38 research outputs found

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) : part 7, new name for Cyra Mulsant, review of Brachiacanthini genera, and systematic revision of Cleothera Mulsant, Hinda Mulsant and Serratitibia Gordon and Canepari, new genus

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    Genera of Brachiacanthini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Hyperaspidinae) are discussed and a key to all recognized genera provided. Cyrea, new genus, is proposed, and Serratitibia, new genus, is erected and revised, Cleothera Mulsant and Hinda Mulsant are recognized as valid genera and revised. Helesius caseyi Sicard is transferred to Hinda and recognized as a synonym of Hinda designata Mulsant, new synonymy. Brachiacantha brethesi (Korschefsky), Cleothera abendrothi Kirsch, Cleothera ambigua Mulsant, Cleothera bisquatuorpustulata Mulsant, Cleothera decemsignata Mulsant, Cleothera gaillardi Mulsant, Cleothera humerata Mulsant, Cleothera tortuosa Mulsant, Cleothera traili Brèthes, Cleothera uncinata Mulsant, Hinda joeli Almeida and Milléo, Hinda modesta Weise, Hinda regularis Kirsch, Hyperaspis aliciae Crotch, and Hyperaspis fraudulenta Kirsch are transferred to Serratitibia, becoming new combinations. One new species of Hinda, H. ecuadorica, is described. A total of 73 new species of Serratitibia are described: Serratitibia amanda, S. andrea, S. angela, S. anna, S. ashley, S. barbara, S. barclayi, S. betty, S. beverly, S. bonnie, S. brenda, S. cheryl, S. christine, S. cynthia, S. debra, S. denise, S. donna, S. doris, S. elizabeth, S. evelyn, S. frances, S. gloria, S. heather, S. helen, S. irene, S. jacqueline, S. janet, S. janice, S. jean, S. jennifer, S. joan, S. joyce, S. judith, S. judy, S. julie, S. karen, S. katherine, S. kathleen, S. kathy, S. kelly, S. kimberly, S. laura, S. linda, S. lisa, S. loreto, S. lori, S. louise, S. margaret, S. marilyn, S. mary, S. martha, S. melissa, S. michelle, S. mildred, S. nancy, S. nicole, S. pamela, S. paprzycki, S. patricia, S. quincemil, S. rachel, S. rebecca, S. rose, S. ruby, S. ruth, S. sarah, S. satipoensis, S. shirley, S. stephanie, S. susan, S. tammy, S. teresa, and S. virginia. Lectotypes are here designated for Serratitibia lividipes, S. gaillardi, S. decemsignata, S. abendrothi, and S. ambigua

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) : part 15, systematic revision of Dilatitibialis Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini)

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    Dilatitibialis Duverger (61 species) (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae: Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini) is discussed, species described, illustrations provided, and a key to all recognized taxa included. Cleothera cognata Mulsant, Cleothera cruciferae Mulsant, Cleothera fuscomaculata Mulsant, Cleothera gaynoni Mulsant, Cleothera glyphica Mulsant, Cleothera jucunda Mulsant, Cleothera luteola Mulsant, Cleothera mulsanti Kirsch, Cleothera oseryi Mulsant, Cleothera poortmanni Mulsant, Cleothera scenica Mulsant, Cleothera semicincta Weise, Cleothera tropicalis Mulsant, Hinda guttipennis Weise, Hyperaspis carolinae Crotch, Hyperaspis ceciliae Crotch, Hyperaspis dilatata Crotch, Hyperaspis florifera Vogel, Hyperaspis gravabilis Brèthes, Hyperaspis hybridula Crotch, Hyperaspis laterinotata Brèthes, Hyperaspis silvani Crotch, and Hyperaspis suzannae Crotch are transferred to Dilatitibialis, becoming new combinations. Lectotypes are designated for D. boliviana, D. cognata, D. florifera, D. fuscomaculata, D. gaynoni, D. glyphica, D. gravabilis, D. guttipennis, D. luteola, D. jucunda, D. mulsanti. D. poortmanni, D. retigera, D. scenica, D. semicincta, and D. staudingeri. A total of 38 new species of Dilatitibialis are described: Dilatitibialis annie, D. carmen, D. cindy, D. connie, D. crystal, D. dawn, D. diana, D. edith, D. edna, D. elaine, D. ellen, D. emily, D. ethel, D. fallax, D. florence, D. gladys, D. grace, D. josephine, D. kim, D. lillian, D. lois, D. marjorie, D. norma, D. paula, D. peggy, D. phyllis, D. rita, D. robin, D. rosa, D. shannon, D. sheila, D. sherry, D. sylvia, D. thelma, D. tiffany, D. tina, D. tracy, and D. wendy. Corrections are made to titles of previous Parts of this series, as follows: South American Coccinellidae, Part XII (Gordon 2007) is changed to Part XIII; South American Coccinellidae, Part XII (Gordon et al. 2013) is changed to Part XIV

    Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) from the Nepal Himalayas

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    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: Systematic revision of the genera \u3ci\u3eCyrea\u3c/i\u3e Gordon and Canepari and \u3ci\u3eTiphysa\u3c/i\u3e Mulsant (Hyperaspidinae: Brachiacanthini)

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    Cyrea Gordon and Canepari (121 species) and Tiphysa Mulsant (2 species) are discussed, species are described, illustrations are provided, and a key to all recognized species is included. New synonyms recognized are: Hyperaspis arrowi var. darwini Brèthes = Cyrea arrowi (Brèthes); Hyperaspis trivittata Weise, Hyperaspis mundula Weise = Cyrea emiliae (Mulsant); Cleothera scapulata Mulsant, Cleothera mercabilis Mulsant, Hyperaspis iheringi Weise = Cyrea flavoguttata (Mulsant); Cleothera gracilis Mulsant = Cyrea hexastigma (Mulsant); Cleothera triacantha Mulsant = Cyrea novemsignata (Herbst); Cleothera distinguenda Mulsant = Cyrea ormanceayi (Mulsant); Cleothera sexnotata Brèthes = Cyrea quinquenotata (Mulsant); Cleothera schaufussi Vogel and Hyperaspis adelaida Gorham = Cyrea tessulata (Mulsant). A total of 76 new species of Cyrea are described: Cyrea agnes, C. allison, C.alma, C. annette, C. arlene, C. audrey, C. beatrice, C. bernice, C. bessie, C. brittany, C. carla, C. charlene, C. claudia, C. colleen, C. constance, C. courtney, C. dana, C. dolores, C. dora, C. eileen, C. ella, elsie, erica, georgia, gertrude, gina, glenda, heidi, holly, ida, jackie, jeanne, jeannette, jessie, jo, C. joy, C. june, C. katie, C. kristen, C. laurie, C. lillie, C. lucille, C. lucy, C. lydia, C. marcia, C. marian, C. marion, C. marlene, C. mattie, C. maureen, C. maxine, C. melanie, C. melinda, C. minnie, C. natalia, C. nellie, C. pearl, C. pseudospinalis, C. renee, C. roberta, C. rosemary, C. samantha, C. stacy, C. stella, C. sue, C. tamara, C. tanya, C. tara, C. terry, C. vanessa, C. vera, C. vicki, C. viola, C. vivian, C. willie, C. wilma, C. yolanda, C. yvonne. Lectotypes here designated for C. collaris, C. compta, C. distinguenda, C. exclamationis, C. fasciata, C. ferruginiceps, C. flavoguttata, C. iheringi, C. languida, C. maculosa, C. melaneura, C. mundula, C. noticollis, C. novemsignata, C. ormanceayi, C. ornaticolis, C. quinquenotata, C. renifera, C. schaufussi, C. sexguttata, C. spinalis, C. tessulata, C. trepida, C. triacanth

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVI: systematic revision of \u3ci\u3eBrachiacantha\u3c/i\u3e Dejean (Coccinellinae: Hyperaspidini)

