447 research outputs found

    Ability and Achievement Variables in Average, Low Average, and Borderline Students and the Roles of the School Psychologist

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    This study contributes to ongoing research in the field of school psychology by examining some of the effects of using the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) to classify students aged 6-16 years according to their results on an individual measure of intelligence, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition (WISC-III, 1991). Levels of achievement in word-reading and mathematics calculation were compared for 196 students classified as Average (IQ ranging from 90-109), Low Average (IQ ranging from 80-89), or Borderline (IQ ranging from 70-79). In all cases the Low Average and Borderline groups’ achievement levels differed significantly from that of the Average group. The fact that reading and mathematics abilities were not differentiated when Low Average and Borderline groups were compared calls into question the veracity of these labels.Cette Ă©tude contribue Ă  la recherche en cours dans le domaine de la psychologie scolaire en Ă©tudiant les effets d’employer le quotient intellectuel Ă  l’échelle complĂšte pour classer les Ă©lĂšves de 6 Ă  16 ans en fonction de leurs rĂ©sultats sur une mesure individuelle d’intelligence, l’échelle d’intelligence de Wechsler pour enfants, 3e Ă©dition (WISCIII). Nous avons comparĂ© les rendements en lecture et en mathĂ©matiques de 196 Ă©lĂšves classĂ©s comme moyens (QI entre 90 et 109), moyens faibles (QI entre 80 et 89), ou mĂ©diocres (QI entre 70 et 79). Dans tous les cas, le rendement des Ă©lĂšves dans les groupes «moyens faibles» et «mĂ©diocres» divergeait de façon significative de celui du groupe «moyens». Le fait que les habiletĂ©s en lecture et en mathĂ©matiques des Ă©lĂšves du groupe «moyens faibles» ne se distinguaient pas de celles du groupe «mĂ©diocres» remet en question la fiabilitĂ© de ces Ă©tiquettes


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    The relevance of mitochondrial phosphate carrier (PiC), encoded by SLC25A3, in bioenergetics is well accepted. However, little is known about the mechanisms mediating the cellular impairments induced by pathological SLC25A3 variants. To this end, we investigated the pathogenicity of a novel compound heterozygous mutation in SLC25A3 First, each variant was modeled in yeast, revealing that substituting GSSAS for QIP within the fifth matrix loop is incompatible with survival on non-fermentable substrate, whereas the L200W variant is functionally neutral. Next, using skin fibroblasts from an individual expressing these variants and HeLa cells with varying degrees of PiC depletion, PiC loss of ∌60% was still compatible with uncompromised maximal oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos), whereas lower maximal oxphos was evident at ∌85% PiC depletion. Furthermore, intact mutant fibroblasts displayed suppressed mitochondrial bioenergetics consistent with a lower substrate availability rather than phosphate limitation. This was accompanied by slowed proliferation in glucose-replete medium; however, proliferation ceased when only mitochondrial substrate was provided. Both mutant fibroblasts and HeLa cells with 60% PiC loss showed a less interconnected mitochondrial network and a mitochondrial fusion defect that is not explained by altered abundance of OPA1 or MFN1/2 or relative amount of different OPA1 forms. Altogether these results indicate that PiC depletion may need to be profound (\u3e85%) to substantially affect maximal oxphos and that pathogenesis associated with PiC depletion or loss of function may be independent of phosphate limitation when ATP requirements are not high

    Tim54p connects inner membrane assembly and proteolytic pathways in the mitochondrion

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    Tim54p, a component of the inner membrane TIM22 complex, does not directly mediate the import of inner membrane substrates but is required for assembly/stability of the 300-kD TIM22 complex. In addition, Δtim54 yeast exhibit a petite-negative phenotype (also observed in yeast harboring mutations in the F1Fo ATPase, the ADP/ATP carrier, mitochondrial morphology components, or the i–AAA protease, Yme1p). Interestingly, other import mutants in our strain background are not petite-negative. We report that Tim54p is not involved in maintenance of mitochondrial DNA or mitochondrial morphology. Rather, Tim54p mediates assembly of an active Yme1p complex, after Yme1p is imported via the TIM23 pathway. Defective Yme1p assembly is likely the major contributing factor for the petite-negativity in strains lacking functional Tim54p. Thus, Tim54p has two independent functions: scaffolding/stability for the TIM22 membrane complex and assembly of Yme1p into a proteolytically active complex. As such, Tim54p links protein import, assembly, and turnover pathways in the mitochondrion

