9 research outputs found

    Tendência genética para peso adulto, escores visuais e características de crescimento em bovinos de corte da raça Nelore

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    Mature weight (MW) of cows is related to the costs of their production. Usually, cows with moderate MW are more efficient in challenging environments, such as those available in the production systems in Brazil. In the present study, the selection index comprises the following traits: conformation, finishing precocity, musculature at weaning (WC, WP, WM) yearling (YC, YP and YM), scrotal circumference at yearling (SC), days to gain 160kg from birth to weaning (D160) and 240kg after weaning (D240). This are related to birth weight gain at weaning (WG) and from weaning to yearling (YG). The mature (MW) and birth weight (BW) traits were not considered in the selection index. The aim of this study was to estimate the values for the genetic trends (GT) of some important selection (MW) and economic traits (BW). A bi-character analysis of MW and other characteristics was performed to estimate the (co)variance components and genetic parameters. The GT results obtained for MW were null (0.0065% or 0.02718kg per year) in the period 1990-2007. The GT values were determined for BW (-0.0650% or -0.02017kg), WG (0.0758% or 0.0865kg), YG (0.1051% or 0.11377kg), and MW (0.0393% or 0.11276kg) per year. The visual score values (in score units) were also determined for GTat weaning [WC (0.2310%; 0.00707), WP (0.3624%; 0.3623%),aWM (0.01149; 0.01087)] yearling [YC (0.3256%; 0.00990), YP (0.4795%; 0.01496),YM (0.5041%; 0.01457)] per year. Index-based selection was effective to promote genetic progress in WG, WC, WP, WM, YG, YC, YP, and YM characteristics keeping BW and MW constant.O peso adulto das vacas (PV) está relacionado com os custos de produção. Em geral, vacas com PV moderados são mais eficientes em ambientes desafiadores, como aqueles disponíveis nos sistemas de produção no Brasil. No presente estudo, o índice de seleção compreende as seguintes características: conformação, precocidade e musculatura nas fases da desmama (CD, PD e MD) e sobreano (CS, PS e MS), circunferência escrotal no sobreano (CE), dias para ganhar 160kg do nascimento até a desmama (D160) e 240kg pós-desmama (D240), que estão relacionadas com os ganhos de peso do nascimento à desmama (GD) e, da desmama ao sobreano (GS). As características PV e PN não foram consideradas no índice de seleção. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar os valores das tendências genéticas (TG) das importantes características de seleção (PV) e econômicas (PN). Para estimar os componentes de (co)variâncias e os dados genéticos, foram realizadas análises bi-caracter de PV com as demais características. Os resultados de TG obtidos para PV foram nulos (0,0065% ou 0,02718kg por ano) no período de 1990 á 2007. Os valores de TG foram estimados para PN (-0,0650% ou -0,02017kg), GD (0,0758% ou 0,0865kg), GS (0,1051% ou 0,11377kg) e PF (0,0393% ou 0,11276kg) por ano. Os valores dos escores visuais (em unidades de escore) foram determinados para TG à desmama [CD (0,2310%; 0,00707), PD (0,3624%; 0,3623%) e MD (0,01149; 0,01087)] e sobreano [CS (0,3256%; 0,00990), PS (0,4795%; 0,01496) e MS (0,5041%; 0,01457)] ao ano. A seleção baseada no índice foi efetiva para promover o progresso genético nas características de GD, CD, PD, MD, GS, CS, PS e mantendo PN e PV constantes

    Genetic parameters of age at first calving, weight gain, and visual scores in Nelore heifers

