21 research outputs found

    Presencia de Pb, Cr y Ni en peces de la especie Xiphophorus birmanni del rio Calnali, Hidalgo

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    Los peces de la especie Xiphophorus birchmanni, habitan en arroyos rocosos poco profundos, son nativos de la cuenca del río Panuco, ésta especie está presentando afectaciones como la hibridación y disminución de la población, estos efectos pueden ser consecuencia del aumento de las actividades antropogénicas, dentro de los cuerpos de agua o por escorrentías que transportan contaminantes, incrementando las concentraciones de sustancias tóxicas, entre ellas los metales pesados como el Pb, Cr y Ni, siendo estos elementos tóxicos para el desarrollo y supervivencia de los organismos acuáticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar concentraciones de Pb, Cr y Ni en músculo y vísceras de peces de la especie Xiphophorus birchmanni. Los peces fueron recolectados en marzo del 2012, ubicando tres sitios de muestreo en el municipio de Calnali, Edo. de Hidalgo, que forma parte de la subcuenca del río Panuco. Se extrajeron músculo y vísceras de los peces, se secaron en una estufa y posteriormente se digestaron en microondas con ácido nítrico. El análisis de los metales pesados fue determinado en el equipo de Espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, modelo SpectrAA 880, marca Varian. Encontrando las concentraciones promedio de Pb>Ni>Cr, tanto en musculo como en vísceras en los tres sitios de muestreo

    Caracterización química de aguas subterráneas en pozos y un distribuidor de agua de Zimapán, Estado de Hidalgo, México

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    The characterization of the ground waters that supply the general distributor of water of Zimapán city, State of Hidalgo, Mexico and the distributor itself, is carried out in this work. Eleven sampling points have been selected in which 28 physical-chemical parameters of the collected water have been determined during 10 samplings distributed along one year (March of 1999-March of 2000). In general these waters present normal physicalchemical properties and are classified as bicarbonated-calcic and bicarbonated-mixed waters, with low levels  of sulfates, chlorides, sodium and potassium; with very high concentrations of As up to 550 ? g· l-1, exceeding in more than 10 times the norm NOM-127-SSA1-1994 for drinking water (Secretaria de Salud, 1996). The study of temporal variation showed significant seasonal variations with an increase in the concentrations of the total elements during the months of February and March (season of scarce rains) and a decrease in the months of April to July (season of rains), this is probably due to dilution effects caused by pluvial precipitation, which is infiltrated to the phreatic mantle. In addition, the supply wells and the points of sampling of the general distributor were correlated by means of a multi-varied analysis of physical-chemical properties.En este trabajo se llevó a cabo la caracterización de las aguas subterráneas que abastecen al distribuidor general de agua de la ciudad de Zimapán Hidalgo, México y del propio distribuidor. Para ello se seleccionaron 11 puntos de muestreo en los que se determinaron 28 parámetros fisico-químicos de las aguas colectadas durante 10 muestreos distribuidos a lo largo de un año (marzo de 1999-marzo de 2000). De forma general, estas aguas presentaron propiedades fisicoquímicas normales clasificadas como aguas bicarbonatadas-cálcicas y bicarbonatadas-mixtas con bajos niveles de sulfatos, cloruros, sodio y potasio; pero presentaron concentraciones de As muy elevadas de hasta 550 ? g· l-1, superando en más de 10 veces la norma NOM-127-SSA1-1994 para aguas potables (Secretaria de Salud, 1996). En el estudio de variación temporal se observaron cambios significativos de carácter estacional con incremento en las concentraciones de los elementos totales durante los meses de febrero y marzo (temporada de escasas lluvias) y una disminución de los mismos durante el período abril a julio (temporadas de lluvias), ésto último probablemente debido a efectos de la dilución causada por la precipitación pluvial que se infiltra al manto freático, además, se han correlacionado los pozos de suministro y los puntos de muestreo del distribuidor general mediante un análisis multivariado de las propiedades fisicoquímicas

    Retos actuales de la farmacia

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    Retos actuales de la farmacia es un proyecto que está coordinado por Leobargo Manuel Gómez Oliván y un equipo de investigadores que forman parte del claustro de la Facultad de Química en el área de posgrado, ellos han incentivado el espíritu investigador y científico de los estudiantes adscritos al programa para adentrarse en el ámbito farmacéutico. Los capítulos que conforman esta edición son el reflejo de la actividad académica desarrollada en este posgrado en las diferentes áreas de acentuación que lo conforman: farmacia molecular, farmacia social y tecnología farmacéutica

