95 research outputs found

    Expressive Logics for Coinductive Predicates

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem says that two states of an image-finite transition system are bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same formulas in a certain modal logic. In this paper we study this type of result in a general context, moving from transition systems to coalgebras and from bisimilarity to coinductive predicates. We formulate when a logic fully characterises a coinductive predicate on coalgebras, by providing suitable notions of adequacy and expressivity, and give sufficient conditions on the semantics. The approach is illustrated with logics characterising similarity, divergence and a behavioural metric on automata

    Measure-Theoretic Semantics for Quantitative Parity Automata

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    Quantitative parity automata (QPAs) generalise non-deterministic parity automata (NPAs) by adding weights from a certain semiring to transitions. QPAs run on infinite word/tree-like structures, modelled as coalgebras of a polynomial functor F. They can also arise as certain products between a quantitative model (with branching modelled via the same semiring of quantities, and linear behaviour described by the functor F) and an NPA (modelling a qualitative property of F-coalgebras). We build on recent work on semiring-valued measures to define a way to measure the set of paths through a quantitative branching model which satisfy a qualitative property (captured by an unambiguous NPA running on F-coalgebras). Our main result shows that the notion of extent of a QPA (which generalises non-emptiness of an NPA, and is defined as the solution of a nested system of equations) provides an equivalent characterisation of the measure of the accepting paths through the QPA. This result makes recently-developed methods for computing nested fixpoints available for model checking qualitative, linear-time properties against quantitative branching models

    Coalgebra Learning via Duality

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    Automata learning is a popular technique for inferring minimal automata through membership and equivalence queries. In this paper, we generalise learning to the theory of coalgebras. The approach relies on the use of logical formulas as tests, based on a dual adjunction between states and logical theories. This allows us to learn, e.g., labelled transition systems, using Hennessy-Milner logic. Our main contribution is an abstract learning algorithm, together with a proof of correctness and termination

    Angluin learning via logic

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    In this paper we will provide a fresh take on Dana Angluin's algorithm for learning using ideas from coalgebraic modal logic. Our work opens up possibilities for applications of tools & techniques from modal logic to automata learning and vice versa. As main technical result we obtain a generalisation of Angluin's original algorithm from DFAs to coalgebras for an arbitrary finitary set functor T in the following sense: given a (possibly infinite) pointed T-coalgebra that we assume to be regular (i.e. having an equivalent finite representation) we can learn its finite representation by asking (i) "logical queries" (corresponding to membership queries) and (ii) making conjectures to which the teacher has to reply with a counterexample. This covers (a known variant) of the original L* algorithm and the learning of Mealy/Moore machines. Other examples are bisimulation quotients of (probabilistic) transition systems

    Equality-friendly well-founded semantics and applications to description logics

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    We tackle the problem of defining a well-founded semantics (WFS) for Datalog rules with existentially quantified variables in their heads and nega- tions in their bodies. In particular, we provide a WFS for the recent Datalog± family of ontology languages, which covers several important description logics (DLs). To do so, we generalize Datalog± by non-stratified nonmonotonic nega- tion in rule bodies, and we define a WFS for this generalization via guarded fixed point logic. We refer to this approach as equality-friendly WFS, since it has the advantage that it does not make the unique name assumption (UNA); this brings it close to OWL and its profiles as well as typical DLs, which also do not make the UNA. We prove that for guarded Datalog± with negation under the equality- friendly WFS, conjunctive query answering is decidable, and we provide precise complexity results for this problem. From these results, we obtain precise defi- nitions of the standard WFS extensions of EL and of members of the DL-Lite family, as well as corresponding complexity results for query answering

    Well-Founded Semantics for Extended Datalog and Ontological Reasoning

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    The Datalog± family of expressive extensions of Datalog has recently been introduced as a new paradigm for query answering over ontologies, which captures and extends several common description logics. It extends plain Datalog by features such as existentially quantified rule heads and, at the same time, restricts the rule syntax so as to achieve decidability and tractability. In this paper, we continue the research on Datalog±. More precisely, we generalize the well-founded semantics (WFS), as the standard semantics for nonmonotonic normal programs in the database context, to Datalog± programs with negation under the unique name assumption (UNA). We prove that for guarded Datalog± with negation under the standard WFS, answering normal Boolean conjunctive queries is decidable, and we provide precise complexity results for this problem, namely, in particular, completeness for PTIME (resp., 2-EXPTIME) in the data (resp., combined) complexity

    Coalgebraic Automata Theory: Basic Results

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    We generalize some of the central results in automata theory to the abstraction level of coalgebras and thus lay out the foundations of a universal theory of automata operating on infinite objects. Let F be any set functor that preserves weak pullbacks. We show that the class of recognizable languages of F-coalgebras is closed under taking unions, intersections, and projections. We also prove that if a nondeterministic F-automaton accepts some coalgebra it accepts a finite one of the size of the automaton. Our main technical result concerns an explicit construction which transforms a given alternating F-automaton into an equivalent nondeterministic one, whose size is exponentially bound by the size of the original automaton.Comment: 43 page


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    On the final coalgebra of automatic sequences

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    Streams are omnipresent in both mathematics and theoretical computer science. Automatic sequences form a particularly interesting class of streams that live in both worlds at the same time: they are defined in terms of finite automata, which are basic computational structures in computer science; and they appear in mathematics in many different ways, for instance in number theory. Examples of automatic sequences include the celebrated Thue-Morse sequence and the Rudin-Shapiro sequence. In this paper, we apply the coalgebraic perspective on streams to automatic sequences. We shall show that the set of automatic sequences carries a final coalgebra structure, consisting of the operations of head, even, and odd. This will allow us to show that automatic sequences are to (general) streams what rational languages are to (arbitrary) languages