30 research outputs found

    Fine-mapping and validation of the genomic region underpinning pear red skin colour

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    Crop genetics: What makes a pear red? Researchers in New Zealand have produced a map of genetic variants linked with red skin color in pears, opening the door to identifying the genes responsible. Satish Kumar and others at the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited measured the skin color of 550 hybrid pear seedlings and sequenced their genomes. Combining these data produced a map of 7,500 variants throughout the genome and identified those associated with red skin color. The most significant variant accounted for about 15% of the color variation. Further analysis of that genomic region revealed several genes which might be related to red skin color. The genomic map produced by this study will improve breeding efficiency by making it possible to screen seedlings for fruit color, but further research is necessary to characterize the candidate genes

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Genetic control of pear rootstock-induced dwarfing and precocity is linked to a chromosomal region syntenic to the apple Dw1 loci

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    Alignment of linkage groups from ‘Louise Bonne de Jersey’ (LBJ) and ‘Old Home’ (OH) pears with the maps of ‘Moonglow’ (Moon) and PEAR1 (Montanari et al., 2013). The markers are named using the NCBI dbSNP accessions and their positions are indicated in centiMorgan. Microsatellite markers mapped in the ‘Moonglow’ x PEAR1 population are underlined. The linkage group (LG) numbering system is consistent with the apple LG numbering. Identified QTLs are shown with blue symbols coming from OH and brown symbols from LBJ. The Dw1 flanking marker Hi01c04 (underlined and red) mapped to LG5 of OH. (PDF 306 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Genetic control of pear rootstock-induced dwarfing and precocity is linked to a chromosomal region syntenic to the apple Dw1 loci

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    Pearson correlation (first cell) and P-value (second cell) of all the traits measured over four years in the ‘Old Home’ x ‘Louise Bonne de Jersey’ OHxLBJ segregating pear population. Branches: branches per tree; Height: total tree height; Inflorescence: inflorescences per tree; Nodes: nodes per tree; Spurs: spurs per tree; TCAtrunk: trunk cross-sectional area 20 cm above graft unit; TCAroot: TCA of rootstock; TCAsec: TCA secondary growth of the main axis; TCAtert: TCA tertiary growth of the main axis. (PDF 164 kb