12 research outputs found

    Infrared cutoffs and the adiabatic limit in noncommutative spacetime

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    We discuss appropriate infrared cutoffs and their adiabatic limit for field theories on the noncommutative Minkowski space in the Yang-Feldman formalism. In order to do this, we consider a mass term as interaction term. We show that an infrared cutoff can be defined quite analogously to the commutative case and that the adiabatic limit of the two-point function exists and coincides with the expectation, to all orders.Comment: 19 page

    Effect of the overflows on the circulation in the Subpolar North Atlantic: A regional model study

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    An ocean circulation model for process studies of the Subpolar North Atlantic is developed based on the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Modular Ocean Model (MOM) code. The basic model configuration is identical with that of the high-resolution model (with a grid size of 1/3° × 2/5°) of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Community Modeling Effort (CME), except that the domain of integration is confined to the area from 43° to 65°N. Open boundary conditions are used for the inflows and outflows across the northern and southern boundaries. A comparison with the CME model covering the whole North Atlantic (from 15°S to 65°N) shows that the regional model, with inflow conditions at 43°N from a CME solution, is able to reproduce the CME results for the subpolar area. Thus the potential of a regional model lies in its use as an efficient tool for numerical experiments aiming at an identification of the key physical processes that determine the circulation and water mass transformations in the subpolar gyre. This study deals primarily with the representation and role of the overflow waters that enter the domain at the northern boundary. Sensitivity experiments show the effect of closed versus open boundaries, of different hydrographic conditions at inflow points, and of the representation of the narrow Faeroe Bank Channel. The representation of overflow processes in the Denmark Strait is the main controlling mechanism for the net transport of the deep boundary current along the Greenland continental slope and further downstream. Changes in the Faeroe Bank Channel throughflow conditions have a comparatively smaller effect on the deep transport in the western basin but strongly affect the water mass characteristics in the eastern North Atlantic. The deep water transport at Cape Farewell and further downstream is enhanced compared to the combined Denmark Strait and Iceland-Scotland overflows. This enhancement can be attributed to a barotropic recirculation in the Irminger Basin which is very sensitive to the outflow conditions in the Denmark Strait. The representation of both overflow regions determine the upper layer circulation in the Irminger and Iceland Basins, in particular the path of the North Atlantic Current

    Circulation characteristics in three eddy-permitting models of the North Atlantic

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    A systematic intercomparison of three realistic eddy-permitting models of the North Atlantic circulation has been performed. The models use different concepts for the discretization of the vertical coordinate, namely geopotential levels, isopycnal layers, terrain-following (sigma) coordinates, respectively. Although these models were integrated under nearly identical conditions, the resulting large-scale model circulations show substantial differences. The results demonstrate that the large-scale thermohaline circulation is very sensitive to the model representation of certain localised processes, in particular to the amount and water mass properties of the overflow across the Greenland-Scotland region, to the amount of mixing within a few hundred kilometers south of the sills, and to several other processes at small or sub-grid scales. The different behaviour of the three models can to a large extent be explained as a consequence of the different model representation of these processes

    Mechanisms of decadal variability in the shallow subtropical-tropical circulation of the Atlantic Ocean: a model study

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    A suite of basin-scale models of the thermohaline and wind-driven circulation in the Atlantic Ocean is used to study the mechanisms of decadal variability in the shallow subtropical-tropical cells (STCs). The emphasis is on the spatial patterns of the transport anomalies in the tropical thermocline, particularly their manifestation in the equatorial current system and on the relative role of changes in the deep meridional overturning cell (MOC) associated with variations in the formation of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) in the subpolar North Atlantic. Using wind stress and heat flux variations based on NCEP/NCAR-reanalysis products, the variability of the zonally integrated STC transports is similar to that obtained in a recent regional model study, corroborating the role of both the southern and northern STC in supporting wind-driven transport anomalies of O(2 Sv) near the equator. Sensitivity experiments indicate that changes in subarctic MOC transports associated with the strong variability in LSW formation during the last decades contributed a signal of O(0.3 Sv) to the upper-layer equatorial transports. Whereas the local wind-driven variability clearly dominates on interannual-decadal timescales and is confined to depths down to 150 m, the weak MOC-related signal is primarily reflected in an interdecadal modulation of the STC transports. While a strong part in the STC's transport anomalies is associated with the western boundary current (NBC), there is an important contribution also by weaker, interior ocean flow anomalies which tend to counteract the variability of the NBC