44 research outputs found

    Recovery of Wolverines in the Western United States: Recent Extirpation and Recolonization or Range Retraction and Expansion?

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    Wolverines were greatly reduced in number and possibly extirpated from the contiguous United States (U.S.) by the early 1900s. Wolverines currently occupy much of their historical range in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, but are absent from Utah and only single individuals are known to occur in California and Colorado. In response, the translocation of wolverines to California and Colorado is being considered. If wolverines are to be reintroduced, managers must identify appropriate source populations based on the genetic affinities of historical and modern wolverine populations. We amplified the mitochondrial control region of 13 museum specimens dating from the late 1800s to early 1900s and 209 wolverines from modern populations in the contiguous U.S. and Canada and combined results with previously published haplotypes. Collectively, these data indicated that historical wolverine populations in the contiguous U.S. were extirpated by the early 20th century, and that modern populations in the contiguous U.S. are likely the descendants of recent immigrants from the north. The Cali1 haplotype previously identified in California museum specimens was also common in historical samples from the southern Rocky Mountains, and likely evolved in isolation in the southern ice-free refugium that encompassed most of the contiguous U.S. during the last glaciation. However, when southern populations were extirpated, these matrilines were eliminated. Several of the other haplotypes found in historical specimens from the contiguous U.S. also occur in modern North American populations, and belong to a group of haplotypes that are associated with the rapid expansion of northern wolverine populations after the last glacial retreat. Modern wolverines in the contiguous U.S. are primarily haplotype A, which is the most common and widespread haplotype in Canada and Alaska. For the translocation of wolverines to California, Colorado, and other areas in the western U.S., potential source populations in the Canadian Rocky Mountains may provide the best mix of genetic diversity and appropriate learned behavior

    Effect of sampling rate on acceleration and counts of hip- and wrist-worn ActiGraph accelerometers in children

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    Sampling rate (Hz) of ActiGraph accelerometers may affect processing of acceleration to activity counts when using a hip-worn monitor, but research is needed to quantify if sampling rate affects actual acceleration (mg's), when using wrist-worn accelerometers and during non-locomotive activities. Objective: To assess the effect of ActiGraph sampling rate on total counts/15-sec and mean acceleration and to compare differences due to sampling rate between accelerometer wear locations and across different types of activities. Approach: Children (n=29) wore a hip- and wrist-worn accelerometer (sampled at 100 Hz, downsampled in MATLAB to 30 Hz) during rest/transition periods, active video games, and a treadmill test to volitional exhaustion. Mean acceleration and counts/15-sec were computed for each axis and as vector magnitude. Main Results: There were mostly no significant differences in mean acceleration. However, 100 Hz data resulted in significantly more total counts/15-sec (mean bias 4-43 counts/15-sec across axes) for both the hip- and wrist-worn monitor when compared to 30 Hz data. Absolute differences increased with activity intensity (hip: r=0.46-0.63; wrist: r=0.26-0.55) and were greater for hip- versus wrist-worn monitors. Percent agreement between 100 and 30 Hz data was high (97.4-99.7%) when cut-points or machine learning algorithms were used to classify activity intensity. Significance: Our findings support that sampling rate affects the generation of counts but adds that differences increase with intensity and when using hip-worn monitors. We recommend researchers be consistent and vigilantly report the sampling rate used, but note that classifying data into activity intensities resulted in agreement despite differences in sampling rate

    Accounting students and communication apprehension: a study of Spanish and UK students

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    Accounting is about measuring and communicating. Accounting bodies and employers have expressed opinions, which have been supported by research results, advocating that greater emphasis is placed on the development of communication skills throughout the education and training of accountants. Consequently, an increasing number of accounting programmes now include communication skills as educational objectives or learning outcomes, and have integrated activities into the curriculum specifically to develop these skills. It is important to recognise that certain factors can severely restrict the development of communication skills; a major factor is communication apprehension. Research suggests that the existence of high levels of communication apprehension will make efforts to improve communication skills ineffective. Previous research findings indicate that accounting students have high levels of communication apprehension. This paper compares and contrasts the levels and profiles of communication apprehension exhibited by accounting students at the (UK University) and those at the (ESP University). The levels of communication apprehension are also compared with those of students from other disciplines at the same institutions. The results confirm the high levels of communication apprehension in European accounting students. There are notable differences between the two countries however in certain underlying factors.</p

