45 research outputs found

    The Health-e Babies App for antenatal education: Feasibility for socially disadvantaged women

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    Background The use of mobile technology such as phone applications (apps) has been proposed as an efficient means of providing health and clinical information in a variety of healthcare settings. We developed the Health-e Babies app as an Android smart phone application for pregnant women attending a tertiary hospital in a low socio-economic community, with the objective of providing health information about early pregnancy that would increase maternal confidence and reduce anxiety. Based on our earlier research, this form of health communication was viewed as a preferred source of information for women of reproductive age. However, the pilot study had a poor participation rate with 76% (n = 94) not completing the study requirements. These initial findings raised some very important issues in relation to the difficulties of engaging women with a pregnancy app. This paper analyses the characteristics of the participants who did not complete the study requirements in an attempt to identify potential barriers associated with the implementation of a pregnancy app. Methods This retrospective review of quantitative and qualitative data collected at the commencement of the Health-e Babies App trial, related to the participantā€™s communication technology use, confidence in knowing where to seek help and mental health status, maternal-fetal attachment and parenting confidence. Engagement and use of the Health-e Babies App was measured by the completion of a questionnaire about the app and downloaded data from participantā€™s phones. Mental health status, confidence and self-efficacy were measured by questionnaires. Results All women were similar in terms of age, race, marital status and level of education. Of the 94 women (76%) who did not complete the trial, they were significantly more anxious as indicated by State Trait Anxiety Inventory (p = 0.001 Student T-test) and more likely to be unemployed (50% vs 31%, p = 0.012 Student T-Test). Conclusion This study provides important information about the challenges associated with the implementation of a pregnancy app in a socially disadvantaged community. The data suggests that factors including social and mental health issues, financial constraints and technological ability can affect womenā€™s engagement with a mobile phone app

    Understanding what impacts on disclosing anal incontinence for women when comparing bowel-screening tools: a phenomenological study

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    BACKGROUND:There is limited research defining the true prevalence of anal incontinence (AI) in women of childbearing age. Understanding the limitations of the current assessment tools in the identification of AI is paramount for identifying the prevalence of AI and improving the care and management for women of childbearing age. The aim of this research was to explore and develop an understanding of women's experiences in disclosing AI when completing a new bowel-screening questionnaire when compared to two established AI tools. METHODS:A phenomenological qualitative research study was undertaken in a maternity setting in a large tertiary hospital. Parous women in the first trimester of a subsequent pregnancy were recruited to complete a specifically designed screening tool (BSQ), St Marks Faecal incontinence score (Vaizey) and Cleveland (Wexner) score. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were utilised to identify experiences in disclosing AI. RESULTS:Women (nā€‰=ā€‰16, 22-42ā€‰years) with a history of anal incontinence either following the first birth (nā€‰=ā€‰12) or the second (nā€‰=ā€‰4) provided differing responses between the three assessment tools. All women answered the BSQ while the Vaizey and Wexner scores were more difficult to complete due to clinical language and participants level of comprehension. Women identified three major themes that were barriers for disclosing incontinence, which included social expectations, trusted space and confusion. CONCLUSION:There are barriers for disclosing AI in the pregnant and post-natal population, which can be improved with the use of an easy assessment tool. The BSQ may facilitate discussion on AI between the patient and health professional leading to earlier identification and improvement in short and long-term health outcomes.Julie Tucker, Elizabeth Mary Ann Murphy, Mary Steen and Vicki L. Clifto

    Letā€™s talk about placental sex, baby: Understanding mechanisms that drive female-and male-specific fetal growth and developmental outcomes

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    It is well understood that sex differences exist between females and males even before they are born. These sex-dependent differences may contribute to altered growth and developmental outcomes for the fetus. Based on our initial observations in the human placenta, we hypothesised that the male prioritises growth pathways in order to maximise growth through to adulthood, thereby ensuring the greatest chance of reproductive success. However, this male-specific ā€œevolutionary advantageā€ likely contributes to males being less adaptable to shifts in the in-utero environment, which then places them at a greater risk for intrauterine morbidities or mortality. Comparatively, females are more adaptable to changes in the in-utero environment at the cost of growth, which may reduce their risk of poor perinatal outcomes. The mechanisms that drive these sex-specific adaptations to a change in the in-utero environment remain unclear, but an increasing body of evidence within the field of developmental biology would suggest that alterations to placental function, as well as the feto-placental hormonal milieu, is an important contributing factor. Herein, we have addressed the current knowledge regarding sex-specific intrauterine growth differences and have examined how certain pregnancy complications may alter these female- and male-specific adaptations.Ashley S. Meakin, James S. M. Cuffe, Jack R. T. Darby, Janna L. Morrison and Vicki L. Clifto

    Cost-effectiveness of closed incision negative pressure wound therapy in preventing surgical site infection among obese women giving birth by caesarean section: An economic evaluation (DRESSING trial)

