52 research outputs found

    Slowing rates of regional exhumation in the western Himalaya: fission track evidence from the Indus Fan

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    Weuse apatite fission track ages from sediments recovered by the International Ocean Discovery Program in the Laxmi Basin, Arabian Sea, to constrain exhumation rates in the western Himalaya and Karakoram since 15.5 Ma. With the exception of a Triassic population in the youngest 0.93 Ma samples supplied from western Peninsular India, apatite fission track ages are overwhelmingly Cenozoic, largely <25 Ma, consistent with both a Himalaya–Karakoram source and rapid erosion. Comparison of the minimum cooling age of each sample with depositional age (lag time) indicates an acceleration in exhumation between 7.8 and 7.0 Ma, with lag times shortening from ∼6.0 Myr at 8.5–7.8 Ma to being within error of zero between 7.0 and 5.7 Ma. Sediment supply at 7.0–5.7 Mawas largely from the Karakoram, and to a lesser extent the Himalaya, based on U–Pb zircon ages from the same samples. This time coincides with a period of drying in the Himalayan foreland caused by weaker summermonsoons andWesterly winds. It also correlates with a shift of erosion away from the Karakoram, Kohistan and the Tethyan Himalaya towards more erosion of the Lesser and Greater Himalaya and Nanga Parbat, as shown by zircon U–Pb provenance data, and especially after 5.7 Ma based on Nd isotope data. Samples younger than 5.7 Ma have lag times of ∼4.5 Myr, similar to Holocene Indus delta sediments

    Continent formation through time

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    The continental crust is the primary archive of geological history, and is host to most of our natural resources. Thus, the following remain critical questions in Earth Science, and provide an underlying theme to all of the contributions within this volume: when, how and where did the continental crust form? How did it differentiate and evolve through time? How has it has been preserved in the geological record? This introductory review provides a background to these themes, and provides an outline of the contributions contained within this volum

    Climate and anthropogenic impacts on North American erosion and sediment transport since the Last Glacial Maximum: evidence from the detrital zircon record of the Lower Mississippi Valley, USA

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    The Mississippi River provides an opportunity to examine models of sediment transport in large alluviated floodplain systems. We test the idea that sources of sandy sediment in such settings are invariable on timescales <104 y because of storage and recycling in the floodplains. To reconstruct the development of the Mississippi sediment load over the past 2500 years we collected sediment from an abandoned point bar complex nearby at False River, Louisiana, USA. We also took annual samples from the lower reaches between 2015 and 2021 to assess changes on that timescale. Optically stimulated luminescence dating indicated that the point bar accreted between 2460 and 860 years ago. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating was used to assess sediment source and variability over time. We confirm a dominant sediment flux from the Rocky Mountain foreland but with higher relative erosion from the Superior Province during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) based on existing data from the Gulf of Mexico. There have been resolvable changes in the sources of sediment particularly since the LGM and after 860 years ago, but also over shorter, even sub-annual timescales in the recent past. These changes may reflect seasonal weather or storm events in the headwater regions and imply limited floodplain buffering of the sand load. In recent times this may reflect the installation of levees in the lower reaches, suppressing reworking. Changes over 102–103 y time periods may be related to changes in climate (e.g., the Medieval and Roman warm periods) and to the development of agriculture across North America after ~2000 years ago. Detrital zircon dating is an effective provenance tool and does not appear to be strongly biased by the grain size of the sediment in this setting

    Climatic and glacial impact on erosion patterns and sediment provenance in the Himalayan rain shadow, Zanskar River, NW India