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    Brachiacantha Dejean (Coccinellinae: Hyperaspidini), containing 49 species, is discussed, species described, illustrations provided, and a key to all recognized taxa included. Coccinella octopustulata F., Cleothera groendali Mulsant, Hyperaspis argentinica Weise, Hyperaspis blandula Weise, and Hyperaspis egae Crotch are transferred to Brachiacantha. Cleothera billoti parva Mulsant is recognized as a valid species and transferred to Brachiacantha. Brachiacantha arrowi Brèthes, Brachiacantha australe Leng, Brachiacantha manni Nunenmacher, and Brachiacantha propria Kirsch are recognized as synonyms of Brachiacantha groendali (Mulsant). A total of 29 new species of Brachiacantha are described; B. amber, B. anita, B. april, B. cathy, B. clara, B. charlotte, B. danielle, B. darlene, B. debbie, B. eleanor, B. emma, B. esther, B. eva, B. gail, B. hazel, B. jamie, B. joanne, B. jill, B. juanita, B. lauren, B. leslie, B. lynn, B. monica, B. pauline, B. pseudoarrowi, B. regina, B. sally, B. valerie, and B. veronica. Lectotypes are designated for B. argentinica (Weise), B. armandi (Mulsant), B. arrowi Brèthes, B. bahiensis Brethès, B. bilineata Weise, B. blandula Weise, B. bruchi Weise, B. loricata (Mulsant), B. octopustulata (F.), B. propria Kirsch

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XV: systematic revision of \u3ci\u3eDilatitibialis\u3c/i\u3e Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini)

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    Abstract. Dilatitibialis Duverger (61 species) (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae: Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini) is discussed, species described, illustrations provided, and a key to all recognized taxa included. Cleothera cognata Mulsant, Cleothera cruciferae Mulsant, Cleothera fuscomaculata Mulsant, Cleothera gaynoni Mulsant, Cleothera glyphica Mulsant, Cleothera jucunda Mulsant, Cleothera luteola Mulsant, Cleothera mulsanti Kirsch, Cleothera oseryi Mulsant, Cleothera poortmanni Mulsant, Cleothera scenica Mulsant, Cleothera semicincta Weise, Cleothera tropicalis Mulsant, Hinda guttipennis Weise, Hyperaspis carolinae Crotch, Hyperaspis ceciliae Crotch, Hyperaspis dilatata Crotch, Hyperaspis florifera Vogel, Hyperaspis gravabilis Brèthes, Hyperaspis hybridula Crotch, Hyperaspis laterinotata Brèthes, Hyperaspis silvani Crotch, and Hyperaspis suzannae Crotch are transferred to Dilatitibialis, becoming new combinations. Lectotypes are designated for D. boliviana, D. cognata, D. florifera, D. fuscomaculata, D. gaynoni, D. glyphica, D. gravabilis, D. guttipennis, D. luteola, D. jucunda, D. mulsanti. D. poortmanni, D. retigera, D. scenica, D. semicincta, and D. staudingeri. A total of 38 new species of Dilatitibialis are described: Dilatitibialis annie, D. carmen, D. cindy, D. connie, D. crystal, D. dawn, D. diana, D. edith, D. edna, D. elaine, D. ellen, D. emily, D. ethel, D. fallax, D. florence, D. gladys, D. grace, D. josephine, D. kim, D. lillian, D. lois, D. marjorie, D. norma, D. paula, D. peggy, D. phyllis, D. rita, D. robin, D. rosa, D. shannon, D. sheila, D. sherry, D. sylvia, D. thelma, D. tiffany, D. tina, D. tracy, and D. wendy. Corrections are made to titles of previous Parts of this series, as follows: South American Coccinellidae, Part XII (Gordon 2007) is changed to Part XIII; South American Coccinellidae, Part XII (Gordon et al. 2013) is changed to Part XIV. Four new synonymies established here: Cleothera staudingeri Weise, 1901 = Cleothera semicincta Weise, 1899; Hyperaspis pulcherrima Mader, 1954 = Hyperaspis suzannae Crotch, 1874; Cleothera boliviana Weise, 1910 = Hyperaspis carolinae Crotch, 1874; Cleothera retigera Mulsant, 1850 = Cleothera scenica Mulsant, 1850

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVI: systematic revision of Brachiacantha Dejean (Coccinellinae: Hyperaspidini)

