15,744 research outputs found

    A Method for Measuring the Effective Throughput Time Delay in Simulated Displays Involving Manual Control

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    The advent and widespread use of the computer-generated image (CGI) device to simulate visual cues has a mixed impact on the realism and fidelity of flight simulators. On the plus side, CGIs provide greater flexibility in scene content than terrain boards and closed circuit television based visual systems, and they have the potential for a greater field of view. However, on the minus side, CGIs introduce into the visual simulation relatively long time delays. In many CGIs, this delay is as much as 200 ms, which is comparable to the inherent delay time of the pilot. Because most GCIs use multiloop processing and smoothing algorithms and are linked to a multiloop host computer, it is seldom possible to identify a unique throughput time delay, and it is therefore difficult to quantify the performance of the closed loop pilot simulator system relative to the real world task. A method to address these issues using the critical task tester is described. Some empirical results from applying the method are presented, and a novel technique for improving the performance of GCIs is discussed

    Friction measuring apparatus Patent

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    Kinetic and static friction force measurement between magnetic tape and magnetic head surface

    A theory of human error

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    Human errors tend to be treated in terms of clinical and anecdotal descriptions, from which remedial measures are difficult to derive. Correction of the sources of human error requires an attempt to reconstruct underlying and contributing causes of error from the circumstantial causes cited in official investigative reports. A comprehensive analytical theory of the cause-effect relationships governing propagation of human error is indispensable to a reconstruction of the underlying and contributing causes. A validated analytical theory of the input-output behavior of human operators involving manual control, communication, supervisory, and monitoring tasks which are relevant to aviation, maritime, automotive, and process control operations is highlighted. This theory of behavior, both appropriate and inappropriate, provides an insightful basis for investigating, classifying, and quantifying the needed cause-effect relationships governing propagation of human error

    Vehicle design considerations for active control application to subsonic transport aircraft

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    The state of the art in active control technology is summarized. How current design criteria and airworthiness regulations might restrict application of this emerging technology to subsonic CTOL transports of the 1980's are discussed. Facets of active control technology considered are: (1) augmentation of relaxed inherent stability; (2) center-of-gravity control; (3) ride quality control; (4) load control; (5) flutter control; (6) envelope limiting, and (7) pilot interface with the control system. A summary and appraisal of the current state of the art, design criteria, and recommended practices, as well as a projection of the risk in applying each of these facets of active control technology is given. A summary of pertinent literature and technical expansions is included

    Comparative evaluation of solar, fission, fusion, and fossil energy resources, part 3

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    The role of nuclear fission reactors in becoming an important power source in the world is discussed. The supply of fissile nuclear fuel will be severely depleted by the year 2000. With breeder reactors the world supply of uranium could last thousands of years. However, breeder reactors have problems of a large radioactive inventory and an accident potential which could present an unacceptable hazard. Although breeder reactors afford a possible solution to the energy shortage, their ultimate role will depend on demonstrated safety and acceptable risks and environmental effects. Fusion power would also be a long range, essentially permanent, solution to the world's energy problem. Fusion appears to compare favorably with breeders in safety and environmental effects. Research comparing a controlled fusion reactor with the breeder reactor in solving our long range energy needs is discussed

    Research on display scanning, sampling, and reconstruction using separate main and secondary tracking tasks

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    Dynamic model for effects of random scanning and sampling on human operator tracking performanc

    Search for Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M3

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    We describe here results of a photometric time-sequence survey of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272), in a search for contact and detached eclipsing binary stars. We have discovered only one likely eclipsing binary and one SX Phe type star in spite of monitoring 4077 stars with V<20.0V<20.0 and observing 25 blue stragglers. The newly identified SX Phe star, V237, shows a light curve with a variable amplitude. Variable V238 shows variability either with a period of 0.49 d or with a period of 0.25 d. On the cluster colour-magnitude diagram, the variable occupies a position a few hundredths of magnitude to the blue of the base of the red giant branch. V238 is a likely descendent of a binary blue straggler. As a side result we obtained high quality data for 42 of the previously known RR Lyrae variables, including 33 of Bailey type ab, 7 type c and 2 double-mode pulsators. We used equations that relate the physical properties of RRc stars to their pulsation periods and Fourier parameters to derive masses, luminosities, temperatures and helium parameters for five of the RRc stars. One of the RRd stars (V79) has switched modes. In previous studies, it was classified as RRab, but our observations show that it is an RRd star with the first overtone mode dominating. This indicates blueward evolution on the horizontal branch.Comment: 21 pages including 14 figures, Latex, requires mn.sty, psfig.sty. Submitted, MNRA

    Manual control theory applied to air traffic controller-pilot cooperation

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    Reduced runway separation standards are among the means which have been proposed for increasing airport capacity. The probability of a blunder will dominate the calculation of safe separation standards. Then the determinant of safe system performance will be the system reaction time comprised of the air traffic controller's detection, decision and communication delays, and the response times of the pilot and aircraft in executing a collision avoidance manuever. Estimates of these times, based on existing data, show that the delays ascribable to the human portions of the man-machine system are comparatively unimportant. New developments in radar, computers, and data links will be required to provide any substantial improvement of the existing system, and the goal of 2500 ft of separation may not be achievable

    Chinese Refugees of the Seventeenth Century in Japan.

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    Stochastic Reinforcement Learning

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    In reinforcement learning episodes, the rewards and punishments are often non-deterministic, and there are invariably stochastic elements governing the underlying situation. Such stochastic elements are often numerous and cannot be known in advance, and they have a tendency to obscure the underlying rewards and punishments patterns. Indeed, if stochastic elements were absent, the same outcome would occur every time and the learning problems involved could be greatly simplified. In addition, in most practical situations, the cost of an observation to receive either a reward or punishment can be significant, and one would wish to arrive at the correct learning conclusion by incurring minimum cost. In this paper, we present a stochastic approach to reinforcement learning which explicitly models the variability present in the learning environment and the cost of observation. Criteria and rules for learning success are quantitatively analyzed, and probabilities of exceeding the observation cost bounds are also obtained.Comment: AIKE 201