33 research outputs found

    Perissophlebiodes flinti Savage (Ephemeroptera; Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae): new occurrence, distribution and comments about its identification

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    Perissophlebiodes flinti Savage 1982, descrita para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e sem registros desde 1977, é agora registrada para o Estado de São Paulo. São feitos comentários sobre a distribuição e sugestões para identificação das ninfas de Leptophlebiidae neotropicais com duas asas.Perissophlebiodes flinti Savage 1982, described from the State of Rio de Janeiro, and without new records since 1977, is now recorded for the State of São Paulo. Comments on distribution and suggestions for identification of two-winged neotropical leptophlebiids are made.FAPESP - BIOT

    Diversidade de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) da Serra da Mantiqueira e Serra do Mar, região Sudeste do Brasil

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    Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. The aim of this study was to inventory the mayfly fauna, based on nymphal and alate stages, in Serra da Mantiqueira and in Serra do Mar, Sao Paulo State, as well as to present information about habitats used by the genera. Nymphs were collected in several streams and mesohabitats with a Surber sampler and the winged stages with light attraction methods, entomological nets, and Malaise traps. In all, eight families and 33 genera were recorded, representing a very significant portion of the Brazilian fauna (80% of families and 49% of genera). Furthermore, it was possible to identify 11 species, of which two are new records for the state: Tricorythodes santarita Traver and Caenis reissi Malzacher. Despite the high diversity recorded, the accumulation curves presented an ascending form, indicating an increase in the number of genera with additional sampling effort. The high richness found in these areas are in agreement with the high biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest biome and the sampling effort employed, which included the use of different methods, the collection of both nymphs and winged stages, and the sampling of a large area with diverse streams and habitats.O objetivo do trabalho foi inventariar a fauna de Ephemeroptera, com base em ninfas e estágios alados, da Serra da Mantiqueira e Serra do Mar no estado de São Paulo, bem como gerar informações sobre os hábitats utilizados pelos gêneros registrados. As ninfas foram colecionadas em diversos riachos e mesohábitats com amostrador de Surber e os alados por métodos de atração luminosa, rede entomológica e armadilha de Malaise. Considerando o esforço conjunto de todos os métodos de coleta foram registradas oito famílias e 33 gêneros, o que representa uma porção bastante significativa da fauna brasileira (80% das famílias e 49% dos gêneros). Além disso, foi possível identificar 11 espécies, das quais Tricorythodes santarita Traver e Caenis reissi Malzacher são novos registros para o estado. Apesar da alta diversidade registrada, as curva de acumulação de gêneros não atingiram a assíntota, indicando um aumento no número de gêneros com o incremento do esforço amostral. A alta riqueza encontrada nesse estudo está de acordo com a grande biodiversidade do bioma Mata Atlântica e ao esforço amostral empregado, que abrangeu o uso de diferentes métodos de coleta, coleta de ninfas e estágios alados e amostragem de uma grande área com diversos riachos e habitats.Fundacao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [05/59778-4

    Assessment of chromium contamination in the Monte Alegre stream: a case study

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    The aim of this work was to study the contamination by chromium in the sediments of the Monte Alegre stream and in the larvae of Odonata and the possible impact caused by them on the stream macroinvertebrates community. It was found that chromium contaminated the sediments and the aquatic biota. Although, the stream macroinvertebrates community structure did not appear to be modified.We would like to thank Professor Pedro P. Corbi and Dra. Vanessa Colombo-Corbi for valuable suggestions made during the research. Financial support was granted by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation, Brazil), (Process numbers 2006/61400-2 and 2003/10517-9

    Comportamento mecânico de materiais compósitos de origem natural

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia MecânicaA deterioração do meio ambiente tem levado a uma crescente preocupação de ordem ambiental, sendo que existe uma necessidade premente de promover a reciclagem dos materiais usados em Engenharia. O aumento da utilização de materiais compósitos nas mais variadas indústrias, conjugado com a preocupação pelo meio ambiente, tem promovido o estudo sobre a incorporação de materiais de origem natural em materiais compósitos, de modo a reduzir o impacto ambiental dos mesmos. Esta necessidade constitui uma vertente a explorar sempre que as aplicações em causa assim o permitirem e sem comprometer os desempenhos conseguidos através de materiais como os polímeros de origem sintética. Apesar de existirem estudos que incidem sobre a utilização de fibras ou outros agentes de reforço de origem natural, existe ainda necessidade de desenvolver estudos mais aprofundados conducentes à caracterização do comportamento mecânico destes materiais sendo por isso uma área de investigação emergente e que se pretende desenvolver no corrente trabalho. Com a modelação por elementos finitos de compósitos reforçados a fibra de cânhamo, conclui-se que o desempenho do material, face ao aumento da percentagem do volume de fibra no domínio do estudo, apresenta uma melhoria das suas propriedades. Do mesmo modo conclui-se que o Módulo de Elasticidade na direção das fibras (E1) demonstra grande influência nas propriedades finais do material. Assim, é possível a avaliação do seu interesse e aplicabilidade no ramo da Engenharia.The deterioration of the environment has led to a growing concern for the well-being of the environment, and there is a pressing need to promote the recycling of materials used in Engineering. The increase in the use of composite materials in the most varied industries, coupled with the concern for the environment, has promoted the need to study and incorporate materials of natural origin in composite materials, in order to reduce their environmental impact. This necessity is an area of science to be explored wherever the materials and their applications permit and without compromising the performances achieved for example through other materials, such as polymers of synthetic origin. Although there are studies that focus on the use of fibers or other reinforcing agents of natural origin as well the use of resin of natural origin, there is still a need to develop more in-depth studies leading to the characterization of the mechanical behavior of these materials and therefore is an emerging area of research and one that is intended to develop in the current work. The analysis of the modelation using the Finite Element Method of the hemp fiber reinforced composites, allows to conclude that the performance of the material, due to the increase of the fiber volume percentage in the studied area, shows an improvement of its properties. In addition, the direction of the fibers shows great influence on the final properties of the material. Thus, it is possible to evaluate their interest and applicability in the field of engineering.N/

