1,189 research outputs found

    Photonic band gap corrugated slow wave structure for THz sheet-beam vacuum electron devices

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    The use of photonic band gap (PBG) technology is investigated to alleviate some of the typical issues of vacuum electron devices at terahertz and is shown as particularly suitable for the use of large sheet beams. A full interaction structure including the slow wave structure and the coupler based on a tapered PBG corrugated waveguide is proposed for sheet beam backward wave oscillators (BWO). The case of a 346 GHz BWO is considered

    Photonic crystal-coupler for sheet beam THz vacuum electron tubes

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    Photonic Crystal (PhC) technology was recently proposed as a compact and effective solution to improve the performance and ease the fabrication of terahertz vacuum electron devices. In particular, the introduction of defects in a bi-dimensional, all metallic PhC provides very effective transmission of the useful signal in a compact input/output coupler where a novel tunnel for sheet-beam injection/collection is realized. Simulation results are here experimentally validated via measurements on a Ku-band scaled model of the PhC-coupler which confirm the validity of the concept

    Adrenomedullin in pancreatic carcinoma. a case-control study of 22 patients

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    Pancreatic carcinoma is a leading cause of cancer-related death. Reduction of the diagnostic delay is mandatory. Adrenomedullin (AM) is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. A case-control study including 12 patients with pathological diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and 10 healthy controls was conducted at our Institution. Blood samples were obtained at the time of hospitalization and post-operatively for cases. Controls’ samples were obtained from healthy volunteers. AM was measured by using enzyme immunoassay method. AM showed significant increase in pancreatic carcinoma patients vs controls (4.51 ng/ml vs 1.91 ng/ml, p value = 0.04) regardless of tumor stage, differentiation, resecability/unresecability, diabetes. A cut-off of 1.75 ng/ml reaches a sensibility of 83% and a specificity of 70% (p value = 0.0147; CL 95%; AUC 0.767). The increase of AM didn’t correlate with the increase of other common tumor markers (CA 19-9 and CEA), nor direct bilirubin. These data confirm the utility of studying the role of AM in pancreatic cancer, in order to achieve an early diagnosis in high risk populations

    71 – 76 GHz Traveling Wave Tube for High Data Rate Satellite Communication

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    The increasing demand of high data rate is posing a high pressure to actual mobile networks. Fiber and wireless networks cover most of the populations, but there are many regions uncovered by a satisfactory service. The distribution of internet by satellite communications is already available at microwave frequency. The request of multigigabit data rate needs a wide bandwidth that only millimeter waves can provide. The band 71 – 86 GHz offers two sub bands of 5 GHz each suitable for satellite communications. However, due to the high atmosphere attenuation, an adequate transmission power has to be provided. The preliminary design of a 71 – 76 GHz Traveling Wave Tube based on the Double Corrugated Waveguide, for millimeter wave satellite communications is reported

    The biological properties of OGI surfaces positively act on osteogenic and angiogenic commitment of mesenchymal stem cells

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    Osteogenesis process displays a fundamental role during dental implant osteointegration. In the present work, we studied the influence of Osteon Growth Induction (OGI) surface properties on the angiogenic and osteogenic behaviors of Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSC). MSC derived from dental pulp and HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells) were grown in on OGI titanium surfaces, and cell proliferation and DNA synthesis were evaluated by MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] test and DNA quantification. Gene expression has been performed in order to evaluate the presence of mRNA related to endothelial and osteogenesis markers. Moreover, morphological and biochemical analyses of osteogenesis commitments has been performed. On OGI surfaces, MSC and HUVEC are able to proliferate. Gene expression profiler confirms that MSC on OGI surfaces are able to express endothelial and osteogenic markers, and that these expression are higher compared the expression on control surfaces. In conclusion On OGI surfaces proliferation, expression and morphological analyses of angiogenesis-associated markers in MSC are promoted. This process induces an increasing on their osteogenesis commitmen