    Intermittent Catheter Reimbursement in the United States: The Experience of Nine Stakeholders Through the Lens of Actor-Network Theory

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    A narrow interpretation of “medical necessity” can result in poorer health as well as a more restricted life for people with disabilities. We examined the impact of US policy on reimbursement of intermittent catheters (ICs) on the lives of people with neurogenic bladder (NB) who require catheters to urinate. We conducted in-depth, longitudinal interviews with nine stakeholders. Actor-Network Theory was used to describe interactions among human agents, IC products, and policies in the reimbursement arena. Restrictions on the type and quantities of ICs reimbursed emerged as the most potent inhibitor to health and wellbeing among consumers with NB. IC suppliers, due to the large number of other stakeholders with whom they interact in the reimbursement process, emerged as strong enablers of preferred IC use among people with NB. Lack of an impartial central clearinghouse on IC products and coverage impeded consumers’ ability to make informed decisions

    Entrainment of the Melatonin Rhythms in Early Postnatal Lambs and Their Mothers

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    Although the developing sheep can produce an appropriately timed melatonin rhythm as early as 1 week after birth, it is not known whether the lamb is able to adjust its melatonin rhythm to a change in daylength. The ability of the young lamb to entrain its pattern of melatonin secretion to a new photoperiod was determined in the present study. Eight female lambs and their mothers were raised in long days (LD 16:8) beginning 2 weeks post partum. At 7 weeks of age, the time of lights-off was advanced 8 hr, the short-day photoperiod then being LD 8:16; the time of lights-on remained unchanged. Concentrations of melatonin were measured in blood samples collected hourly on days - 1, 0, 2, 4, 6, and 13 relative to the light change. On day 0, all mothers and daughters had advanced the onset of melatonin secretion by at least 1 hr, and by day 13, 12 of 16 had completely entrained to the new photoperiod. The rate of entrainment among individuals varied; the mean rate for lambs and mothers did not differ. This study provides evidence that the melatonin-rhythm-generating system matures shortly after birth.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68290/2/10.1177_074873048900400405.pd

    Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Hierarchy of Multiple Goals

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    The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    The Chicken Yolk Sac IgY Receptor, a Mammalian Mannose Receptor Family Member, Transcytoses IgY across Polarized Epithelial Cells

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    In mammals the transfer of passive immunity from mother to young is mediated by the MHC-related receptor FcRn, which transports maternal IgG across epithelial cell barriers. In birds, maternal IgY in egg yolk is transferred across the yolk sac to passively immunize chicks during gestation and early independent life. The chicken yolk sac IgY receptor (FcRY) is the ortholog of the mammalian phospholipase A2 receptor, a mannose receptor family member, rather than an FcRn or MHC homolog. FcRn and FcRY both exhibit ligand binding at the acidic pH of endosomes and ligand release at the slightly basic pH of blood. Here we show that FcRY expressed in polarized mammalian epithelial cells functioned in endocytosis, bidirectional transcytosis, and recycling of chicken FcY/IgY. Confocal immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that IgY binding and endocytosis occurred at acidic but not basic pH, mimicking pH-dependent uptake of IgG by FcRn. Colocalization studies showed FcRY-mediated internalization via clathrin-coated pits and transport involving early and recycling endosomes. Disruption of microtubules partially inhibited apical-to-basolateral and basolateral-to-apical transcytosis, but not recycling, suggesting the use of different trafficking machinery. Our results represent the first cell biological evidence of functional equivalence between FcRY and FcRn and provide an intriguing example of how evolution can give rise to systems in which similar biological requirements in different species are satisfied utilizing distinct protein folds
