15 research outputs found

    Nicht-propositionales Wissen aus LiteraturlektĂŒre und Bedingungen seiner Darstellbarkeit in Wikipedia-EintrĂ€gen zu literarischen Werken

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    Given that Wikipedia entries are likely to extert a strong influence on how literary texts are perceived - due to their preferential ranking in Google - there is some demand that research dealing with the transfer of knowledge on literature to the public be more concerned with looking into both the content that is available for free on the Web and any aspect that may come with writing about literature for free. This contribution argues from within Wikipedia's multidisciplinary consensus-driven space in which propositional knowledge is given priority that it would be essential for entries on fiction to present non-propositional knowledge as being one of its hallmarks. For this aim, a special concept is developed that is designed to function as the study's formal object: "Erlesnis" (which in German is a pun that combines "Erlebnis" - adventure experience - and "lesen" - reading). It is defined as non-propositional knowledge that has been acquired in an individual reading process. Writing about one's own Erlesnis in new ways is being tried out in four essays, and on de.wikipedia.org an experiment is conducted to find out what community members think about the idea of including, in entries on fiction, sections specifically designed to report about what people felt like when reading a certain text. Finally, a draft typology of Erlesnis-writing is suggested. This contribution is the first of its kind internationally to deal with Wikipedia from the point of view of transfer of knowledge on literature to the public. For the theory of this field of research some new aspects are offered for debate

    Nicht-propositionales Wissen aus LiteraturlektĂŒre und Bedingungen seiner Darstellbarkeit in Wikipedia-EintrĂ€gen zu literarischen Werken

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    Given that Wikipedia entries are likely to extert a strong influence on how literary texts are perceived - due to their preferential ranking in Google - there is some demand that research dealing with the transfer of knowledge on literature to the public be more concerned with looking into both the content that is available for free on the Web and any aspect that may come with writing about literature for free. This contribution argues from within Wikipedia's multidisciplinary consensus-driven space in which propositional knowledge is given priority that it would be essential for entries on fiction to present non-propositional knowledge as being one of its hallmarks. For this aim, a special concept is developed that is designed to function as the study's formal object: "Erlesnis" (which in German is a pun that combines "Erlebnis" - adventure experience - and "lesen" - reading). It is defined as non-propositional knowledge that has been acquired in an individual reading process. Writing about one's own Erlesnis in new ways is being tried out in four essays, and on de.wikipedia.org an experiment is conducted to find out what community members think about the idea of including, in entries on fiction, sections specifically designed to report about what people felt like when reading a certain text. Finally, a draft typology of Erlesnis-writing is suggested. This contribution is the first of its kind internationally to deal with Wikipedia from the point of view of transfer of knowledge on literature to the public. For the theory of this field of research some new aspects are offered for debate

    Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in Open Science

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    Despite the internet’s dynamic and collaborative nature, scientists continue to produce grant proposals, lab notebooks, data files, conclusions etc. that stay in static formats or are not published online and therefore not always easily accessible to the interested public. Because of limited adoption of tools that seamlessly integrate all aspects of a research project (conception, data generation, data evaluation, peer-reviewing and publishing of conclusions), much effort is later spent on reproducing or reformatting individual entities before they can be repurposed independently or as parts of articles.

We propose that workflows - performed both individually and collaboratively - could potentially become more efficient if all steps of the research cycle were coherently represented online and the underlying data were formatted, annotated and licensed for reuse. Such a system would accelerate the process of taking projects from conception to publication stages and allow for continuous updating of the data sets and their interpretation as well as their integration into other independent projects.

A major advantage of such workflows is the increased transparency, both with respect to the scientific process as to the contribution of each participant. The latter point is important from a perspective of motivation, as it enables the allocation of reputation, which creates incentives for scientists to contribute to projects. Such workflow platforms offering possibilities to fine-tune the accessibility of their content could gradually pave the path from the current static mode of research presentation into
a more coherent practice of open science

    Wikis in scholarly publishing

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    Scientific research is a process concerned with the creation, collective accumulation, contextualization, updating and maintenance of knowledge. Wikis provide an environment that allows to collectively accumulate, contextualize, update and maintain knowledge in a coherent and transparent fashion. Here, we examine the potential of wikis as platforms for scholarly publishing. In the hope to stimulate further discussion, the article itself was drafted on "Species-ID":http://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Wikis_in_scholarly_publishing&oldid=3815 - a wiki that hosts a prototype for wiki-based scholarly publishing - where it can be updated, expanded or otherwise improved