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    First published: 18 May 2023. OnlinePublBackground: There is growing evidence regarding the potential of closed incision negative pressure wound therapy (ci-NPWT) to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs) in healing wounds by primary closure following a caesarean section (CS). Aim: To assess the cost-effectiveness of ci-NPWT compared to standard dressings for prevention of SSI in obese women giving birth by CS. Materials and Methods: Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses from a health service perspective were undertaken alongside a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial, which recruited women with a pre-pregnancy body mass index ā‰„30 kg/m2 giving birth by elective/semi-urgent CS who received ci-NPWT (n = 1017) or standard dressings (n = 1018). Resource use and health-related quality of life (SF-12v2) collected during admission and for four weeks post-discharge were used to derive costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Results: ci-NPWT was associated with AUD162(95162 (95%CI āˆ’170 to 494)highercostperpersonandanadditional494) higher cost per person and an additional 12 849 (95%CI āˆ’62138to62 138 to 133 378) per SSI avoided. There was no detectable difference in QALYs between groups; however, there are high levels of uncertainty around both cost and QALY estimates. There is a 20% likelihood that ci-NPWT would be considered cost-effective at a willingness-to- pay threshold of $50 000 per QALY. Per protocol and complete case analyses gave similar results, suggesting that findings are robust to protocol deviators and adjustments for missing data. Conclusions: ci-NPWT for the prevention of SSI in obese women undergoing CS is unlikely to be cost-effective in terms of health service resources and is currently unjustified for routine use for this purpose.Jennifer A. Whitty, Adam P. Wagner, Evelyn Kang, David Ellwood, Wendy Chaboyer, Sailesh Kumar, Vicki L. Clifton, Lukman Thalib and Brigid M. Gillespi

    The social predictors of paternal antenatal mental health and their associations with maternal mental health in the Queensland Family Cohort prospective study

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    OnlinePublAntenatal depression (AND) affects 1 in 10 fathers, potentially negatively impacting maternal mental health and well-being during and after the transition to parenthood. However, few studies have assessed the social predictors of paternal AND or their possible associations with maternal mental health. We analysed data from 180 couples participating in the Queensland Family Cohort longitudinal study. Both parents completed surveys measuring mental health, relationship quality, social support, and sleep quality at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Mothers also completed the same surveys 6 weeksā€™ postpartum. Antenatal depression, stress, and anxiety were highest among fathers reporting lower social support and higher sleep impairment. Maternal AND, stress, and anxiety were higher among mothers reporting higher physical pain and poor sleep quality. Postnatally, mothers reporting lower social support also reported higher depression, anxiety, stress, and psycho-social well-being. While there were no significant associations between AND among fathers and maternal antenatal or postnatal depression, an exploratory analysis revealed that mothers whose partners reported lower antenatal social support also reported lower postnatal social support and higher postnatal depression. Our findings highlight the importance of including data among fathers to achieve a whole family approach to well-being during the transition to parenthood.Barnaby J. W. Dixson, Danielle Borg, Kym M. Rae, Koa Whittingha, Brenda Gannon, Steven M. McPhail, Hannah E. Carter, Karen M. Moritz, Roslyn N. Boyd, Samudragupta Bora, Sailesh Kumar, Julanne Frater, Daniel Schweitzer, Paul Miller, Divya Mehter, Vicki L. Clifto

    Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pregnancy study: Rationale, objectives and design

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    Importance Pregnancy induces unique physiologic changes to the immune response and hormonal changes leading to plausible differences in the risk of developing post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC), or Long COVID. Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy may also have long-term ramifications for exposed offspring, and it is critical to evaluate the health outcomes of exposed children. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Multi-site Observational Study of PASC aims to evaluate the long-term sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in various populations. RECOVER-Pregnancy was designed specifically to address long-term outcomes in maternal-child dyads. Methods RECOVER-Pregnancy cohort is a combined prospective and retrospective cohort that proposes to enroll 2,300 individuals with a pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic and their offspring exposed and unexposed in utero, including single and multiple gestations. Enrollment will occur both in person at 27 sites through the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institutes of Health Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network and remotely through national recruitment by the study team at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). Adults with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy are eligible for enrollment in the pregnancy cohort and will follow the protocol for RECOVER-Adult including validated screening tools, laboratory analyses and symptom questionnaires followed by more in-depth phenotyping of PASC on a subset of the overall cohort. Offspring exposed and unexposed in utero to SARS-CoV-2 maternal infection will undergo screening tests for neurodevelopment and other health outcomes at 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 months of age. Blood specimens will be collected at 24 months of age for SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing, storage and anticipated later analyses proposed by RECOVER and other investigators. Discussion RECOVER-Pregnancy will address whether having SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy modifies the risk factors, prevalence, and phenotype of PASC. The pregnancy cohort will also establish whether there are increased risks of adverse long-term outcomes among children exposed in utero

    Prelabor screening at term using the cerebroplacental ratio and placental growth factor: a pragmatic randomized open label Phase 2 trial