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    Erosion is a key step in the destruction and recycling of the continental crust yet its primary drivers continue to be debated. The relative balance between climatic and solid Earth forces in determining erosion patterns and rates, and in turn orogenic architecture, is unresolved. The monsoon-dominated frontal Himalaya is a classic example of how surface processes may drive focused denudation and potentially control structural evolution. We investigate whether there is a clear relationship between climate and erosion in the drier Himalayan rain shadow of northwest India where a coupled climate-erosion relationship is less clear. We present a new integrated dataset combining bulk petrography, geomorphometric analysis, detrital U-Pb zircon geochronology, and bulk Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry from modern river sediments that provides constraints on spatial patterns of sediment production and transport in the Zanskar River. Zanskar River sands are dominated by Greater Himalayan detritus sourced from the glaciated Stod River catchment that represents only 13% of the total basin area. Prevalent zircon peaks from the Cambro-Ordovician (440–500 Ma) and Mississippian-Permian (245–380 Ma) indicate more abundant pre-Himalayan granitoids in the northwest Himalaya than in the central and eastern Himalaya. Erosion from the widely-exposed Tethyan Himalaya, however, appears modest. Spatial patterns of erosion do not correlate with highest channel steepness. Our data demonstrate that Zanskar differs from the monsoon-soaked frontal Himalaya and the arid, extremely slow-eroding orogenic interior in that focused erosion and sediment production are driven by glaciers. Subsequent remobilization of glacially-derived sediments is likely controlled by monsoonal rainfall and we suggest sediment reworking plays an important role. These data support strong climatic control on modern orogenic erosion on the periphery of the Himalayan rain shadow

    Controls on erosion patterns and sediment transport in a monsoonal, tectonically quiescent drainage, Song Gianh, central Vietnam

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    The Song Gianh is a small-sized (~3500 km2), monsoon-dominated river in northern central Vietnam that can be used to understand how topography and climate control continental erosion. We present major element concentrations, together with Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, of siliciclastic bulk sediments to define sediment provenance and chemical weathering intensity. These data indicate preferential sediment generation in the steep, wetter upper reaches of the Song Gianh. In contrast, detrital zircon U-Pb ages argue for significant flux from the drier, northern Rao Tro tributary. We propose that this mismatch represents disequilibrium in basin erosion patterns driven by changing monsoon strength and the onset of agriculture across the region. Detrital apatite fission track and 10Be data from modern sediment support slowing of regional bedrock exhumation rates through the Cenozoic. If the Song Gianh is representative of coastal Vietnam then the coastal mountains may have produced around 132 000–158 000 km3 of the sediment now preserved in the Song Hong-Yinggehai Basin (17–21 of the total), the primary depocenter of the Red River. This flux does not negate the need for drainage capture in the Red River to explain the large Cenozoic sediment volumes in that basin but does partly account for the discrepancy between preserved and eroded sediment volumes. OSL ages from terraces cluster in the Early Holocene (7.4–8.5 ka), Pre-Industrial (550–320 year BP) and in the recent past (ca. 150 year BP). The older terraces reflect high sediment production driven by a strong monsoon, whereas the younger are the product of anthropogenic impact on the landscape caused by farming. Modern river sediment is consistently more weathered than terrace sediment consistent with reworking of old weathered soils by agricultural disruption

    No modern Irrawaddy River until the late Miocene-Pliocene

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    The deposits of large Asian rivers with unique drainage geometries have attracted considerable attention due to their explanatory power concerning tectonism, surface uplift and upstream drainage evolution. This study presents the first petrographic, heavy mineral, Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry, and detrital zircon geochronology results from the Holocene Irrawaddy megadelta alongside modern and ancient sedimentary provenance datasets to assess the late Neogene evolution of the Irrawaddy River. Contrary to models advocating a steady post-middle Miocene river, we reveal an evolution of the Irrawaddy River more compatible with regional evidence for kinematic reorganization in Myanmar during late-stage India-Asia collision. Quaternary sediments are remarkably consistent in terms of provenance but highlight significant decoupling amongst fine and coarse fraction 87Sr/86Sr and εNd due to hydraulic sorting. Only well after the late Miocene do petrographic, heavy mineral, isotope geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb results from the trunk Irrawaddy and its tributaries achieve modern-day signatures. The primary driver giving rise to the geometry and provenance signature of the modern Irrawaddy River was regional late Miocene (≤10 Ma) basin inversion coupled with uplift and cumulative displacement along the Sagaing Fault. Middle to late Miocene provenance signatures cannot be reconciled with modern river geometries, and thus require significant loss of headwaters feeding the Chindwin subbasin after ∼14 Ma and the northern Shwebo subbasin after ∼11 Ma. Large-scale reworking after ∼7 Ma is evidenced by modern Irrawaddy River provenance, by entrenchment of the nascent drainage through Plio-Pleistocene inversion structures, and in the transfer of significant sediment volumes to the Andaman Sea

    Controls on erosion in the western Tarim Basin: implications for the uplift of northwest Tibet and the Pamir