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    Brachiacantha Dejean (Coccinellinae: Hyperaspidini), containing 49 species, is discussed, species described, illustrations provided, and a key to all recognized taxa included. Coccinella octopustulata F., Cleothera groendali Mulsant, Hyperaspis argentinica Weise, Hyperaspis blandula Weise, and Hyperaspis egae Crotch are transferred to Brachiacantha. Cleothera billoti parva Mulsant is recognized as a valid species and transferred to Brachiacantha. Brachiacantha arrowi Brèthes, Brachiacantha australe Leng, Brachiacantha manni Nunenmacher, and Brachiacantha propria Kirsch are recognized as synonyms of Brachiacantha groendali (Mulsant). A total of 29 new species of Brachiacantha are described; B. amber, B. anita, B. april, B. cathy, B. clara, B. charlotte, B. danielle, B. darlene, B. debbie, B. eleanor, B. emma, B. esther, B. eva, B. gail, B. hazel, B. jamie, B. joanne, B. jill, B. juanita, B. lauren, B. leslie, B. lynn, B. monica, B. pauline, B. pseudoarrowi, B. regina, B. sally, B. valerie, and B. veronica. Lectotypes are designated for B. argentinica (Weise), B. armandi (Mulsant), B. arrowi Brèthes, B. bahiensis Brethès, B. bilineata Weise, B. blandula Weise, B. bruchi Weise, B. loricata (Mulsant), B. octopustulata (F.), B. propria Kirsch

    Hyperaspidinae Mulsant

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    Hyperaspidinae Mulsant <p>Hyperaspiens Mulsant, 1850: 495.</p> <p>Hyperaspidae Berg, 1874: 291.</p> <p>Hyperaspides Crotch, 1873: 363; Crotch 1874: 208.</p> <p>Hyperaspites Chapuis, 1876: 166.</p> <p>Hyperaspinae Duverger, 1989: 143.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Small to medium size. Form primarily round, convex, often elongate, slightly flattened. Dorsal surface glabrous except clypeus and often frons next to eye pubescent (except <i>Blaisdelliana</i> Gordon which is entirely pubescent). Antenna short, with 9–11 articles, club elongate, fusiform, apical antennomere small, recessed in preceding article; antennal insertion exposed or concealed. Eye large, entire, emarginate or not by eye canthus, finely faceted, without pubescence. Maxillary palpus with apical segment securiform. Scutellum usually large. Tarsus cryptotetramerous. Abdomen with 6 visible ventrites, small glandular pores between ventrites 2–3 and 3–4 present, with or without large primary pores between ventrites 4–5, male with an additional visible apical tergite in Brachiacanthini.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Mulsant (1850) listed three members of his “Premier Groupe,” Coccinelliens, Chilocoriens, and Hyperaspiens. In that same work, he later listed and defined the various “Branches” of Hyperaspiens, which included Brachiacanthaires, Hyperaspiares, Thalassaires, and Tiphysaires, thus he was the first to group taxa in a hierarchical fashion extending his 1846 treatment. Therefore, we consider Mulsant (1846) the author of the modern term “ Hyperaspidinae.”</p> <p>Since 1850 the hyperaspidine genera have variously been assigned to Hyperaspini in the subfamily Scymninae, or placed as a tribe within the Chilocorinae (Sasaji 1968). Duverger (1989) defined Hyperaspidini and Brachiacanthini, listing them as the only tribes comprising Hyperaspidinae. Coccinellidae classification has been discussed by various authors in recent years, and Slipinski (2007) stated that he has, at least temporarily, lumped most of the tribes including Hyperaspini together as Coccidulinae. Here we retain the classical classification which recognizes the subfamily Hyperaspidinae to simplify references to previous usage.</p>Published as part of <i>Gordon, Robert D., Canepari, Claudio & Hanley, Guy A., 2013, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XII: New name for Cyra Mulsant, review of Brachiacanthini genera, and systematic revision of Cleothera Mulsant, Hinda Mulsant and Serratitibia Gordon and Canepari, new genus, pp. 1-150 in Insecta Mundi 2013 (278)</i> on page 6, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4531577">10.5281/zenodo.4531577</a&gt

    South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XV: systematic revision of Dilatitibialis Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini)

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    Canepari, Claudio, Gordon, Robert D., Hanley, Guy A. (2013): South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XV: systematic revision of Dilatitibialis Duverger (Coccidulinae; Hyperaspidini). Insecta Mundi 2013 (312): 1-91, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.517651