    Digital objects as "transducers" in scientific web publishing

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    Scientific web publishing offers an attractive bundle of phenomena for feminist technoscientific investigation. This article focuses on research articles in scientific journals and aims at identifying a range of exclusionary practices in the current publishing system, which need to be critically addressed. For this purpose, the functionalities of digital objects are studied using the analogy of a piezoelectric crystal as a transducer in obstetric ultrasonography (Karen Barad 2001). This is embedded in the idea that scholarly communication, and publishing in particular, is characterized by an economy based on gift-giving-for-recognition

    Rankings bei Artikel-Publikationen? Mehr Transparenz! #altmetrics zeigt sinnvolle AnsĂ€tze – mit offenen Fragen

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    When measuring the impact of research articles, which context and whose criteria are being used? Under the heading of #altmetrics several initiatives are putting interesting ideas into practise with the aim to minimize the influence of the so-called Journal Impact Factor (JIF) in favour of Article Level Metrics (ALM). First, however, general issues of more transparency are addressed, and there are several unsolved issues as regards rankings of all kinds, also in #altmetrics. This contribution aims to point out some problematic correlations and contexts in an introductory and critical fashion

    Digital objects as "transducers" in scientific web publishing

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    Abstract: Scientific web publishing offers an attractive bundle of phenomena for feminist technoscientific investigation. This article focuses on research articles in scientific journals and aims at identifying a range of exclusionary practices in the current publishing system, which need to be critically addressed. For this purpose, the functionalities of digital objects are studied using the analogy of a piezoelectric crystal as a transducer in obstetric ultrasonograph

    References to the Welsh language in contemporary Welsh poetry in English

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    Bei dieser Studie handelt sich um ein vergleichendes „Close reading“ von 10 zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Gedichten aus Wales, die zwischen 1985 und 1995 veröffentlicht wurden. Ziel der Studie ist es, genauer in Augenschein zu nehmen, wie auf die kymrische Sprache zu poetischen Zwecken Bezug genommen wird bzw. wie sie verwendet wird. Die Autorin zeigt auf, dass es viele interessante und intrikate Wege gibt, etwas zu referenzieren, was fĂŒr einige weder hörbar noch sichtbar ist wĂ€hrend dieselbe Sache fĂŒr andere selbstverstĂ€ndlich zu sein scheint. Unter anderem werden die Konzepte des "code-switching" und der "inter-utterance" aus der Linguistik entlehnt, um die analytischen Werkzeuge zu schĂ€rfen. Abschließend leistet die Autorin einen Beitrag zur Weiterentwickelung des Begriffs der "Rollenlyrik" um Rollen, die in einer bilingualen Kultur (nicht) bilingual geprĂ€gt sind.This study is a comparative close reading exercise of ten contemporary poems from Wales, published in English between 1985 and 1995. It aims to take a close look at how the Welsh language is being referred to/being employed for poetic purposes. The author shows that there are many interesting and intricate ways of referencing what may be inaudible or invisible to some, and at the same time self-evident to others. Among other concepts, code-switching and inter-utterance from linguistics are being used to sharpen the analytic tools. Finally, the author develops the concept of "Rollenlyrik" further in order to include roles shaped by (missing) bilingualism in a bilingual culture

    Check‐listing digital objects in context

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    Altmetrics und Rankings bei Artikel-Publikationen FĂŒr mehr Transparenz

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    <p>Rankings bei Artikel-Publikationen? Mehr Transparenz! #altmetrics zeigt sinnvolle AnsĂ€tze – mit offenen Fragen. (November 2012)</p> <p>In welchem Kontext und nach wessen Kriterien wird der Einfluss (Impact) wissenschaftlicher Artikel gemessen? Verschiedene alternative Initiativen setzen mit dem Stichwort #altmetrics bereits Interessantes um, damit der sogenannte Journal Impact Factor (JIF) an Einfluss verliert – zugunsten von Article level metrics (ALM). ZunĂ€chst geht es allerdings allgemein um mehr Transparenz, und an ungelösten Fragen bezĂŒglich Rankings aller Art fehlt es auch bei #altmetrics nicht, meint Claudia Koltzenburg, die in ihrem einfĂŒhrenden Beitrag einige ZusammenhĂ€nge kritisch aufzeigt.</p