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:In some women placental function may not be adequate to meet fetal growth requirements in late pregnancy or the additional demands during labor thus predisposing these infants to intrapartum fetal compromise (IFC) and subsequent serious morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to determine if the introduction of a pre-labor screening test at term combining the cerebroplacental ratio and maternal placental growth factor level would result in a reduction in a composite of adverse outcomes. STUDY DESIGN:Single-site, non-blinded, randomized controlled trial conducted at a tertiary hospital in Brisbane, Australia. Eligible women were randomized to either receive the screening test performed between 37-38 weeks or routine obstetric care. Screen positive women were offered induction of labor. The primary outcome was a composite of: emergency cesarean for non-reassuring fetal status (fetal distress) or severe neonatal acidosis or low Apgar score or stillbirth or neonatal death. RESULTS:Women were recruited and randomized (n=501) between April 2017 to January 2019. 63/249 (25Ā·3%) of the screened group compared to 56/252 (22Ā·2%) of the control group experienced the primary outcome (Relative Risk (RR) = 1Ā·14 [95% CI 0Ā·83 - 1Ā·56]; p = 0Ā·418). Women who screened positive were more likely to require operative delivery for fetal distress, have meconium stained liquor, pathological FHR abnormalities and have infants with lower birth weight compared to women that screened negative. CONCLUSION:The introduction of this test did not result in improvements in intrapartum intervention rates or neonatal outcomes. However, it did show discriminatory potential and future research should focus on refining the thresholds used.Helen C. Sherrell, Vicki L. Clifton, Sailesh Kuma

    A preferential switch between placental GR exon 1 promoter variants in the presence of maternal asthma or inflammation upregulates GRalpha D isoforms

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    INTRODUCTION: The human placenta expresses multiple glucocorticoid receptor (GR) isoforms that may be partially regulated by the untranslated 5' exon 1Ā GR gene promoter region which consists of 9 different promoters and 13 splice variants. The objective of this study was to determine which GR exon 1 variants are expressed in the human placenta and relate these findings to GR mRNA and protein expression. METHODS: Placental extracts from pregnancies with or without the complication of maternal asthma and trophoblast cells exposed to an inflammatory challenge in vitro were examined using PCR and Western blot to measure GR exon 1 variants, GR splice variant mRNA and GR protein isoforms, respectively. RESULTS: All 9Ā GR exon 1 variants were detectable in the human placenta and included GR exons 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1H, 1I and 1J. In the presence of maternal asthma and a male fetus there was preferential expression of GR exon 1B, 1C, IF and 1J (KW-ANOVA, PĀ <Ā 0.05) which were positively correlated with GRĪ± D3 protein isoform. In female placentae from pregnancies complicated by asthma there was no upregulation of any exon 1 variant (KW-ANOVA, PĀ <Ā 0.05). Exposure of BeWo trophoblast cell line to an inflammatory challenge, lipopolysaccharide, in vitro, resulted in preferential expression of GR exon 1B, 1D, 1E and 1H and associated with GRĪ±-D1 protein upregulation. DISCUSSION: The preferential expression of different GR exon 1 promoters drive the upregulation of GRĪ± D isoforms and contribute to glucocorticoid resistance observed in male placentae of pregnancies complicated by asthma.Zarqa Saif, Ashley S.Meakin, Vicki L.Clifto

    Neonatal death is a major concern for Indigenous women with asthma during pregnancy and could be prevented with better models of care

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    First published: 03 October 2021Asthma is the most common respiratory illness in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. From the Mater Mothers routinely collected perinatal data in Brisbane we have identified that 24% of Indigenous and 17% of non-Indigenous women have pregnancies complicated by asthma. Indigenous women with asthma are more likely to have poorer birth outcomes when compared to non-Indigenous women with asthma, with neonatal death being doubled in asthmatic Indigenous women. These data indicate that asthma management during pregnancy is an unmet need for Indigenous women and essential if we are to avoid these devastating outcomes for Indigenous families.Vicki L. Clifton, Jui Das, Vicki Flenady and Kym Ra

    An ex vivo approach to understanding sex-specific differences in placental androgen signalling in the presence and absence of inflammation

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    The mechanisms that contribute to continued male intrauterine growth in response to an adverse maternal environment, such as those brought on by maternal asthma, remain largely undefined but may, in part, be mediated by androgen-mediated signalling. We previously reported the expression of multiple AR protein isoforms in the human placenta and proposed the novel AR-45 isoform to be integral in mediating male-specific androgen-dependent signalling in the presence of maternal asthma. In the current study we have used an ex vivo approach to further understand sex-specific differences in placental androgen signalling in the presence and absence of inflammation using human term villous placental explants. Explants were cultured in the presence and absence of 0.1 nM dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 1 Ī¼g/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or DHT + LPS for 24hr. Tissue was used for gene expression and subcellular AR protein isoform expression. Cytoplasmic and nuclear AR protein isoforms expression did not vary between culture conditions in either sex. AR-45 activity was upregulated in male placentae cultured in DHT, LPS and DHT + LPS only. There were no changes in the expression of androgen-mediated downstream targets in males in response to culture conditions, but females had significantly reduced IGF1R expression in response to LPS. Increased AR-45 activity in the presence of inflammation may drive continued male feto-placental growth via maintained expression of downstream growth targets. Our findings build on previous work suggesting an important role for AR-45 in regulating male-specific adaptations to placental inflammation and underscores the need to further characterise the function of this AR isoform.Ashley S. Meakin, Madeline Gough, Zarqa Saif, Vicki L. Clifto