    Adrenal pheochromocytoma incidentally discovered in a patient with parkinsonism

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    To evaluate the diagnostic route of pheochromocytoma (PHEO) in a patient under dopaminergic treatment. A 70-year-old man with Parkinsonism and under treatment with levodopa and carbidopa came to our observation for evaluation of arterial hypertension and right adrenal mass discovered incidentally. To evaluate adrenal hormone levels we performed a dexamethasone suppression test, plasma aldosterone levels and 24-hr urinary metanephrine, which revealed elevated levels of catecholamines metabolities. 123-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine SPECT scintiscan revealed raised activity within the right adrenal gland concordant with the mass. The diagnosis of PHEO was posed and an elective laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed; histopathological examination confirmed the PHEO diagnosis. Recently the coexistence of PHEO and Parkinsonism is a very rare association of diseases, with only 3 cases reported in literature. In this article, another case is reported and diagnostic procedures are discusse

    Editorial Disease of Adrenal Glands

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    International audienceThe adrenal gland has been historically an object of interest and scientific curiosity. This is also due to its very heterogeneous structure, number of hormones, complex neural innervation, and multiple and different physiological functions. The adrenal gland also entails an outstanding example of paracrine interactions occurring between histogenetically different tissues as the cortex and the medulla. This special issue is a great opportunity for the reader to learn the latest and emerging findings on the pathophysiol-ogy, diagnosis, and treatment of the adrenal glands disorders. The issue provides a variety of excellent articles covering a broad and contemporary spectrum of aspects of the diseases of the adrenal gland. Of particular interest and novelty is the interplay between hormones of the adrenal glands and other organs, such as the adipose tissue, the endothelium, the bone, and even the brain. In addition to the well-established effects on lipid and glucose metabolism, the hormones of the adrenal glands display a fascinating cross talk with the adipose tissue [1– 3]. The interaction between the adrenals and adipokines is extensively discussed by A. Y. Kargi and G. Iacobellis in a comprehensive and updated review paper. The potential of the fat depot surrounding the adrenal tumors to act like a brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a rapidly emerging topic that will certainly deserve further attention and investigation [4]. Interestingly the authors provided a theoretical basis for potential future pharmacological interventions aimed at adrenal hormone targets in the adipose tissue. Primary aldosteronism is the most common endocrine cause of arterial hypertension. It can cause excess damage to the organs that are target of hypertension and higher cardiometabolic risk [5]. This contention was supported by previous experimental data obtained by Karl Weber's group in rats infused with aldosterone, which exhibited hypercalciuria and raised parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels [6], and, more importantly, by findings in patients with aldosterone-producing adenoma who also showed elevated serum PTH levels that were then normalized by adrenalectomy [7]. The effect of the adrenal hormones on bone metabolism in patients with primary aldosteronism is nicely addressed by L. Petramala et al. The authors sought to test the hypothesis that hyperaldosteronism may influence mineral homeostasis through higher urinary calcium excretion leading eventually to secondary hyperparathyroidism. Of further interest, G. Mazzocchi et al. showed that PTH stimulates aldosterone secretion in a concentration-dependent manner [8], a finding that was complemented by the demonstration of the miner-alocorticoid receptor in the human parathyroid cells [9]. It is well established that a substantial amount of sodium is bound to proteoglycans of bone, connective tissue, and cartilage and that the osmotic force created by the high sodium concentration maintains the high water content in the latter tissue, allowing it to withstand high pressures during exercise [10]. In this special issue P. Alonso et al. further expand on the relationships between the adrenal gland and the skeleton by showing a reduction in the bone mineral densit

    A case of acute aortic dissection type b associated with cushing's syndrome

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    We report a case of a 63-year-old man, with a previous history of hypertension and glucose intolerance associated troncular obesity that was emergently admitted to our Institution for evaluation of a severe, constant posterior chest pain which radiated anteriorly and dyspnoea with a suspected diagnosis of acute aortic dissection. A CT scan of thorax and abdomen demonstrated a dissection starting just below left succlavian artery and extending downward to the left renal artery, involving the celiac tripod and superior mesenteric artery. The dissection was classified as Stanford B, De Bakey III. Moreover, CT scan of abdomen revealed incidentally a left adrenal tumor of 25 mm of diameter. An emergent prosthetic graft was placed just below the origin of the left succlavian artery up-to the diaphragmatic hiatus. Furthermore, a diagnostic evaluation of the mass revealed an increase of cortisol production, and a diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome was done and the patient underwent an adrenalectomy via laparotomic approach. We report an association of acute aortic dissection of acute aortic dissection type B associated to Cushing's syndrome. Cushing's syndrome; Adrenocortical adenoma; Aortic dissection type B
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