater, which is reflected in the morphology of the final crater. Here we report on a series of experimental impacts into targets composed of a thin layer of loose sand on top of a stronger substrate. We use the Ejection-Velocity Measurement System developed to examine the ejecta kinematics during the formation of these craters

    Status of Electroweak Phase Transition and Baryogenesis

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    I review recent progress on the electroweak phase transition and baryogenesis, focusing on the minimal supersymmetric standard model as the source of new physics.Comment: 10 pp, 6 figures; plenary talk given at 6th Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology, 4 Jan. 2000, Chennai, India. v.2: added reference

    Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) for the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO)

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    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) is expected to provide new and better observational data on bursts to test current and future models of burst sources. These data will include: (1) the celestial distribution of hundreds of burst sources over the life of the mission, (2) burst locations within several degrees, within 2 days after their occurrence, (3) observations of weaker bursts and better observations of short timescale fluctuations and spectral variations, (4) observations by a single experiment over a much larger energy range than previously available, and (5) more sensitive measurements of the spectral features which have been observed in many bursts. This paper briefly describes the GRO mission, the BATSE instrumentation and the burst observational capabilities