    Mis casos clínicos de especialidades odontológicas

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    Libro que muestra la atención de casos clínicos particulares referente a las diferentes especialidades odontológicasLibro que muestra la atención de casos clínicos particulares referente a las diferentes especialidades odontológicasUniversidad Autónoma de Campeche Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Design and Solution of a Surrogate Model for Portfolio Optimization Based on Project Ranking

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    Characterizing the preferences of a decision maker in a multicriteria decision is a complex task that becomes even harder if the information available is limited. This paper addresses a particular case of project portfolio selection; in this case, the measures of project impacts are not assumed, and the available information is only projects’ ranking and costs. Usually, resource allocation follows the ranking priorities until they are depleted. This action leads to a feasible solution, but not necessarily to a good portfolio. In this paper, a good portfolio is found by solving a multiobjective problem. To effectively address such dimensionality, the decision maker’s preferences in the form of a fuzzy relational system are incorporated in an ant-colony algorithm. The Region of Interest is approached by solving a surrogate triobjective problem. The results show that the reduction of the dimensionality supports the decision maker in choosing the best portfolio

    A Self-Adaptive Ant Colony System for Semantic Query Routing Problem in P2P Networks

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present a new algorithm to route text queries within a P2P network, called Neighboring-Ant Search (NAS) algorithm. The algorithm is based on the Ant Colony System metaheuristic and the SemAnt algorithm. More so, NAS is hybridized with local environment strategies of learning, characterization, and exploration. Two Learning Rules (LR) are used to learn from past performance, these rules are modified by three new Learning Functions (LF). A Degree-Dispersion-Coefficient (DDC) as a local topological metric is used for the structural characterization. A variant of the well-known one-step Lookahead exploration is used to search the nearby environment. These local strategies make NAS self-adaptive and improve the performance of the distributed search. Our results show the contribution of each proposed strategy to the performance of the NAS algorithm. The results reveal that NAS algorithm outperforms methods proposed in the literature, such as Random-Walk and SemAnt

    Performance Analysis of Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing Based on Decomposition

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    Simulated annealing is a metaheuristic that balances exploration and exploitation to solve global optimization problems. However, to deal with multi- and many-objective optimization problems, this balance needs to be improved due to diverse factors such as the number of objectives. To deal with this issue, this work proposes MOSA/D, a hybrid framework for multi-objective simulated annealing based on decomposition and evolutionary perturbation functions. According to the literature, the decomposition strategy allows diversity in a population while evolutionary perturbations add convergence toward the Pareto front; however, a question should be asked: What is the effect of such components when included as part of a multi-objective simulated annealing design? Hence, this work studies the performance of the MOSA/D framework considering in its implementation two widely used perturbation operators: classical genetic operators and differential evolution. The proposed algorithms are MOSA/D-CGO, based on classical genetic operators, and MOSA/D-DE, based on differential evolution operators. The main contribution of this work is the performance analysis of MOSA/D using both perturbation operators and identifying the one most suitable for the framework. The approaches were tested using DTLZ on two and three objectives and CEC2009 benchmarks on two, three, five, and ten objectives; the performance analysis considered diversity and convergence measured through the hypervolume (HV) and inverted generational distance (IGD) indicators. The results pointed out that there is a promising improvement in performance in favor of MOSA/D-DE

    Modeling Preferences through Personality and Satisfaction to Guide the Decision Making of a Virtual Agent

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    Satisfaction is relevant for decision makers (DM, Decision Makers). Satisfaction is the feeling produced in individuals by executing actions to satisfy their needs, for example, the payment of debts, jobs, or academic achievements, and the acquisition of goods or services. In the satisfaction literature, some theories model the satisfaction of individuals from job and customer approaches. However, considering personality elements to influence satisfaction and define preferences in strategies that optimize decision making provides the unique characteristics of a DM. These characteristics favor the scope of solutions closer to the satisfaction expectation. Satisfaction theories do not include specific elements of personality and preferences, so integrating these elements will offer more efficient decisions in computable models. In this work, a model of satisfaction with personality characteristics that influence the preferences of a DM is proposed. The proposed model is integrated into a preference-based optimizer that improves the decision-making process of a Virtual Decision Maker (VDM) in an optimization context. The optimization context addressed in this work is the product selection process within a food product shopping problem. An experimental design is proposed that compares two configurations that represent the cognitive part of an agent’s decision process to validate the operation of the proposed model in the context of optimization: (1) satisfaction, personality, and preferences, and (2) personality and preferences. The results show that considering satisfaction and personality in combination with preferences provides solutions closer to the interests of an individual, reflecting a more realistic behavior. Furthermore, this work demonstrates that it is possible to create a configurable model that allows adapting to different aptitudes and reflecting them in a computable model