239 research outputs found

    Survival of verapamil-poisoned rats treated with triiodothyronine.

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    Life-threatening toxicity due to calcium channel blocker ingestion is commonly encountered by emergency medicine physicians and toxicologists. Despite a vast array of research on its treatment, results have proven inconsistent. The goal of this study is to evaluate potential vasopressor effects of triiodothyronine (T3) in rats poisoned with verapamil. Following anesthesia and intubation, ten Sprague-Dawley rats were given intravenous verapamil infusion of 10 mg/kg/h. This dose was titrated until a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 50-55 mmHg was achieved and maintained for a period of at least 5 min. The verapamil infusion was then maintained at that rate. Five rats were randomized to receive a T3 bolus of 0.4 mcg/kg preceding an infusion of 1.5 mcg/kg/day which was doubled every 2 min until any of the following endpoints: systolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg, an elapsed time of 60 min, or death. The other five received an equal volume of normal saline solution. The primary outcome measure was survival with secondary outcomes of MAP and heart rate. The T3 group did have a slightly longer, yet not statistically significant, average time to cessation of electrical activity-30.0 +/- 14.4 min versus 23.8 +/- 9.5 min in the placebo group. Average MAP decreased nearly identically in the two groups. Heart rates were not reliable indicators of toxicity in this rat model as there was little decrease until immediately prior to death in most animals. Despite significant variability in toxicity among individual animals, no statistically significant difference in survival time, heart rate, or MAP was found between groups treated with T3 and those receiving saline

    Evaluating Tidal Marsh Sustainability in the Face of Sea-Level Rise: A Hybrid Modeling Approach Applied to San Francisco Bay

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    Tidal marshes will be threatened by increasing rates of sea-level rise (SLR) over the next century. Managers seek guidance on whether existing and restored marshes will be resilient under a range of potential future conditions, and on prioritizing marsh restoration and conservation activities.Building upon established models, we developed a hybrid approach that involves a mechanistic treatment of marsh accretion dynamics and incorporates spatial variation at a scale relevant for conservation and restoration decision-making. We applied this model to San Francisco Bay, using best-available elevation data and estimates of sediment supply and organic matter accumulation developed for 15 Bay subregions. Accretion models were run over 100 years for 70 combinations of starting elevation, mineral sediment, organic matter, and SLR assumptions. Results were applied spatially to evaluate eight Bay-wide climate change scenarios.Model results indicated that under a high rate of SLR (1.65 m/century), short-term restoration of diked subtidal baylands to mid marsh elevations (-0.2 m MHHW) could be achieved over the next century with sediment concentrations greater than 200 mg/L. However, suspended sediment concentrations greater than 300 mg/L would be required for 100-year mid marsh sustainability (i.e., no elevation loss). Organic matter accumulation had minimal impacts on this threshold. Bay-wide projections of marsh habitat area varied substantially, depending primarily on SLR and sediment assumptions. Across all scenarios, however, the model projected a shift in the mix of intertidal habitats, with a loss of high marsh and gains in low marsh and mudflats.Results suggest a bleak prognosis for long-term natural tidal marsh sustainability under a high-SLR scenario. To minimize marsh loss, we recommend conserving adjacent uplands for marsh migration, redistributing dredged sediment to raise elevations, and concentrating restoration efforts in sediment-rich areas. To assist land managers, we developed a web-based decision support tool (www.prbo.org/sfbayslr)

    Brain injury after cardiac arrest

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier LtdAs more people are surviving cardiac arrest, focus needs to shift towards improving neurological outcomes and quality of life in survivors. Brain injury after resuscitation, a common sequela following cardiac arrest, ranges in severity from mild impairment to devastating brain injury and brainstem death. Effective strategies to minimise brain injury after resuscitation include early intervention with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, restoration of normal physiology, and targeted temperature management. It is important to identify people who might have a poor outcome, to enable informed choices about continuation or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments. Multimodal prediction guidelines seek to avoid premature withdrawal in those who might survive with a good neurological outcome, or prolonging treatment that might result in survival with severe disability. Approximately one in three admitted to intensive care will survive, many of whom will need intensive, tailored rehabilitation after discharge to have the best outcomes.Peer reviewe

