894 research outputs found

    Distributed Tracing for Troubleshooting of Native Cloud Applications via Rule-Induction Systems

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    Diagnosing IT issues is a challenging problem for large-scale distributed cloud environments due to complex and non-deterministic interrelations between the system components. Modern monitoring tools rely on AI-empowered data analytics for detection, root cause analysis, and rapid resolution of performance degradation. However, the successful adoption of AI solutions is anchored on trust. System administrators will not unthinkingly follow the recommendations without sufficient interpretability of solutions. Explainable AI is gaining popularity by enabling improved confidence and trust in intelligent solutions. For many industrial applications, explainable models with moderate accuracy are preferable to highly precise black-box ones. This paper shows the benefits of rule-induction classification methods, particularly RIPPER, for the root cause analysis of performance degradations. RIPPER reveals the causes of problems in a set of rules system administrators can use in remediation processes. Native cloud applications are based on the microservices architecture to consume the benefits of distributed computing. Monitoring such applications can be accomplished via distributed tracing, which inspects the passage of requests through different microservices. We discuss the application of rule-learning approaches to trace traffic passing through a malfunctioning microservice for the explanations of the problem. Experiments performed on datasets from cloud environments proved the applicability of such approaches and unveiled the benefits

    A Lifshitz Black Hole in Four Dimensional R^2 Gravity

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    We consider a higher derivative gravity theory in four dimensions with a negative cosmological constant and show that vacuum solutions of both Lifshitz type and Schr\"{o}dinger type with arbitrary dynamical exponent z exist in this system. Then we find an analytic black hole solution which asymptotes to the vacuum Lifshitz solution with z=3/2 at a specific value of the coupling constant. We analyze the thermodynamic behavior of this black hole and find that the black hole has zero entropy while non-zero temperature, which is very similar to the case of BTZ black holes in new massive gravity at a specific coupling. In addition, we find that the three dimensional Lifshitz black hole recently found by E. Ayon-Beato et al. has a negative entropy and mass when the Newton constant is taken to be positive.Comment: 11 pages, no figure; v2, a minor error correcte

    Experimental and theoretical evidences for an intermediate σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in the NN interaction

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    Numerous theoretical and experimental arguments are presented in favor of the generation of intermediate σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in NNNN interaction at intermediate and short distances. We argue that this intermediate dibaryon can be responsible for the strong intermediate-range attraction and the short-range repulsion in the NNNN interaction, and also for the short-range correlations in nuclei. The suggested mechanism for the σ\sigma-dressing of the dibaryon is identical to that which explains the Roper resonance structure, its dominant decay modes and its extraordinary low mass. A similar transformation mechanism from the glue to the scalar field was discovered in J/ΨJ/\Psi decays. The new experimental data on 2π\pi-production in the scalar-isoscalar channel produced in pnpn- and pdpd-collisions and in particular the very recent data on γγ\gamma\gamma correlations in ppC and ddC scattering in the GeV region seems to corroborate the existence of the σ\sigma-dressed dibaryon in two- and three nucleon interactions.Comment: 14 pages,4 figure

    rad21 Is Involved in Corneal Stroma Development by Regulating Neural Crest Migration

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    Previously, we identified RAD21(R450C) from a peripheral sclerocornea pedigree. Injection of this rad21 variant mRNA into Xenopus laevis embryos disrupted the organization of corneal stroma fibrils. To understand the mechanisms of RAD21-mediated corneal stroma defects, gene expression and chromosome conformation analysis were performed using cells from family members affected by peripheral sclerocornea. Both gene expression and chromosome conformation of cell adhesion genes were affected in cells carrying the heterozygous rad21 variant. Since cell migration is essential in early embryonic development and sclerocornea is a congenital disease, we studied neural crest migration during cornea development in X. laevis embryos. In X. laevis embryos injected with rad21 mutant mRNA, neural crest migration was disrupted, and the number of neural crest-derived periocular mesenchymes decreased significantly in the corneal stroma region. Our data indicate that the RAD21(R450C) variant contributes to peripheral sclerocornea by modifying chromosome conformation and gene expression, therefore disturbing neural crest cell migration, which suggests RAD21 plays a key role in corneal stroma development

    A boundary stress tensor for higher-derivative gravity in AdS and Lifshitz backgrounds

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    We investigate the Brown-York stress tensor for curvature-squared theories. This requires a generalized Gibbons-Hawking term in order to establish a well-posed variational principle, which is achieved in a universal way by reducing the number of derivatives through the introduction of an auxiliary tensor field. We examine the boundary stress tensor thus defined for the special case of `massive gravity' in three dimensions, which augments the Einstein-Hilbert term by a particular curvature-squared term. It is shown that one obtains finite results for physical parameters on AdS upon adding a `boundary cosmological constant' as a counterterm, which vanishes at the so-called chiral point. We derive known and new results, like the value of the central charges or the mass of black hole solutions, thereby confirming our prescription for the computation of the stress tensor. Finally, we inspect recently constructed Lifshitz vacua and a new black hole solution that is asymptotically Lifshitz, and we propose a novel and covariant counterterm for this case.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor corrections, references added, to appear in JHE

    Dilaton gravity approach to three dimensional Lifshitz black hole

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    The z=3 Lifshitz black hole is an exact black hole solution to the new massive gravity in three dimensions. In order to understand this black hole clearly, we perform a dimensional reduction to two dimensional dilaton gravity by utilizing the circular symmetry. Considering the linear dilaton, we find the same Lifshitz black hole in two dimensions. This implies that all thermodynamic quantities of the z=3 Lifshitz black hole could be obtained from its corresponding black hole in two dimensions. As a result, we derive the temperature, mass, heat capacity, Bekesnstein-Hawking entropy, and free energy.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in EPJ

    Vanishing native American dog lineages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dogs were an important element in many native American cultures at the time Europeans arrived. Although previous ancient DNA studies revealed the existence of unique native American mitochondrial sequences, these have not been found in modern dogs, mainly purebred, studied so far.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified many previously undescribed mitochondrial control region sequences in 400 dogs from rural and isolated areas as well as street dogs from across the Americas. However, sequences of native American origin proved to be exceedingly rare, and we estimate that the native population contributed only a minor fraction of the gene pool that constitutes the modern population.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The high number of previously unidentified haplotypes in our sample suggests that a lot of unsampled genetic variation exists in non-breed dogs. Our results also suggest that the arrival of European colonists to the Americas may have led to an extensive replacement of the native American dog population by the dogs of the invaders.</p