    Microstructural Evolution in Thin Films of Electronic Materials

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    Contains reports on eight research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-06565)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract AFOSR 85-0154)National Science Foundation-Materials Research Laboratory(Grant DMR 81-19285)National Science Foundation (Grant DMR 85-06030)International Business Machines, Inc. Faculty Development AwardMitsui Career Development AwardInternational Business Machines, Inc.Semiconductor Research Corporation (Contract 86-05-080)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG-29-83-K-0003)Charles Stark Draper LaboratoryDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Inc

    Microstructural Evolution in Thin Films of Electronic Materials

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-89-C-0001National Science FoundationU.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Contract AFOSR 85-0154Semiconductor Research CorporationAT&TInternational Business Machines CorporationNational Institutes of Healt

    Do Bat Gantries and Underpasses Help Bats Cross Roads Safely?

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    Major roads can reduce bat abundance and diversity over considerable distances. To mitigate against these effects and comply with environmental law, many European countries install bridges, gantries or underpasses to make roads permeable and safer to cross. However, through lack of appropriate monitoring, there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. Three underpasses and four bat gantries were investigated in northern England. Echolocation call recordings and observations were used to determine the number of bats using underpasses in preference to crossing the road above, and the height at which bats crossed. At gantries, proximity to the gantry and height of crossing bats were measured. Data were compared to those from adjacent, severed commuting routes that had no crossing structure. At one underpass 96% of bats flew through it in preference to crossing the road. This underpass was located on a pre-construction commuting route that allowed bats to pass without changing flight height or direction. At two underpasses attempts to divert bats from their original commuting routes were unsuccessful and bats crossed the road at the height of passing vehicles. Underpasses have the potential to allow bats to cross roads safely if built on pre-construction commuting routes. Bat gantries were ineffective and used by a very small proportion of bats, even up to nine years after construction. Most bats near gantries crossed roads along severed, pre-construction commuting routes at heights that put them in the path of vehicles. Crossing height was strongly correlated with verge height, suggesting that elevated verges may have some value in mitigation, but increased flight height may be at the cost of reduced permeability. Green bridges should be explored as an alternative form of mitigation. Robust monitoring is essential to assess objectively the case for mitigation and to ensure effective mitigation

    Genome-based trait prediction in multi- environment breeding trials in groundnut

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    Genomic selection (GS) can be an efficient and cost-effective breeding approach which captures both small- and large-effect genetic factors and therefore promises to achieve higher genetic gains for complex traits such as yield and oil content in groundnut. A training population was constituted with 340 elite lines followed by genotyping with 58 K ‘Axiom_Arachis’ SNP array and phenotyping for key agronomic traits at three locations in India. Four GS models were tested using three different random cross-validation schemes (CV0, CV1 and CV2). These models are: (1) model 1 (M1 = E + L) which includes the main effects of environment (E) and line (L); (2) model 2 (M2 = E + L + G) which includes the main effects of markers (G) in addition to E and L; (3) model 3 (M3 = E + L + G + GE), a naïve interaction model; and (4) model 4 (E + L + G + LE + GE), a naïve and informed interaction model. Prediction accuracy estimated for four models indicated clear advantage of the inclusion of marker information which was reflected in better prediction accuracy achieved with models M2, M3 and M4 as compared to M1 model. High prediction accuracies (> 0.600) were observed for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, hundred seed weight, oleic acid, rust@90 days, rust@105 days and late leaf spot@90 days, while medium prediction accuracies (0.400–0.600) were obtained for pods/plant, shelling %, and total yield/plant. Assessment of comparative prediction accuracy for different GS models to perform selection for untested genotypes, and unobserved and unevaluated environments provided greater insights on potential application of GS breeding in groundnut