    Gripopteryx Pictet 1841

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    Key to adult males of <i>Gripopteryx</i> (Pictet 1841) <p>1 Tergum 10 large, apex more or less straight in dorsal view; paraprocts long, broader at mid–length, bent dorso–anteriorly, (Fig. 10a, b).............................................................................................. 2</p> <p> - Apex of tergum 10 approximately triangular in shape [but squarish in <i>G. ga rbe i</i>] (Fig. 10h)........................... 3</p> <p> 2 Tergum 10 with posterolateral expansions (Fig. 10a); apex of paraprocts with a small sharp point directed outward (Fig. 6 c)................................................................................................. <i>G. flinti</i></p> <p> - Tergum abdominal 10 without posterolateral expansions (Fig. 10b); apex of paraprocts rounded................. <i>G. elisae</i></p> <p>3 Wings with homogeneous dark brown or black coloration...................................................... 4</p> <p>- Wings gray or yellowish, with some irregular spots........................................................... 6</p> <p> 4 Paraprocts uniformly broad; sclerotized epiproct present (Fig. 10c).................................... <i>G. cancellata</i></p> <p>- Paraprocts locally dilated and apices curved back; sclerotized epiproct absent...................................... 5</p> <p> 5 Paraprocts long, broad, curved over 10th tergum; apex broadly rounded (Fig. 3 c)......................... <i>G. brasiliensis</i></p> <p> - Paraprocts long, relatively thin, not curved over 10th tergum; apex narrowly pointed, curved dorsally (Fig. 10d and 10e)................................................................................................ <i>G. serrensis</i></p> <p>6 Paraprocts with dorsally hooked apex in lateral view (Fig. 2 c and 10f)............................................ 7</p> <p>- Paraprocts without dorsally hooked apex, apex rounded in lateral view........................................... 8</p> <p> 7 Small species, forewing 8.5–9.3 mm long; general coloration pale, (see terminalia in Figs. 10f–g)............... <i>G. g a r b e i</i></p> <p> - Large species, forewing 16.5–18.6 mm long; general coloration gray, (see terminalia in Fig. 2 b–d)............ <i>G. reticulata</i></p> <p>8 Subgenital plate with shallow notch apically (Fig. 10i)........................................................9</p> <p>- Subgenital plate without shallow notch apically............................................................. 11</p> <p> 9 Paraprocts moderately wide, apicomesal portions deeply concave (Fig. 10h and 10i)......................... <i>G. p i ni m a</i></p> <p>- Paraprocts moderately narrow, without concavity to near apices................................................ 10</p> <p> 10 Paraprocts flattened (Fig. 11a), relatively narrow (Fig. 11b); subgenital plate covers all sternum 10 (Fig. 11b)........ <i>G. liana</i></p> <p> - Paraprocts not flattened (Fig. 11b), medium broad (Fig. 7 d); subgenital plate not covering all sternum 10 (Fig. 7 c and 7d)............................................................................................... <i>G. japi</i> <b>n. sp.</b></p> <p>11 Epiproct with rounded apex; paraproct relatively broad and not concave dorsally.................................. 12</p> <p> - Epiproct short and pointed (Fig. 9 e); paraproct very broad (Fig. 9 c) and concave dorsally (Fig. 9 b)......... <i>G. clemira</i> <b>n. sp.</b></p> <p>12 Paraprocts relatively wide; epiproct not projecting beyond 10th tergum (Fig.10h); no sparse, long pilosity on antennae and legs................................................................................................... 13</p> <p> - Paraprocts slender, epiproct projecting beyond 10th tergum (Fig. 11d); sparse long pilosity on antennae and legs..... <i>G. pilosa</i></p> <p>13 Paraprocts in lateral view wider apically and slightly slender basally (Fig. 11g).................................... 14</p> <p> - Paraprocts in lateral view of uniform thickness throughout (Fig. 11c).................................... <i>G. ma cu lo sa</i></p> <p> 14 Apex of 10th tergum strongly turned ventrally, terminating close to tip of epiproct (Fig. 11e–f)................... <i>G. j ue t ah</i></p> <p> - Apex of 10th tergum not strongly turned ventrally, apex terminating far from epiproct (Fig. 11g)................ <i>G. coruja</i></p>Published as part of <i>Lecci, Lucas Silveira & Froehlich, Claudio Gilberto, 2011, Taxonomic revision of Gripopteryx (Pictet, 1841) (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae), pp. 1-21 in Zootaxa 2792</i> on page 17, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/276976">10.5281/zenodo.276976</a&gt