    The present and future of cardiac arrest care : international experts reach out to caregivers and healthcare authorities

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    The purpose of this review is to describe the epidemiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), disparities in organisation and outcome, recent advances in treatment and ongoing controversies. We also outline the standard of care that should be provided by the critical care specialist and propose future directions for cardiac arrest research. Narrative review with contributions from international resuscitation experts. Although it is recognised that survival rates from OHCA are increasing there is considerable scope for improvement and many countries have implemented national strategies in an attempt to achieve this goal. More resources are required to enable high-quality randomised trials in resuscitation. Increasing international collaboration should facilitate resuscitation research and knowledge translation. The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) has adopted a continuous evidence review process, which facilitate the implementation of resuscitation interventions proven to improve patient outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Pre-hospital advanced airway management for adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Nationwide cohort study

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    Objective To determine survival associated with advanced airway management (AAM) compared with no AAM for adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Design Cohort study between January 2014 and December 2016. Setting Nationwide, population based registry in Japan (All-Japan Utstein Registry). Participants Consecutive adult patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, separated into two sub-cohorts by their first documented electrocardiographic rhythm: shockable (ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia) and non-shockable (pulseless electrical activity or asystole). Patients who received AAM during cardiopulmonary resuscitation were sequentially matched with patients at risk of AAM within the same minute on the basis of time dependent propensity scores. Main outcome measures Survival at one month or at hospital discharge within one month. Results Of the 310 620 patients eligible, 8459 (41.2%) of 20 516 in the shockable cohort and 121 890 (42.0%) of 290 104 in the non-shockable cohort received AAM during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After time dependent propensity score sequential matching, 16 114 patients in the shockable cohort and 236 042 in the non-shockable cohort were matched at the same minute. In the shockable cohort, survival did not differ between patients with AAM and those with no AAM: 1546/8057 (19.2%) versus 1500/8057 (18.6%) (adjusted risk ratio 1.00, 95% confidence interval 0.93 to 1.07). In the non-shockable cohort, patients with AAM had better survival than those with no AAM: 2696/118 021 (2.3%) versus 2127/118 021 (1.8%) (adjusted risk ratio 1.27, 1.20 to 1.35). Conclusions In the time dependent propensity score sequential matching for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults, AAM was not associated with survival among patients with shockable rhythm, whereas AAM was associated with better survival among patients with non-shockable rhythm.Izawa Junichi, Komukai Sho, Gibo Koichiro, Okubo Masashi, Kiyohara Kosuke, Nishiyama Chika et al. Pre-hospital advanced airway management for adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: nationwide cohort study. BMJ 2019; 364 :l43

    Variability of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation utilization for refractory adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an international survey study.

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    Objective: A growing interest in extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) as a rescue strategy for refractory adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) currently exists. This study aims to determine current standards of care and practice variation for ECPR patients in the USA and Korea. Methods: In December 2015, we surveyed centers from the Korean Hypothermia Network (KORHN) Investigators and the US National Post-Arrest Research Consortium (NPARC) on current targeted temperature management and ECPR practices. This project analyzes the subsection of questions addressing ECPR practices. We summarized survey. Results: Overall, 9 KORHN and 4 NPARC centers reported having ECPR programs and had complete survey data available. Two KORHN centers utilized extracorporeal membrane oxygenation only for postarrest circulatory support in patients with refractory shock and were excluded from further analysis. Centers with available ECPR generally saw a high volume of OHCA patients (10/11 centers care for \u3e75 OHCA a year). Location of, and providers trained for cannulation varied across centers. All centers in both countries (KORHN 7/7, NPARC 4/4) treated comatose ECPR patients with targeted temperature management. All NPARC centers and four of seven KORHN centers reported having a standardized hospital protocol for ECPR. Upper age cutoff for eligibility ranged from 60 to 75 years. No absolute contraindications were unanimous among centers. Conclusion: A wide variability in practice patterns exist between centers performing ECPR for refractory OHCA in the US and Korea. Standardized protocols and shared research databases might inform best practices, improve outcomes, and provide a foundation for prospective studies
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