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    We present here bulk sediment major element chemistry, Nd and Sr isotope ratios, and detrital apatite fission-track (AFT) and U-Pb zircon ages to characterize the provenance of the southwestern Taklimakan Desert (northwest China) and the three major rivers draining this region. We establish the spatial and temporal controls on erosion and sediment transport in the modern Tibetan rain shadow. The Hotan River drains the North Kunlun block and is characterized by zircon populations at 160–230 Ma and 370–520 Ma. The Yarkand River shares these grains with the Hotan, but also has a very prominent zircon population at 40–160 Ma, which is common in Karakoram basement, indicating heavy sediment flux from these ranges to that drainage. This implies a strong control on erosion by topographic steepness and precipitation mediated through glaciation. Our zircon data confirm earlier studies that indicated that the Taklimakan sand is derived from both the Kunlun and Pamir Mountains. AFT ages are younger in the Hotan River than in the Kashgar River, which drains the Pamir, and in both are younger than in the Transhimalaya and parts of the western edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Exhumation is estimated at ~1000 m/m.y in the North Kunlun and ~500 m/m.y. in the eastern Pamir, which have been exhuming more slowly than the western ranges in the recent past. Holocene aggradation terracing was dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence methods and is mostly associated with times of fluctuating climate after 4 ka, with phases of valley filling dated at 2.6, 1.4, and 0.4 ka. The heights and volumes of the terraces show that sediment storage in the mountains is not a significant buffer to sediment transport, in contrast to the more monsoonal Indus system directly to the south. South of the Mazatag Ridge a significant eolian deposit accumulated ~500 yr ago, but this has been deflated in more recent times. Comparison of the modern river data with those previously measured from Cenozoic foreland sedimentary rocks shows that no sediment similar to that of the modern Yarkand River is seen in the geologic record, which is inferred to be younger than 11 Ma, and probably much less. Uplift of the North Kunlun had started by ca. 17 Ma, somewhat after that of the Pamir and Songpan Garze of northwestern Tibet, dated to before 24 Ma. Sediment from the Kunlun reached the foreland basin between 14 and 11 Ma. North Kunlun exhumation accelerated before 3.7 Ma, likely linked to faster rock uplift

    Was the Indosinian orogeny a Triassic mountain building or a thermotectonic reactivation event?

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    The underlying cause of Indosinian thermotectonism remains unclear, in part because the term has also been adopted to explain Triassic orogenesis across southern China. This paper puts forward the case that use of the term Indosinian should be confined to Vietnam where deformation is linked to continental accretion as opposed to southern China where Triassic igneous activity, metamorphism and deformation are linked to the development of an active plate margin through north-directed subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate. A review of the regional palaeogeography, as well as palaeontological and thermochronological data, highlights the lack of evidence to support the Indosinian as a major mountain building event. There is no definitive evidence for Triassic collision between the Indochina and South China blocks. Preference is given to a plate tectonic model that explains the Indosinian as a reactivation event driven by accretion of Sibumasu block to Indochina

    The erosional and uplift history of NE Atlantic passive margins: constraints on a passing plume

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    New apatite fission-track analyses from NW Britain indicate that a maximum of 2.5 km of erosion has occurred there during the Cenozoic, similar to values for SE Greenland and the east Greenland coast north of Scoresby Sund. The erosion may have been facilitated by magmatic underplating during break-up. However, at Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland, 4–6 km of erosion is measured since 45 Ma. Lower–mid-Eocene marine sedimentary rocks overlying the lavas on the Blosseville Coast indicate that magmatic underplating on the central Greenland coast substantially post-dated flood volcanism and break-up, behaviour not predicted by simple plume-rift models. Subsidence reconstructions of the Hebrides Shelf, and the east and west Greenland coasts, show that rapid, dynamic uplift was effectively synchronous at 63 Ma and preceded volcanism by <1.6 million years. The magnitude of uplift on the Hebrides Shelf (c. 400 m) is compatible with a mantle temperature anomaly of c. 100°C. These data suggest very rapid lateral flow of the impacting Iceland plume head. The predicted crossing of the plume by the east Greenland coast in the mid–late Eocene would account for post-rift magmatic underplating and dynamic support on the Greenland but not the European side of the North Atlantic basin
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