134 research outputs found

    Individualized initiation of statin therapy determined by baseline LDL-C: Are you more likely to achieve goal LDL-C?

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    Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the world. A significant amount of clinical data are available to demonstrate the positive influence that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor (statin) therapy has on slowing the progression of cardiovascular disease and improving clinical outcomes. Achieving the treatment goals for cholesterol in cardiovascular disease continues to present challenges. Recent clinical trial information is available assessing the use of more aggressive initial doses of statin therapy based on initial low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) measurements in an attempt to reach treatment goals sooner. Six clinical trials assessed low-, moderate- and high-risk individuals as well as those with type 2 diabetes mellitus to determine if this treatment approach is both safe and effective. The studies concluded that initial dosing of statin therapy determined by a baseline LDL-C measurement demonstrates good achievement in reaching treatment goals and does not result in a higher rate of adverse effects

    Josephson junctions in thin and narrow rectangular superconducting strips

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    I consider a Josephson junction crossing the middle of a thin rectangular superconducting strip of length L and width W subjected to a perpendicular magnetic induction B. I calculate the spatial dependence of the gauge-invariant phase difference across the junction and the resulting B dependence of the critical current Ic(B).Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, revised following referee's comment

    Longitudinal Proximity Effects in Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensors

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    We have found experimentally that the critical current of a square superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) depends exponentially upon the side length L and the square root of the temperature T. As a consequence, the effective transition temperature T(sub c) of the TES is current-dependent and at fixed current scales as 1/L(sup 2). We also have found that the critical current can show clear Fraunhofer-like oscillations in an applied magnetic field, similar to those found in Josephson junctions. The observed behavior has a natural theoretical explanation in terms of longitudinal proximity effects if the TES is regarded as a weak link between superconducting leads. We have observed the proximity effect in these devices over extraordinarily long lengths exceeding 100 microns

    The springtime influence of natural tropical Pacific variability on the surface climate of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica: implications for ice shelf thinning

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    Observational records starting in the 1950s show West Antarctica is amongst the most rapidly warming regions on the planet. Together with increased intrusions of warm circumpolar deep water (CDW) onto the continental shelf due to local wind forcing (the primary mechanism in recent decades), this has resulted in enhanced surface and basal melting of floating ice shelves and an associated acceleration and thinning of West Antarctic outlet glaciers, increasing the rate of global sea level rise. In this study, it is shown that during the austral spring season, significant surface warming across West Antarctica has shifted westward to the Ross Ice Shelf in recent decades in response to enhanced cyclonic circulation over the Ross Sea. These circulation changes are caused by a Rossby wave train forced by increasing sea surface temperatures in the western tropical Pacific, which is tied to the springtime shift of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) to its negative phase after 1992. While the local wind trends enhance warm air advection and surface warming across the Ross Ice Shelf, the strong easterly component of the wind trends reduces the likelihood for intrusions of CDW onto the continental shelf in this region. This suggests that during spring there are competing mechanisms of surface and basal melting of the Ross Ice Shelf, both of which are closely tied to natural tropical Pacific decadal variability. Moreover, that the projected transition of the IPO back to its positive phase in the coming decade, though likely to reduce surface warming on the Ross Ice Shelf, could increase the risk of disintegration of Ross Sea ice shelves due to increased intrusions of CDW and enhanced basal melting

    Determination of the critical current density in the d-wave superconductor YBCO under applied magnetic fields by nodal tunneling

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    We have studied nodal tunneling into YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films under magnetic fields. The films' orientation was such that the CuO2 planes were perpendicular to the surface with the a and b axis at 450 form the normal. The magnetic field was applied parallel to the surface and perpendicular to the CuO2 planes. The Zero Bias Conductance Peak (ZBCP) characteristic of nodal tunneling splits under the effect of surface currents produced by the applied fields. Measuring this splitting under different field conditions, zero field cooled and field cooled, reveals that these currents have different origins. By comparing the field cooled ZBCP splitting to that taken in decreasing fields we deduce a value of the Bean critical current superfluid velocity, and calculate a Bean critical current density of up to 3*10^7 A/cm2 at low temperatures. This tunneling method for the determination of critical currents under magnetic fields has serious advantages over the conventional one, as it avoids having to make high current contacts to the sample.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Geometry-dependent critical currents in superconducting nanocircuits

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    In this paper we calculate the critical currents in thin superconducting strips with sharp right-angle turns, 180-degree turnarounds, and more complicated geometries, where all the line widths are much smaller than the Pearl length Λ=2λ2/d\Lambda = 2 \lambda^2/d. We define the critical current as the current that reduces the Gibbs free-energy barrier to zero. We show that current crowding, which occurs whenever the current rounds a sharp turn, tends to reduce the critical current, but we also show that when the radius of curvature is less than the coherence length this effect is partially compensated by a radius-of-curvature effect. We propose several patterns with rounded corners to avoid critical-current reduction due to current crowding. These results are relevant to superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, where they suggest a means of improving the bias conditions and reducing dark counts. These results also have relevance to normal-metal nanocircuits, as these patterns can reduce the electrical resistance, electromigration, and hot spots caused by nonuniform heating.Comment: 29 pages, 24 figure

    Prazosin during threat discrimination boosts memory of the safe stimulus

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    The α-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist prazosin has shown promise in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, but its mechanisms are not well understood. Here we administered prazosin or placebo prior to threat conditioning (day 1) and tested subsequent extinction (day 2) and reextinction (day 3) in healthy human participants. Prazosin did not affect threat conditioning but augmented stimulus discrimination during extinction and reextinction, via lower responding to the safe stimulus. These results suggest that prazosin during threat acquisition may have influenced encoding or consolidation of safety processing in particular, subsequently leading to enhanced discrimination between the safe and threatening stimuli

    The RR Lyrae variables and Horizontal Branch of NGC6656 (M22)

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    The first calibrated broadband UBVI time-series photometry is presented for the RR Lyrae variable stars in NGC6656 (M22), with observations spanning a range of twenty-two years. We have also redetermined the variability types and periods for the RR Lyrae stars identified previously by photographic observations, revising the number of fundamental-mode RR Lyrae variables (RR0) to 10 and the number of first-overtone variables (RR1) to 16. The mean periods of the RR0 and RR1 variables are _{RR0}=0.66 \pm 0.02 d and _{RR1}=0.33 \pm 0.01 d, respectively, supporting an Oosterhoff II classification for the cluster. The number ratio of RR1- to all RR-type variables is N_1/N_{RR}=0.61, also consistent with an Oosterhoff II designation. Both the RR Lyrae stars' minimum light colors and the blue edge of the RR Lyrae instability strip suggest E(B-V)=0.36 \pm 0.02 mag toward M22. Regarding the HB morphology of M22, we find (B-R)/(B+V+R)=+0.97 \pm 0.1 and at least one "gap" located in an unusual part of the blue HB, in the middle of the so-called hot HB stars.Comment: accepted to A
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