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    This study aimed at estimating the heritability of age at first calving and of performance traits included in the selection index and the genetic correlations between age at first calving and these performance traits. Data were extracted from the Conexão Delta G database and only data from herds in which heifers were bred younger than 24 months of age were used, resulting in a file with 331,310 evaluated animals. The following traits were included in the analyses: age at first calving, birth to weaning gain, post-weaning weight gain, visual scores of conformation, precocity, and muscling evaluated at weaning and in yearling heifers. Covariance components were obtained by bi-character analyses between traits. An alternative age at first calving was also taken into account, in which all heifers were used, including those that were mated and did not calve. Covariance components and estimates of the effects included in the model were obtained using the software program DMU. Heritability estimates were 0.11 and 0.13 for age at first calving and alternative age at first calving, 0.38 for birth to weaning gain, and 0.13 for post-weaning weight gain. Visual score estimates ranged between 0.16 and 0.18 at weaning and 0.19 and 0.29 in yearlings. Genetic correlation estimates of the traits were low, but in the desirable direction. Selection for birth to weaning gain and visual scores does not have a negative effect on age at first calving or alternative age at first calving

    Genetic parameters of age at first calving, weight gain, and visual scores in Nelore heifers

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed at estimating the heritability of age at first calving and of performance traits included in the selection index and the genetic correlations between age at first calving and these performance traits. Data were extracted from the Conexão Delta G database and only data from herds in which heifers were bred younger than 24 months of age were used, resulting in a file with 331,310 evaluated animals. The following traits were included in the analyses: age at first calving, birth to weaning gain, post-weaning weight gain, visual scores of conformation, precocity, and muscling evaluated at weaning and in yearling heifers. Covariance components were obtained by bi-character analyses between traits. An alternative age at first calving was also taken into account, in which all heifers were used, including those that were mated and did not calve. Covariance components and estimates of the effects included in the model were obtained using the software program DMU. Heritability estimates were 0.11 and 0.13 for age at first calving and alternative age at first calving, 0.38 for birth to weaning gain, and 0.13 for post-weaning weight gain. Visual score estimates ranged between 0.16 and 0.18 at weaning and 0.19 and 0.29 in yearlings. Genetic correlation estimates of the traits were low, but in the desirable direction. Selection for birth to weaning gain and visual scores does not have a negative effect on age at first calving or alternative age at first calving

    Fatores fenotípicos e grupo genético na formação do preço final de bezerros de corte comercializados em leilões na região norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Objetivou-se estimar os efeitos das características fenotípicas de bezerros, que podem infl uenciar no preço fi nal, comercializados em leilões na região Norte do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados entre abril de 2011 e abril de 2012, em 12 leilões, em que foram ofertados 197 lotes, totalizando 4.289 animais, sendo os preços fi nais considerados somente nos casos de efetiva comercialização. Foi observado que os bezerros do grupo genético britânicos obtiveram valor de comercialização superior aos zebuínos; os animais de maior porte obtiveram maior liquidez; e, independente do gênero, os lotes com maior uniformidade tiveram preferência do consumidor

    Phenotypic factors and genetic group on the selling price formation of beef calves sold in auctions at the Northern region of Paraná State, Brazil

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    The aim of this study is to estimate the effects of phenotypic traits on the final price of calves sold at auctions in the region of northern Paraná. Data were collected between April 2011 and April 2012 at 12 auctions, in which 197 lots were offered, totaling 4,289 animals. In this study, only the final prices charged when the deals were closed have been considered. Calves belonging to the British genetic group reached higher marketing value than zebu calves; the largest animals presented higher liquidity; buyers preferred more uniform lots, regardless of the sex of the animals

    Fatores fenotípicos e grupo genético na formação do preço final de bezerros de corte comercializados em leilões na região norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil

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    Objetivou-se estimar os efeitos das características fenotípicas de bezerros, que podem infl uenciar no preço fi nal, comercializados em leilões na região Norte do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados entre abril de 2011 e abril de 2012, em 12 leilões, em que foram ofertados 197 lotes, totalizando 4.289 animais, sendo os preços fi nais considerados somente nos casos de efetiva comercialização. Foi observado que os bezerros do grupo genético britânicos obtiveram valor de comercialização superior aos zebuínos; os animais de maior porte obtiveram maior liquidez; e, independente do gênero, os lotes com maior uniformidade tiveram preferência do consumidor